King's Business - 1952-10

Struck Across With Urgency!

By Edwin Raymond Anderson

W E need to be forcibly reminded of the significant fact that one of the strongest notes for revival is struck across with the white heat of urgency. Quite sig­ nificantly, too, this strong note is to be found in the last book of the Bible. It would seem that God would not close the divine record without once again sounding a note for that which is underscored with the great drive of urgency. We need to recall that word, once and again, over and over: “ Repent, or else” (Rev. 2:16)! Theologians have a way of speaking of this time-period, as being the “and/or” era. But I feel that it would be more scriptural and accurate to underscore it as the “ repent or else” age. For here the matter is brought down to basic bed­ rock. It is not the question of our regard, but rather the solemn answer of aligning our hearts with that which the Lord God has marked as the urgency of the times. There must be repentance, renewal, recovery, revival . . . or else! There is no middle ground. There is no other way. Of course, we are aware of the fact that there is a good deal of “ talk-and-tale” about revival these days. More than one has remarked, “ Revival is in the air.” It would be better if it were in the heart than in the air! But then, it would appear that while there is a good deal of discussion about revival, there is scarcely much else. Indeed, it almost seems to be the present fashion to be concerned with revival! Alas, that we seem to have fashions in religion, as in other realms! Right now, this appears “the thing to do and to say,” if one is to be classed as sound. But if that is all the boundary to this business, then it is marked as most unsound. Revival may be fashionable to some. But for those of us who truly sigh for the sins in our midst, it ought to be, if I may use the modern term, fissionable, rather than fash­ ionable. Rather than being the right thing for discussion, it ought to verily and desperately become the only thing for decision and drive and determination. As such it will become a thing of pressure that begins first in the innermost recesses, under the superintendency of the Holy Spirit of God. And dare we think that He can brook anything which is merely fashionable? Watch Out for the Whitewash! By John E. Boehmer* T HE Lord Jesus said, “ Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord . . . And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matt. 7:22,23). Beloved, I would speak to you about a very serious mat­ ter—the counterfeiting of spiritual realities. Everything of real value is subject to imitation and simulation. There are glass diamonds, quack doctors, and counterfeit currencies. “ All that glitters is not gold.” The spiritual realm is not exempt. Those who have received Jesus Christ into their lives as Saviour and Lord need to be on their guard lest they accept Satan’s counterfeits—a false surrender that is merely passive and does not involve the will; an entirely negative separation which is used to substitute for true holiness and power; an outward demonstration which is not rooted in personal expe­ rience with the Lord. We are all experts in detecting spiritual whitewash—ex­ cept when our own heart is affected. Let us come into the holy presence of God and humbly, honestly search our hearts by His Word and will to see if we have been deceived and deceiving. *Pastor of High Park Baptist Church, Toronto, Canada.

Well, perhaps for that very reason, revival is only a fashion to so many. Well do they realize in the secret depths and the hidden places of heart and life, that, under this overturning work of God the Holy Spirit, fashion is always flamed away before fission. And they are not quite prepared for that. Yes, not quite prepared; even with all of their doctrinal correctness, and trimming of theological techni­ calities ! The Lord God addresses His searching note of urgency to those who need it the most, but who perhaps feel the least conscious of it. Perhaps He spoke it to this church at Per- gamos in the very midst of some form of “ revival meeting.” Who can tell? Maybe some of the members were rather adept at the presentatidn of correct theses concerning the “whys- and-wherefores” of revival regards. But with them, as with so many of us, it only becomes in stark, naked truth, a kind of “ fundamentalists heresy,” with the dynamic, “ repent or else” of the Lord shunted aside into the distance of the pious secondary. There can be the mere multiplying of words about this vital business. But that of itself will never move a measure of meaning. Most of us have been hearing and reading this for long Christian years. We have given the mental assent. And we could hardly do much less, if we are at all intelligent as to the end-times course of affairs. But it may well be, that many of us have been hearing and reading too much and too long, and have come to feel that mental assent limits the subject and marks the outer­ most measurements. Indeed there may be a subtle kind of spiritual familiarity which breeds a kind of contempt, so far as these deeper, driving determinations are indicated. We desperately need a recovery of the Lord’s Word for the people of the Lord, for this business, so that heeding hasten forward to holy honour. In basic truth, it is: “ repent or else.” It is our business to bury ourselves in this bold basic, if there shall be any measure of true blessing, and the genuine bene­ diction of the reviving Lord abide upon us, in fruitage and with power. The Perfect Song By Helen Howarth Lemmel Ezekiel 33:32 "He is to them as a very lovely song," In stress, cadenced to comfort, tuned to cheer In raging storms; as notes of a nested bird. Above the shrieking winds lift high and clear. The Master catches up my failing song. From dissonance, rich harmonies to bring: From jangling strings, music celestial draws. And teaches, 'til in sweet accord I sing In that fair Home, with His blood-ransomed host In white array, a vast, unnumbered throng. Oh Christ, in this discordant world, thro' me Make known Thyself "as a very lovely song."

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