King's Business - 1952-10

Pointers on the Lesson H omer A. K ent , T h .D.

Helps for the Children A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based, upon out­ lines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

Nov. 2, 1952 POWER FOR SERVICE Matt. 8:5-17 Pointers on the Lesson

What is newer than a Sunrise? The sun is very old—no one knows how old —but a continual new day follows it around the earth. . . . Out o f the past it brings light to the present and gives the world a daily b irth ... that is to be mod­ ern in the true sense. TH E ALLIANCE WEEKLY is committed to the Truth once delivered to the saints . . . but it seeks to bring old truth to bear upon new times; it presents the total Christian message for the world o f today. You will enjoy the readability o f TH E ALLIANCE WEEKLY ... attractive format... large, easy- to-read p rin t. . . pictures. . . mod­ em paging. For sixty-eight years devoted to the promotion o f spiritual Chris­ tianity and foreign missions. TH E A L L IA N C E W E EK LY A. B. Simpson, Founder A. W. Tozer, Editor Mail subscriptions to CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. Third and Reily Streets Harrisburg, Pa.

military man, the centurion had given orders to his underlings and they were obeyed. How much easier it is for the Lord to speak a word with accomplish­ ment following immediately (v. 9). Jesus appreciated his faith tremen­ dously (v. 10). In like manner Jesus marveled at the great faith of the Canaanitish woman (Matt. 15:28). In verses 11-13 the Lord shows the outreach of the kingdom of Heaven and proceeds to the immediate healing of the afflicted man. Healing Peter’s Wife’s Mother w . 14,15 To begin with, we see that Peter was a married man. Thus the Roman Church cannot find in Peter one to substantiate their erroneous system of priestly celi­ bacy. Peter’s mother-in-law was sick. She had a burning fever which had laid her low. How long she had had it we do not know, neither do we know just what kind of a fever it was. The word fever comes from the Greek root, mean­ ing fire. No sooner had Jesus come into the house where the woman lay than He reached forth His hand and touched her hand. Many doctors follow His ex­ ample in their treatment of the sick. Immediately upon the divine touch, the fever left the sick woman “ and she arose, and ministered unto them” (v. 15). In this latter story there is a beau­ tiful illustration of the normal experi­ ence of the person who finds the Saviour. First, he is in the feverish grip of sin; second, he experiences the healing virtue of Christ; and, third, he sets about to serve the One who saved him. Does the picture suggest your own case? Has the Lord saved you from your sins and do you now find your greatest joy in serv­ ing your Saviour? The final two verses continue the account of the healing min­ istry of Christ.

Someone has remarked that in Mat­ thew, chapters five through seven, the teachings of the Kingdom are presented, whereas, in chapters eight and nine, the power is presented whereby the teach­ ings can be realized. Unless the dynamic of the Son of God is resident within the individual, it is folly to expect a life of power. The lesson of this week calls us to consider some of the particular works of power accomplished by Jesus. In them we see the healing touch of Jesus dem­ onstrated. Surely the world needs this healing touch as well as the teaching ministry. So we see Jesus coming down from the mountain into the valley to graciously minister to the physical needs of men. Healing the Centurion’s Servant 5-13 Capernaum was now known as Jesus’ headquarters. Not longer wanted in Nazareth (Luke 4:29-31), He came to this place and thence people in need repaired to Him as did this centurion. The latter came to Him in behalf of a servant of his who was in a pitiable condition, a bedfast paralytic. Note the ready re­ sponse of the Lord (v. 7). It is typical of His willingness to minister to the needs of men. Before the centurion had so much as asked for help, Jesus, know­ ing the exact situation, offered to grant the needed healing. “I will come and heal him.” The Saviour has not changed one whit since that day. The heart that reaches out for Him will find a quick re­ sponse. Verse 8 contains an honest confession and a mighty example of faith. The cen­ turion came as a humble sinner, and as such the Lord could do something for him. He also manifested a magnificent faith in an omnipotent Lord. Such a Lord does not have to be in a particular place in order to perform wonders. As a

One year—52 issues—$2.00 (Foreign, $2.75)

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