King's Business - 1952-10

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Nov. 9, 1952 CHRISTLIKE COMPASSION Matt. 9:1-9, 35-38 Pointers on the Lesson The response of Jesus to the appalling need of men in its various forms is the heart of this week’s lesson. “When he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them,” is an inspired statement expressive of the main thought of the lesson. There is nothing sadder than a crowd of people for in the crowd there are burdens, sorrows, sins, heartaches, disappointments, longings, etc. Only the Lord Jesus can see all that really is present in a crowd. He sees and has compassion. That tells us what kind of a Saviour He is. He knows all about men and loves them still. Compassion On a Paralytic w . 1-8 After Jesus arrived in His home town (Capernaum, Matt. 4:13) from the coun­ try of the Gadarenes on the eastern side of Galilee, it was soon noised abroad that He was there and the people gath­ ered about Him. Among those coming was a poor paralytic who was brought in his helpless state by some men who were interested in him. (See Mark 2:1-12 for some of the more vivid details of this story). Four men became interested in getting their needy friend to Jesus with the final result that they had the joy of seeing him saved and healed. What would happen in the church to­ day if more quartets like this got in­ terested in bringing men to Jesus! And that is exactly what Christ expects His followers to be doing. The fact that the needy man had “ palsy” suggests his impotence. He was not able to walk, so they brought him on a little pallet (v. 2). Jesus was im­ pressed with “their faith,” that is, the faith of those who brought the sick man. They believed in the power of Christ to do something for their companion. In response to such faith Jesus pronounced the afflicted man’s sins forgiven. It should be noted that Jesus dealt with the sin question first of all. He knew that a man’s soul is of more account than his body. Too often this fact is overlooked today. As usual the critics got busy. They accused Jesus of blasphemy (v. 3). He had acted as God which He was. This, of course, they could not see and so ac­ cused Him of assuming divine preroga­ tives. Jesus looked upon their attitude as being evil (v. 4). They were sinning against the light. But Jesus gave fur­ ther evidence as to His deity by bring­ ing physical healing to the palsied man (w. 6-8). Compassion On a Pnblican v. 9 Next we find Jesus calling unto Him­ self a hated publican. Matthew was col­ lecting taxes at the customhouse of Capernaum, probably getting these taxes from the boats going across the lake

outside of Herod’s territory or from peo­ ple going from Damascus to the coast, a regular caravan route. Jesus called him from this sort of a life to something in­ finitely higher. He was later named as one of the twelve apostles (10:3). In Matthew’s response to the Saviour, we have an ideal reaction—“he arose, and followed him.” Compassion On the Crowds vv. 35-38 In connection with our Lord’s third tour of all Galilee (Robertson), He found multitudes in a state of mental dejection. They were like sheep having no shepherd. How like the mass of men and women today without Christ! His attitude toward all such is that of com­ passion. He would save them but He must have human instruments through which to work. Thus the imagery changes in verses 37 and 38 to the harvest field ripe and ready for the reapers. Prayer is of­ fered by Jesus as the remedy for the lack of laborers in the harvest field. PRAY for gospel witnesses! Helps for the Children The Great Helper Matt. 9 Memory Verse: “Thou, Lord, art good and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee” (Psa. 86:5). Some of the stories in God’s Word are told several times, each time by a dif­ ferent writer. We must read all of the stories before we know all that hap­ pened. To learn all that God’s Word has to tell us about the man with palsy, we must read the chapter by Matthew and also Luke 5:17-26 and Mark 2:1-12. The Saviour was preaching in a house one day. People from all over the city had heard that God’s Son was in their town, and they came down every street carrying their sick friends and relatives for Him to heal. The house was com­ pletely filled with people. Not another person could enter. Four friends carried

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