King's Business - 1952-10

The Apostles Characterized 10:24-27

We are His disciples; we His work must do.” Yes, He has called every boy and girl who knows the Lord Jesus as Saviour to be one of His disciples today! Perhaps you do not feel that you are old enough to do much for the Lord Jesus. Perhaps the Saviour can use you to do some things that an older person could never do! Some mothers and fathers will never let a minister talk to them about the Lord Jesus, but their boy or girl can live for the Saviour at home and be so helpful and obedient that unsaved parents will see the Lord Jesus and want to know Him too. Perhaps you may win some of your playmates or your school friends to Christ—some who never go to God’s house and so might never hear of Him in any other way. Perhaps the small amount of money that you bring as your love offering to God’s house will be used to buy a tract or a Gospel that will be used by a missionary to tell some boy or girl in another land of the Saviour. As you can truly say, “ I delight to do thy will,” your Lord will use you as His helper.

They are to take their proper places as learners in relation to the Great Teach­ er. Before they would be able to be of service to Him, they must first sit at His feet and learn of Him. Furthermore, they are to take their places as servants before their Lord. The servant here is literally “ bondservant,” a word denoting the most abject and complete servant- hood. As Lord He has the right to com­ mand His followers in everything. After the disciple has learned, then he ought to serve. Also the disciples of Christ ought to recognize that Jesus is the “Master of the house” (literally “house-, despot” ). Those who belong to Him have need to recognize their proper place in the household of faith. The Lord is a blessed “ Despot,” having the best inter­ ests of His subjects in mind. Therefore it is no burden to be subject to Him. The Apostles Warned 10:34-39 Those who follow Christ should recog­ nize that there is a price to pay for al­ legiance to Him. Loyalty to Christ may even divide a family. Helps for the Children Working for Jesus Matt. 10:1-14 Memory Verse: “I delight to do thy will, O my God” (Psa. 40:8a). God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, had much work to do for His Father while He was upon the earth. He needed help­ ers who loved the Father, those who could tell others about God and serve Him as He commanded. Twelve disciples were chosen by the Saviour to help with His great work in a special way. These special friends of Jesus were given im­ portant tasks to do for Him. The Lord Jesus gave to these twelve men special power to do mighty works and miracles that others might know that God was working through them. The Saviour promised that their needs for clothing and money would be supplied as they went forth to serve Him. If you have never learned the names of the twelve disciples, perhaps this simple song to the tune of “Bringing in the Sheaves” will help you to learn them: “ There were twelve disciples Jesus called to help Him Simon Peter, Andrew, James, his brother John, Philip, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas, and Bar­ tholomew. He has called us too; He has called us too; We are His disciples; I am one, and you. He has called us too; He has called us too; O C T O B E R , 1 9 5 2

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