King's Business - 1952-10

"To the leu? f ir At, and to the $ reek "

JewsandGreksHungryforGod’sWord By George News from Israel and Greece tells o f the increasing hunger for the Word of God in those lands. A mis­ sionary in Jerusalem writes: “ Old-timers here are amazed at the way in which the Jews are asking for and receiving New Testaments.” Another missionary in Israel writes: “ The Jews are receiving me as never before. I have never seen such thirst for the Word of

T. B. Davis cause of them that my children are not going hungry.” In the ancient land o f Greece there is also a great hunger for God’s Word. We have sent 150,000 New Testaments in modern Greek to the people o f Greece in the last few years. Most marvelous results have fol­ lowed. Many communists have been saved. A building contractor said: “ The New Testament I received took

away my desire to commit suicide, and made me a new creature in Christ Jesus. Now my soul is filled with peace.” And the physical need in Greece is tremendous! Tens of thousands of boys and girls and older people are tubercular. We are sending large numbers of food parcels and vials of the new medicine that is helping greatly in the cure o f tuber­ culosis. Can we turn a deaf ear to these calls for God’s Word and cries for physical help? For a limited time we are send­ ing a free copy o f the beautiful, 32-page Bible Success Band book­ let for 1953, to each one who sends us a gift for the work. The booklet contains a helpful verse o f Scrip­ ture for each day of the coming year. The cover o f the book­ let is in full color, and shows a woman in native costume, with her waterpot, at the ancient well outside

God. My eyes often fill with tears as I look upon their need— they are as sheep not having a shepherd.” The demand for God’s Word in Israel is so great that we have just ordered 25,000 more Hebrew New Testaments. We are also supplying thousands o f New Testaments in Bulgarian, Rumanian, Yiddish, Polish, French, German, English and other languages for Jews in Israel and other lands. We greatly need your prayer help for this work o f spreading God’s Word among the Jews in their ancient homeland. A great door o f opportunity has been opened to us to place complete Hebrew Bibles— containing the Old and New Testaments — in the schools and libraries in the State of Israel. There are hundreds o f thou­ sands of bright Jewish boys and girls in the land of Israel to whom the Bible has become their text­ book of Israel’ s history. But He­

Refugee Jews from Europe en route by train to take a steamer for Israel. See the look o f hope and joy and eager anticipation on their faces.

the city of Bethlehem. The booklet also contains in­ spiring messages, on memorizing the Bible, by Jack Wyrtzen and W. G. Tunley.

brew Bibles are very scarce, and one Bible often has to do for many students. We have had 5000 complete Hebrew Bibles printed in England. They are being gladly welcomed by leaders of Jewish schools. Now another 5000 Hebrew Bibles are urgently needed for the schools and libraries in Israel, and we have just ordered them. Material relief is also greatly needed in Israel. Food is very scarce because of the thousands o f destitute refugees returning each month. We are sending food parcels regularly to Israel, especially to needy Hebrew Christians. A young, believing mother in Israel writes: “ We are so thankful for your food parcels. It is be-

Million Testaments Campaigns, Inc. 1505 Race St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. Dear Sirs:


Enclosed find $.................. for providing God’s Word for Jews in Israel and throughout the world, and for Gentiles in Europe; and $.................. for relief for needy people. Please send me a free copy of the 1953 Bible Success Band booklet as advertised. Name............................................................ ................................:..... .................. Street and No.......................................................................................................- City and State........................................................................................................

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