Fall 2024 17
CELEBRATING 80 YEARS OF FOLKLORE For the past 25 years, New York Folklore has quietly served the folk arts field from their Jay Street office. The Gallery and Shop hosts exhibits, receptions, and lectures regularly... The Gallery is open Tues- day through Saturday, 10AM to 3:30 p.m., and Sundays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
I did not know that Joe Ball had already passed in April 2023, on my last trip to Philadelphia, in May 2023... On May 31, 2023, I published a gourmet food, lifestyle, and travel YouTube video titled CHINATOWN & CRAZY CONGEE : https://you- tu.be/OcxLdVdo47M My friend/late mentor Joe Ball , Founder and President of American Advertising Ser- vices/ACT Inc. , and executive producer of multiple radio shows, was surprised by his staff to mark his 90th birthday in 2019. I was trying to reach him lately at his ACT office, in Philadelphia... Joe loved call- ing me to meet him for break- fast at 6:00 a.m., in Center City. We would meet at a diner or Kosher-style deli... Joe Ball, my late mentors, Daily Gazette / “I had been trying to get ahold of my mentor, Philadelphia newspaperman Joe Ball of ACT...” WRGB CBS6 28-year veteran news reporter, Dan DiNicola , and Sam Rosenberg , Esquire, ALL loved dining out at Kosher-style delicatessens and multicultural family-owned restaurants! https://www.mainlinemedian- ews.com/2023/05/02/village- view-losing-a-friend/ #goodcongee #riceforlife #OurDailyBread #taste518 #tas- teofschenectadyandbeyond
Bonnie Squires started off her col- umn as an obituary for our friend Joe Ball, who, at the age of 93, passed away on April 6 in his Penn Valley home, surrounded by his de- voted wife of 66 years, Sandra Co- han Ball, his son Robert Ball, M.D. (Keila Schmidt), his daughters Nanelle Meyers (the late Robert Meyers) and Yelane Rosenbaum. Living in South Jersey, near Chi- natown, and South Philadelphia, PA, for 15 years, I learned to make GOOD CONGEE ... While at Shining Rainbow Chinese Restaurant dining and eating GOOD CONGEE, and kibitzing, we met Alvessa and Joel , aged 95 years, who drove up from Woodstock, NY to eat CONGEE, etc. We spoke at length when they overheard me mention the 1919-established Thule Society . Joel was so intrigued that he got up from his table and walked over to our table to kibitz (talk)... Speaking of kibitzing , I had tried to get ahold of my mentor, Philadelphia newspaperman Joe Ball of ACT News ---who gave me office space and free parking in the garage at the building he owned at the corner of 2nd and Chestnut streets, in Old City Phil- adelphia---known as the CITY PAPER BUILDING ... I lived and worked in the Greater Philadel- phia area for 15 years publishing various food and lifestyle maga- zines. I also produced gourmet food, wine, and travel talk radio shows on 92.1 FM and 1360AM . “No money ever changed hands between us. But he had an endless supply of coupons for restaurants which he freely gave out.” — Bonnie Squires, Columnist
The Farm Aid festival be- gan in 1985 and returned to New York State for the first time in more than a decade. The sold-out event showcas- es family farmers and ad- vocates to fight commercial corporations. My paternal grandpa, Thomas Long , was one of four minority farmers on the 1925 Putnam Valley Census . He began farming with Jews and Italians circa 1912—joined the Council of National Defense during WWI and WWII. He pur- chased his first farm in 1933.
Rory Alexa volunteers at Schenectady Light Opera Com- pany (SLOC) when not working at the local print shop Vincy’s Printing . Rory is a professional graphic designer Monday through Friday and a costume designer, set painter, and performer several times throughout the year. On the side, Rory Alexa paints and designs tattoos. — David Long, KOFC
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