4-H Club offers one-of-a-kind experience RUSSELL | For young future farmers and veterinarians, 4-H Club offers great op- portunities for hands-on learning. It’s also a memorable experience for anyone who just likes animals and wants to knowmore about how to take good care of them. ers Joanne Nyentap and Wilma Baas, mem- bers meet half of the time throughout the year at the Navan Veterinary Clinic whose staff of four veterinarians, Jean Cyr, Jenn Hubbard, David Douglas and Russ Camp- bell, introduce their young protégés into the wonders of a side of animal husbandry that not many people experience or even know about. The rest of the year club meetings take place at local farms where farm families like the Versteegs, the Oeschgers, the Murrays, and others, show their visitors what real farming is all about, which includes proper care and feeding, and in some cases, train- ing of animals. The Russell Vet Club is part of the 4-H or- ganization. Under the guidance of 4-H lead-
“One of the meetings was out of this world,” recalled Kaitin Blenkarn of the 4-H group. “There was a cow that had a plug- and-funnel in her side. The vet pulled out the plug and we could stick our hands in the cow’s stomach. We were all wearing gi- ant plastic gloves, of course, and felt the ru- men, the first of the four stomachs of a cow. You may be thinking this cow was asleep or dead, but, no. She was standing and eating. She could not feel a thing.” Blenkarn described her experiences with her fellow club members as amazing, one- of-a-kind events they would all remember. “This club gave me a chance to do incred- ible things that not many people can say they’ve done or even seen. I’m only 13 and I’ve already felt the inside of a cow’s stom- ach, listened to a calf’s heart, seen an ultra- sound on a pregnant cow, and much more. How many people do you know who can say that they have done this?” For more information on the 4-H program go online to www.4hontario.ca RUSSELL | In a deviation from its regular movie night schedule, Russell Community Sports Centre is offering a special showing of Star Wars : A New Hope on May 4, “Star Wars Day,” at the Russell High School au- ditorium. May 4 is the day during which fans of the popular space opera films celebrate Star Wars culture. The date was chosen after late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was elected on May 4 and the phrase “May the Fourth be with you,” was popularized. The movie debuted on May 25, 1977. Because the RCSC expects lots of fans to come out they have moved from their usual venue at the club building on Concession Street, next door to the larger venue of the high school, which also has a bigger screen and professional sound. In addition, organizers are asking fans to dress up in costumes of their favourite char- acters, with prizes offered for the best kids’ costumes by children aged twelve and un- der. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and the show starts at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free with an item for the Food Bank. www.rcsc-cscr.ca . 14 e GRANDE VENTE ANNUELLE DE LIVRES D’OCCASION Du 11 au 16 mai RCSC feels the force
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