Pacific Harvest has a new recipe e-book compiling 73 seaweed recipes! Find different categories including salads, desserts, dressings, snacks, pasta, fish and more! Get inspired today and start eating seaweed every day!
Seawe dRecipes Pacif icH arvest
Celebrating 20 years!
Sm alServes,Big Im pact Good forYou,Good forourPlanet
In 202 wecelebrateour20thbirthday- alm ostgrown-ups! Ourpurposehasneverbeen clearer-to nourish & restore people and the planetnaturaly~leaving the lightestfootprintw e possiblycan,w hile delivering a deliciousrange ofethicalyharvested, nutrientdense sea vegetables. W e are on a m ission to m ake iteasierto eata litle seaw eed everydayand hope you w ilenjoythis specialcolection ofourm ostpopularseaw eed recipes,asa giftto ourcom m unity,w hich has continued to grow overthe lasttw o decades. Ourhopeisthatyou wilbeinspired by,and in aw e of,the versatility,deliciousnessand incredible health benef itsourseaw eed range ofers. Thank you foryoursupport,and enjoy!Please share yourcreationsw ith usvia oursocial channelsand help usspread theseaweed word!
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Seaw eed Type
Seaw eed Seasonings~Using Seaw eedsDaily
Irish M oss
Sea Chicory
Sea Letuce
Sum m aryofthe f lavours& textures ofdiferentseaw eed types
Recipe Type
Baking & Deserts(Sw eet& Savoury) Blanc-M ange Cheese Scones CheryChocolateAvocadoPudding ChocolateFondantw ith Ginger
12 10 13 18
9 9
CoconutJelyw ith Beries Gluten Free Chocolate Tart GoatCheese Pastries HealthierBanana Bread HealthyBananaM uff ins(DF) Orange Tart PannaCota PlantBased ChiliChocolate Sw eetM ilk Custard Vegan Crem eBrulee Vegan Jely W hiteChocolateCookies
20 20 14 8 9 7 19 9 8 21
Breakfasts& Sm oothies Detoxifying Dulse Sm oothie
10 17 12 13 12
Cacao Granola Irish M ossGel
Irish M ossSm oothie Secrets Olivia’sIrish M ossSm oothie
DIY Hom e Treatm ents DIY Hom eTreatm ents TraditionalRem edyforCough and Colds Dressings,Sauces,Buters FatFree Dressing w ith Taragon Irish M ossin Dressingsand Sauces SeaLetuceButer
13 13
8 13 20
Fish Ceviche w ith Lem on Kelp Fish Pie
15 1 16 23 15 6 19 16
Kom bu Cured Tuna Oven Baked Salm on Prawnswith ChiliKelp Salm on & Edam am ePokeBowls TunaPokeBowl W rapped Salm on in Kom bu M eat& Chicken Citrus& Chicken Kebab Griled Chicken w ith Lem on Kelp
6 15
Recipe Type
Pasta& Risoto BuckwheatPum pkin Risoto Roasted M ushroom ,FetaPasta W akam e Pesto Pasta Salads Edam am eSalad w ith Avocado Ginger& CarotSalad
20 1 23
21 21 22 22 23 19 22 7 19 18
Japanese Cucum berW akam e Salad Radish & PearSalad w ith M iso Dressing Raw Verm iceliSalad w ith Edam am e Raw ZucchiniSalad Sim ple Seaw eed Salad w ith W akam e SobaNoodleSalad Sprout& Cucum berSalad W ild Rice Salad
10 17 1 14 17 18 1
DulseChips Dazzling CrispyCrackers Dulse Pesto Guacam olew ith Kelp M acadam ia Pesto Nori,Tam ari& Sesam e Alm onds Roasted Pineapple Salsa
Soups& Stocks ButernutSquash Soup Chicken & KaleSoup Kom bu Stock M iso Soup w ith W akam e Nourishing BroccoliSoup TraditionalKom bu Dashi
10 21 16 22 13 16
Vegetable Dishes Broad Bean StirFry GarlicBaked Potato Green Vegetablesw ith Kelp Griled Asparagus Guacam olew ith Kelp Quinoa,Black Bean and Kelp Paties Raw NoriNourish Bow l Roasted Caulif low erw ith Kelp Roasted Pum pkin RoastVegetable Salad Sw eetPotato Cakes
18 6 14 7 14 15 17 14 6 7 23
UsingSeawe dsDaily~Seawe d& Sesam eSeasonings Sprinkle liberalyto transform rice,vegetables(roasted,blanched or raw ),oradd to savourybaking.Sprinkle on dipsorgarnish pasta, noodles,soupsand stirfries.Add to salads,poke bow ls,f ish,chicken and leftoversforanutrientand f lavourboost. the optionsare endless.
GarlicBaked Potato
Ingredients ~4 largepotatoes ~ Kelp Saltto taste
RoastedPum pkin
Garnish ~Knob ofbuter
~ Sourcream to taste ~1tbsp GarlicSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning ~Blackpepper
Directions Preheatoven to 225°C.Scrub the potato skinsclean and cuta ‘cross’on the top,slicing 1/3ofthe w aydow n the potato.Lay them on abaking sheetand sprinklequitegenerouslyw ith Kelp Salt(to m aketheskin crunchy).Bakeforonehouror untildone.W hen cooked,pressthepotato around thecutto m ake the f lesh visible and protrude slightly.Add buteror sourcream and sprinkle generouslyw ith GarlicSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning. Serves 4.
Ingredients ~Halfapum pkin,cutintowedges(4-5cm thick) ~ D rizzle ofolive oil ~Chili(orgarlic)Seaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning
Method Preheatoven to 200°C and line an oven-prooftrayw ith baking paper.W ith apastrybrush,oryourf ingers,‘paint’the pum pkin w edgesw ith enough oilto help the seasoning stick.Bake for 30-40 m inutesuntilcooked and golden brow n.Using a tablespoon,sprinklethepum kin piecesw ith agenerouslashing ofChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning.Place back in the oven for a further5m inutes.Take outofoven,serve and enjoy! Serves 4.
Ingredients ~4 skinless,bonelesschicken breastsorthighs ~4 tbsp CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning ~Juice& zestof2lem ons ~1lem on,thinlysliced ~1/3cup oliveoil
Salm on& Edam am ePokeBowls
Ingredients ~200g sm oked salm on ~1cup edam am ebeans ~2cupsofspinach ~ 1/3 tele-cucum ber,sliced ~1/2apple,chopped into sm al chunks ~ 1avocado,sliced ~ 1tbsp tam ariorsoysauce ~2tsp ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning
~ 1clove garlic,crushed ~Salt& pepperto taste ~W ooden skewers
Method Soak w ooden skew ersin w aterforatleast30 m inutes.Cut chicken breastsinto chunkycubesand place in abow lw ith the lem on juice & zest,oiland garlic.Coverand leave to m arinate fora few hours.Pre-heatthe grilto 200°C.Thread the chicken piecestightlyonto skew ers,occasionalyw eaving in a thin lem on slice,untilalthe chicken hasbeen used.Sprinkle the kebabsgenerouslyw ith the CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning and place the skew erson a rack in a heatproofdish.Position the dish so thattheskewersareabout4 inchesfrom thegril.Cook forabout10 m inuteson each sideoruntilcooked through. Serves 4.
Directions Divide the spinach into tw o seperate bow ls.Divide the salm on edam am e,cucum ber,appleand avocado and placein thetwo bow ls.Drizzle soysauce overthe tw o bow lsand garnish w ith ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning. Serves 2.
Ingredients ~250g sobanoodles ~1/2cup steam ed broad beansoredam am e
Ingredients ~120g cacao buter(m elted, using adoubleboiler) ~1/2cup +1tbsp cacao powder ~1/4 cup m aplesyrup ~ 1tsp vanila bean ~1tbsp ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning
~2sm albokchoy,cutf inely ~1/2cup m ushroom s,sliced ~3green onions,thinlysliced
~1tbsp grated ginger ~ 1/2tbsp m inced garlic ~2tbsp ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning
Dressing ~1/4 cup w ater
Directions Finelychop orgrate cacao buterso thatitisan even consistency.Transferto a double boilerand stirconsistently untilthe cacao buterhasturned to liquid.Rem ove from heat. Add alrem aining ingredients,exceptChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning,to the cacao buter.Siftthe cacao pow der to ensure there are no clum ps.Taste and adjustifneed be by adding m orecacaopowderorm orem aplesyrup.Pour m ixture onto a lined trayortin and spread evenly.Refrigerate for5m inutesuntilthechocolatehasslightlyhardened and then sprinkle the ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning evenly.
~1/4 cup oliveoil ~1/3cup soysauce ~1tbsp brown sugar ~Few dropsofTabasco sauce
Directions Forthe dressing,m ixaldressing ingredientsuntilsugaris dissolved.Setaside.Heata drizzle ofolive oilin a pan on a m edium -high heatand saute garlic& gingeruntilfragrant. Add m ushroom sand continuecooking untiltender& golden. Add bokchoyand m ostofthegreen onion and cookaldente. Turn heatof and add dressing,stir.W arm /cook the beans and discard thepod orthick skin.Cooksobanoodlesin boiling saltw ateraccording to packetinstructions.Drain in a colander & rinse undercoolw aterto stop cooking.Drain w el.Transferto alarge bow land tossw ith ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning, vegetable m ixture and beans.Serve and enjoy! Serves 3.
Place back in the fridge for2+hours,untilhardened,then break into pieces.Enjoy! Serves10.
RoastVegetableSalad Ingredients
~400g pum pkin ~ 125m lolive oil ~450g baking potatoes, scrubbed & halved ~ 120g un-sliced rye bread, coarsleytorn (orGF bread alternative) ~1largered onion,cutinto wedges ~2-3tbsp GarlicSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning ~2bunchesofcarots,halved ~1head ofcosletuce,torn ~1head ofgarlic,seperated into cloves ~2cupsofbabyrocketleaves ~45m lred winevinegar
Griled Asparagus
Ingredients ~1bunch offresh asparagus spears ~ D rizzle ofolive oil ~2tsp CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning Alternatively try Garlic or Chili ~W ooden skewers
Directions Soak w ooden skew ersin w aterforatleast30 m inutes.To trim thebaseoftheasparagus,hold thebaseofthestalk w ith one hand and bend thestalkoverwith theotherhand.The asparaguswilbreakwherethewoodypartendsand the tenderpartbegins.Discard the base.M ake the ‘asparagusrafts’ byplacing 4-5stalksnextto eachotherand push a skew er through crossw ise.The f irstone justbelow the tipsand the second 3cm from thebotom .Useslenderbam boo skewers. Brush the asparaguson both sidesw ith extra-virgin olive oil. Season w ith freshlyground black peppercornsifdesired.Gril theasparaguson abarbecueorin agrilpan for4-5m inutes perside.Once cooked,sprinke w ith CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e seasoning.Enjoy! Serves 4.
Directions Pre-heatoven to 180°C.Peel& chop vegetablesinto bite-size pieces.Com binethepum pkin & potato w ith abitoftheoilin abow l.Season w ith GarlicSew eed & Sesam e Seasoning. Scateron alargeroasting pan w ith theonion,carotsand garlicand about40m lofthe olive oiland roastuntiltender (about45m inutes).M eanw hile,scaterbread in a single layer overa seperate roasting pan.Drizzle w ith 2tbsp olive oil.Roast untilgolden and toasted (about10 m inutes).Com bine vegetablesand bread in aserving bow land add the cosand rocketleaves.Com bine rem aining olive oiland vinegarin a sm albow land drizzle overthe w arm salad. Serves 4.
Agarpow derisa nutrientrich plant-based alternative to gelatin, a thickenerforsoupsand dressings,to m ake fruitpreserves, vegan ice cream ,jelies,cheesecakesand otherdesserts.
O rangeTart
FatFre Dres ingwithTar agon
Ingredients Pie Crust ~2cupsbuternutsnap biscuit crumbs ~70g buter,m elted ~50g toasted slivered alm onds
Ingredients ~500m lapplejuice ~50g wholegrain m ustard ~200m lcidervinegar ~Taragon sprig,chopped ~1/2tsp Agarpowder ~ Roasted garlicclove, crushed ~Salt& pepperto taste
Garnish ~ 3oranges,sliced thin ~Icing sugarfordusting
Filing ~ 650m lcream (ornon-dairy equivalent-soy/coconut) ~Zestof2oranges ~100g castersugar(orsugar substitute) ~2tsp Agarpowder ~3tbsp orangeliqueur(or orange w ater) ~250m lcream forw hipping
Directions In apot,sprinkletheAgaron halfoftheapplejuiceand letstand for10 m inutes.M eanw hile,in a diferentdish, com binetheotheringredientsw ith therestoftheapple juice.Bring theAgarm ixtureto asim m er(90°)on am edium heatw hile m ixing w ith a w hisk.You w ilfeelthe texture change asthe Agarm eltsand the jeling propertiesare activated.Rem ove from the heatand com bine w ith the restofthe ingredients.The dressing w ilsetatroom tem perature and continue to stifen overthe nexthour. Conserve in the fridge in jars. Serves 4.
Directions Forthe crust: Com binethebiscuitcrum bs,buterand nuts.Pressthe m ixture into a tartdish and chiluntilf irm . Forthef iling: Pour650m lcream into apan and sprinklew ith theAgar. Using aw hisk,m ixto com bineand letstand for10 m inutes fortheAgartoswel.M akean orangecream byadding orangezest,orangeliqueurand sugarto theAgarm ixture. Stirtom ixand placethepan on m edium heat.Bring tothe boilthen sim m erfor2-3m inutesw hilestiring,untiltheAgar and sugarare dissolved.Rem ove from the heat. In a separate bow l,w hip the 250m lofcream untilf irm .To com bine,add 1/3oftheorangecream to thew hipped cream and m ixwelwith awhisk.Continueadding therem aining orange cream untilcom bined thoroughly.Ladle the m ixture into abow land refrigerate to set(about30 m inutes).Spoon the cold custard into the crust. Forthe garnish: Arangetheorangesliceson thetart.Dustw ith icing sugar, caram elise underthe gril,and refridgerate for1houruntilset w el.Serve atroom tem perature form axim um f lavour. Serves 6.
Vegan Jely
Ingredients ~1cup ofjuice(or1tbsp Viberi blackcurantpowderin 1cup ofw ater) ~1tsp Agarpowder ~1tbsp m aplesyrup or1tsp honey-orto taste
Directions Pourtheliquidsintoacooking potand sprinketheAgar powderand sweetenerofyourchoice.Using aw hisk,m ixto com bineand letstand for10 m inutesfortheAgarto swel. Placethepoton am edium heat.W arm to dissolvetheAgar & sw eetener,w hile stiring.W hen the m ixture reachesa boil, sim m erfor2m inutesw hilestiring to m akesurealis dissolved.Rem ove from the heatand ladle im m ediatelyinto a f latdish.The m ixture w ilsetatroom tem perature. Refrigerate fora faster,strongerset.Before serving.cutthe jely into bite-size shapes. Serves 6.
CoconutJelywithBer ies
PlantBased,Gluten Fre Chocolate PannaCotaTart Ingredients Crust ~1cup gluten-free oatf lour
Ingredients ~500m l(2cups)coconut water ~1f lattsp Agarpowder ~200g m ixed beries,plus extra forserving ~Flesh of1young coconut, (120g)chopped ~1tbsp chiaseeds
~1/3cup quinoaf lakes ~1/2cup alm ond m eal ~1tbsp cacao nibs ~2tbsp cacaopowder ~4 tbsp coconutoil
Directions Line six125m lram ekinsorjelycupsw ith biodegradable f ilm w rap.Place1/2cup ofthecoconutwaterin asm alsaucepan and sprinkle the Agarpow deroverthe surface.Alow the Agar powderto absorb m oisturefrom thecoconutwaterfor5m inutes. Placethepan overm edium heatand brind toasim m erwhilst stiring continuouslyuntilthe Agarhascom pletelydissolved. Rem ove from the heatand setaside. In abow l,w hisk the rem aining coconutw ater.Stirin the Agarm ixture,then pourthejelym ixtureinto them ouldsto three-quartersful.Add som e beriesand the coconutf lesh and sprinkle on som e chia seeds.Stand the jeliesatroom tem perature untilsetorchilto accelerate seting. Rem ovethejeliesfrom them ouldsbyturning outonto serving platesand puling on the f ilm w rap edges.Serve w ith a scatering offresh beries. Serves 4.
~2tbsp purem aplesyrup ~ 150g dark chocolate, melted ~2tsp Agarpowder
Filing ~1& 1/2cup fulfatcoconut cream ~1cup oatm ilk
Directions Preheatoven to 180°celsius.Grease a 20cm tartpan & set aside.In afood processor,com bine quinoaf lakes,oatf lour, alm ond m eal,cacao nibs& cacao pow der.Then add the coconutoil& m aplesyrup and pulseuntilcom bined.You should getam oistm ixturethatcan beeasilym oulded. Firm lypressm ixtureinto thebotom and up thesidesofa tarttin.Bake for15m inutesuntilthe crustisgolden brow n. Transferto a w ire rack and letitcool. To m ake the f iling,com bine the cream ,m ilk & sw eetenerin a saucepan.Bring to the boiland then add m elted chocolate. W hiskin theAgarpowder.Letitsim m erfor3m inutesuntil the Agarisdissolved.Filthe m ixture into the cooled tart.Let sitin thefridgeto setforabout4 hours.Garnish thetartas desired and enjoy! Serves 6.
Ingredients Vanila custard ~1cup fulfatcoconut (thickened cream ,leave the liquid behind) ~1/3cup organicsoyor alm ond m ilk ~ 1tbsp cornstarch ~1tbsp superf ineraw sugar ~ 1tsp pure vanila extract ~ 1/4 tsp turm eric ~1/2tsp Agarpowder
Ingredients ~1cup coconutcream ~1cup alm ond m ilk(oranysubstitutem ilk) ~ 100g vanila sugar(orless,to taste-orsugarsubstitute like stevia) ~1tsp Agarpowder
Caram elized top ~1tbsp superf ineraw sugar
Directions To m akethevanilacustard,in am edium bow lcom bine cornstarch,soym ilk,vanila and m ixw el.Pourcornstarch, m ilk m ixture,coconutcream & sugarinto a saucepan and cook on am edium -high heat.W hen them ixturestartsto boil,add turm eric& Agar,constantlystiring untilAgarhas com pletelydissolved.Strain m ixture through a m esh sieve overasm albow l.Pourm ixture into the ram ekins,letcool dow n,then setin thefridgeforatleast2hours.W hen the vanila custard isfulyset,top each custard w ith about1-2 teaspoon ofsugarin a thin layer.Using a kitchen torch,m elt thesugarand form acrispytop.Alow thecrem ebruleeto restin the fridge foratleast5m inutesbefore serving. Serves 4.
~3tbsp coconutliqueur(optional) ~Fresh orstew ed fruitsto garnish Directions
Pourtheliquidsintoacooking pan and sprinklewith Agar powder.Using aw hisk,m ixto com bineand letstand for10 m inutesfortheAgartoswel.Add sugartotheAgarm ixture. Stirtom ixtheingredientsand placethepan on am edium heat.Alow to w arm w hile stiring to dissolve the sugar& Agar. W hen the m ixture startsto boil,alow to sim m erfor2-3 m inutes,then rem ove from heat.Add liqueurifusing.Ladle the m ixture into serving bow lsand stand untilset.To serve, decorate w ith fruit. Serves 4.
NutritiousDulseaddsauniquesm okyf lavour.Trywith eggs,savourybaking,poke bow ls& sm oothies.
DetoxifyingDulseSm oothie
Ingredients ~1tsp Dulse f lakes ~1/2cup frozen beries ~1/2banana ~Juiceof1/2alem on ~1cup spinach ~1tbsp chiaseeds ~ 1/4 avocado ~1tbsp colagen powder ~1.5cupsplant-based m ilk or water
Che seScones
Ingredients ~2cupsself-rising f lour (orgluten-freeoption) ~2tbsp Dulsef lakes ~1& 1/2cupsgrated tastycheddarcheese ~3tbsp f inelygrated parm esan cheese ~1/3cup unsalted buter ~1/3cup m ilk ~2large eggs,beaten ~ 1/4 tsp salt ~2tsp ofChiliKelp (optional)
Directions Add alingredientstoablenderand blend untilsm ooth. Serves 1.
Directions Pre-heatoven to 220°C.Line a biscuittin w ith baking paper. Siftthe f lour,salt& chili(ifusing)into a bow l.W ith a fork or tw o knives,rub in the buteruntilthe m ixture resem bles coarse crum bs.Stirthrough 2/3ofthe cheddarcheese & Dulse f lakes. In asm albow l,stirtogethertheeggsand m ilk.Add to the f lourm ixture and incorporate brief lyw ith aknife.Turn onto a f loured board and shape into a circle.Sprinkle w ith the restof the cheddar,Dulse f lakes& parm esan.Cutinto squaresand transferonto the baking sheet.
Ingredients ~1largebuternutsquash ~1head ofgarlic ~ Olive oilto roastthe squash ~500m lofvegetable stock ~1tbsp Kelp seasoning ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste
Garnish ~1sm altin ofcoconutcream ~Sm oked Dulse f lakes(1/3tsp perperson orto taste) ~Black sesam e seedsto garnish ~Chopped parsley& m acadam ianuts(optional) Directions Heatthe oven to 200°C.Cutthe squash in halflengthw ise, sprinkle w ith oiland bake in the oven w ith the garlicfor30 m inutesoruntilgolden & tender.Coolforafew m inutesso it can behandled.Spoon thegolden f lesh out& squeezethe cooked garlicclovesoutoftheirskin and transferinto a food processor. Add som eofthestock and kelp seasoning and pureeuntil sm ooth.Adjustthethicknessofthesoup to yourliking by adding m ore stock.Add Kelp salt& pepperto taste. To assem ble,ladle the soup into w arm bow ls.Drizzle w ith coconutcream and garnish w ith Dulse f lakes,black sesam e seeds,m acadam ia nuts& parsley. Serves6.
Bakein them iddleoftheoven for10-17m inutes,depending on the size ofthe scones,untilgolden. Serves 8.
Ingredients ~1tsp coconutoil ~ 2g Dulse leaves
Directions Seperate the Dulse leavesuntilyou have a single layer.Puta teaspoon ofcoconutoilinto afrypan and m elton alow heat. Add theDulseleavesand cookvery gentlyforabout1m inute oruntilcrispy.Enjoy! Serves 1.
RoastedM ushroom ,Feta& Pasta
Ingredients ~20g Dulsef lakes ~ 50m lextra-virgin olive oil ~ 25g pine nuts,lightly roasted ~ 2 garlic cloves,crushed ~ 25g fresh basilleaves
~ 25g f latleafparsley ~ 25g fresh parm esan cheese,grated
Directions Using afood processor,com binetheseaweed w ith theother ingredientsw ith pulse feature.Stop and turn ingredientsover w ith aspatulaand com binefor30 seconds. Byhand w ith am ortarand pestle,chop the ingredientsf inely and slow ly,add the oiland cheese w hile m ixing and chrunching w ith the pestle. The oilhelpsincoperate the cheese and add to the taste,so choosehigh qualityoil.Placethepesto in atightjar(orsim plyin an air-tightplasticcontainer),covered bya thin layerofextra- virgin olive oil,w hich helpskeep itfresh forup to a w eek in the refrig erator.
Ingredients ~1/4 cup oliveoil ~Punnetofbuton m ushroom s ~1tsp Sm oked Dulse f lakes ~2punnetsofcherytom atoes ~Handfuloffresh spinach ~200g offeta ~Kelp Salt& pepperto taste
~Fresh herbsto garnish ~1packetofribbon pasta
Directions Preheatoven to 200°C.Thinlyslicem ushroom sand chop tom atoesin halfthen place on a baking dish.Tossw ith olive oil, Sm oked Dulse,Kelp Saltand pepper.
Fish Pie
Once m ixed add the fetato the centre ofthe dish.Place dish in theoven and cookfor40 m inutes.
Ingredients ~ 750g assorted f ish ~4 cupsofm ilk ~2bayleaves ~ 2carots,diced ~ 1stick ofcelery,diced
Boilw aterand cook pasta perpacketinstructions.Strain and setaside,m ixing itw ith a dash ofolive oilto ensure the pasta doesnotstick. Once the vegetablesare cooked,add the pasta to the baking dish,along w ith fresh spinach and herbs.and m ixtogether. Serves 4.
~3green onions,thinlysliced ~ 2tbsp f inelychopped parsley ~1/4 cup plain f lour ~2tbsp Dulse f lakesorleaves ~M ashed potatoes,seasoned w ith kelp salt,pepper& cream
Roasted PineappleSalsa
Directions Pre-heatoven to 180°C.Chop thef ish into m edium sized chunks and lightlypoach in m ilk w ith bayleaves,salt& pepper.Do not fulycook the f ish.W ith asloted spoon,place the f ish in an ovenproofdish,setaside. Add thechopped vegetablesto apan and sauteuntillightly cooked.Add buterand heatuntilfoam ing,then add the f lour. Stirconsistentlyfor1-2m inutesuntilbubbling then rem ove from heat. Slow lyadd the strained poaching m ilk,w hisking constantly,until sm ooth.Return to the heatand cook,stiring untilthe sauce com esto aboil,thickens,and coatsthe back ofaspoon.
Ingredients ~3-4 round slicesoffresh pineapple ~1tbsp Dulse f lakes ~1/4 cup oliveoil ~1/2red onion (f inelydiced) ~ 1/4 cup corianderleaves ~Juiceof1lim e ~ 1fresh chili,m inced ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste
Directions Roastthe pineapple slicesbrushed w ith oilon both sides untilbrow n (about8 m inutes).Letcool.Dice the pineapple and chop the otheringredientsinto sm alpieces.Stiralthe ingredientstogetherin a bow land season to taste. M akesabout1cup ofsalsa. Serves 4.
Add Dulseand gentlycom binewith thef ish m ixture.
Coverw ith m ashed potatoesand bake for30 m inutes,until brow ned.Sprinkle w ith fresh parsley,and serve w ith a fresh side salad orvegetables. Serves6.
Irish Mos
Use Irish M ossgelasan egg substitute in baking.Add gelto sm oothies,broths, dressings,dessertsasa nourishing supplem ent,orapplygeldirectlyto skin.
Irish M ossisconsum ed in adiferentwayto othercom m only available seaw eeds.M ake the Irish M ossgelf irstusing eitherofthe recipesbelow ,then add the gelto yourrecipe.
IrishM os Gel
Blanc-M ange
There are tw o m ethods: ~Sim m er(w ith heat)or ~Soaking (raw ) Foreitherm ethod RinsethedryIrish M oss seaw eed thoroughlym ultiple tim esto rem ove anyocean debris,and to lighten the ocean arom a before you start.
Ingredients ~12gram sdried Irish M ossseaw eed ~2cupsfulfatm ilk (ordairyfree alternative) ~3tbsp castersugar(or alternativeslike honey orstevia) ~ 1/2tsp vanila bean ~1largeegg
Once the gelisprepared,itw ilsetafteritsbeen in the fridgeforaround 2hours.Storeitin an airtightcontainer in thefridgeforup to3weeks. Sim m erM ethod Add one cup (orlessifyou require a softset)ofcleaned Irish M ossto tw o cupsoff iltered/spring w ater.Sim m erslow lyuntil m ostofthe seaw eed hasdissolved (20 -25m inutes).Do not boil. Blend w ith a blenderuntilsm ooth,orifyou prefer,rem ove anyundissolved fragm entsbystraining thesolidsthrough a sieve.Use a spoon to scrape the sieve ifrequired. Add onecup ofcleaned Irish M ossinto abow land coverit w ith enough f iltered/spring w aterto subm erge the seaw eed (w ith a litle extra overthe top asthe seaw eed w ilexpand and absorb the w ater.Coveritand leave for12-24 hours.You don’tneed toputitin thefridge.Asitsoaksitwilexpand and absorb thewaterand becom egooey/slipperyto touch. Aftersoaking,use thism ixture asis,orblend w ith a blender untilsm ooth.Don’tthrow anyofthewaterthem osshas been soaking in aw ay*,OR,ifyou prefer,rem ove any undissolved fragm entsbystraining thesolidsthrough a sieve.Use a spoon to scrape the sieve ifrequired. Pourinto aclean jarorm ould to set. *Useiton yourskin oradd itto yourhouseplantsifyou don’twanttouseitin yourgel. Pourgelinto aclean jarorm ould to set. Soaking M ethod
Serves 4.
Directions Soak theIrish M ossin warm waterfor10 to 15m inutesand rinse thoroughlyseveraltim es.Discard the w aterand place the Irish M oss,m ilk,lem on rind and vanila in a saucepan. Bring to boiland sim m eroverthe low estpossible heatfor 20 to 25m inutes.Asthe m ixture sim m ersitw ilslow lyand visiblybegin to thicken. M eanw hile separate the egg and,in abow l,beatthe yolk and sw eetenertogetheruntilpale in colour.Pourthe m ilk and Irish M ossthrough asieveontothesugarand egg m ixture,pushing thealm ostm elted jelythrough asm uch aspossible.Continue heating to ensure thatboth m ixtures are evenlym ixed and cooked together.Setaside to coola bit.Beatthe egg w hite untilstif and gradualyfold into the Irish M ossm ixture.Place in the refrigeratorto set. Serve chiled,garnished w ith yourdesired toppings.Try using stew ed fruits,spiceslike cinnam on ornutm eg,a teaspoon ofyourfavouriteliqueur,orhoney.
O livia’sIrish M os sm oothie
Ingredients ~1sm albanana (idealyfrozen) ~ 1/2avocado ~Large handfulofspinach ~1tbsp chiaseeds ~1tbsp colagen powder ~1tbsp Irish M ossgel
~1cup ofliquid (water orplant-based m ilk). You m ayneed m oreor lessdepending on desired consistency.
Serves 4.
NourishingBroc oliSoup
Irish M os DIY BeautyTreatm ents
Ingredients ~ 1/4 cup Irish M ossgel ~ 2headsorabout5-6cups ofbroccoli,f loretsand stem scoarselychopped ~ 3cupsofhotwater ~ 1/2cup ofcashew s ~ Sprinkle ofseaw eed seasoning to garnish ~ Kelp saltto taste ~ D rizzle ofolive oilor coconutcream to serve ~ Fresh herbsto serve
Sunburn Soother
~1/4 cup Irish M ossgel ~1/4 cup aloe vera gel ~2tbsp coconutoil
Hydrating Facem ask
~ 1/2ripe avocado ~1/2tbsp honey ~1/2tbsp Irish M ossgel
Giveyoursm oothiesaboostofvitam insand m ineralsbyadding Irish M ossGel.Add 1Tbsp ofgelto yoursm oothieorjuice! IrishM os Sm oothieSecret
Directions Steam broccoliin vegetable steam eruntilbrightgreen and slightlysoft(butnotm ushy). Transferto food processororhigh powered blenderand processtogetherw ith hotw ater,cashew s,and Irish M oss. Add m ore w aterasneeded untildesired thicknessisachieved.
Add Kelp Saltto taste.Drizzle w ith olive oilorcoconutcream and garnish w ith fresh herbs.Serve w arm . Serves 6.
TraditionalCough& ChestRem edy
Ingredients ~2cm fresh ginger,chopped ~1tbsp Irish M ossgel ~Juiceof1lem on ~1tsp M anukahoney ~ 2tsp fresh thym e leaves Directions Sim m er1cup ofwaterw ith theginger and thym efor20 m inutes.Once the w ateris infused,strain,then add the rem aining ingredientsand m ixw el.Serve hot. Serves 1.
Cher yChocolateAvocadoPudding
Ingredients ~2ripe avocados,pips removed ~4 tbsp raw cacao pow der ~4 tbsp m aplesyrup ~2tbsp Irish M ossgel ~3tbsp non-dairym ilk ~ 1tsp vanila extract ~1cup cheries,pited
Directions Com bine alingredients,exceptcheries,in a food processororblenderand blend untilsm ooth, scraping down thesidesasyou blend. Taste the m ixture and adjustthe f lavorasneeded.Add m ore cacao pow derforadeeperchocolate f lavour.Add m ore m aple syrup to sw eeten it.
UseIrish M os gelin dres ings& sauces
Thicken saucesw ith Irish M ossgel.Add 1/2-1tsp to 1cup ofliquid and blend.
Replace the fat(oil& dairyproducts)in dressingsw ith Irish M ossgel.Add theequivalentam ountofgelastherewould be fat.
Serve in a sm albow land top w ith sliced pited cheries. Serves 4.
Ofering high levelsofnaturalyoccuring iodine and otherm inerals,Kelp isa nutritiousseasoning and functionalfood.Use itasa m ineralrich alternative to salt,before during oraftercooking.Tryitasa tenderising,f lavourfulrub or to m arinade m eatand beans.Add to poridge and sm oothies.Lem on Kelp w orksbeautifulyw ith chicken,f ish orsalads.GarlicKelp and ChiliKelpscan be used w ith m ostm eals. Kelp
Guacam olewith GarlicKelp
Ingredients ~2ripe avocados,halved, stone rem oved and peeled ~1/2red onion,f inelychopped ~1red chili,seedsrem oved & f inelychopped ~1tsp ground cum in ~1tsp ground coriander ~ 1/2tsp GarlicKelp seasoning ~ 1/4 cup fresh coriander leaves,chopped ~2tbsp lim ejuice ~Freshlyground blackpepper ~Corn chipsto serve
Healthy,DairyFre ,BananaM uf f i ns
Ingredients ~3ripe bananas,m ashed ~1/3cup oliveoil ~2tbsp honey(can om itif w anting low -sugar) ~1/4 cup plantbased m ilk ~2tsp Kelp Seasoning ~1cup roled oats ~1cup alm ond m eal ~ 1tsp vanila bean paste oressence ~1tsp cinnam on ~1/2tsp baking soda
Directions Toastthecum in & ground corianderin ashalow pan overa m edium heatuntilarom atic(about1m inute).In abow l,m ash theavocadosuntilsm ooth,add altheotheringredientsand com bine w el.Serve w ith corn chips. Serves 6.
Directions Preheatoven to 180°.M ash bananasin am ixing bow luntil m ostlysm ooth.Add thewetingredients-oil,eggs,m ilk sw eetenerand vanila bean.M ixuntilw elcom bined. Next,add alofthedryingredientsinto thesam ebow land m ixuntilsm ooth with noclum ps.Spoon intom uff in m oulds. Ifavailable,use silicone m ouldsto ensure non-stick,otherw ise grease regularm uff in tins.Bake for16 m inutesuntillightly golden and aknifecom esoutclean. Serves 8.
RoastedCaulif lowerwithChiliKelp
Ingredients ~1head caulif low er ~ 2-3 tbsp olive oil ~2tbsp ChiliKelp ~1tsp ground cum in
Gre n Vegetableswith Lem onKelp Ingredients
~1/8 tsp cayenne pepper ~ 2 tbsp fresh lim e juice ~Chopped corianderleaves (optional)
~4 cupsoffresh green vegetables(broccoli, asparagus,beans,etc) ~ 2tbsp oil(olive,m acadam ia, avocado,etc) ~2tsp Lem on Kelp seasoning
Directions Pre-heatoven to 225°C.Cutthe stem s& leavesof
caulif low erw hile keeping the head intact.W ash and patdry. Place caulif low eron a baking traylined w ith a baking sheet. Drizzle olive oilovercaulif low erand spread evenlyw ith a pastrybrush.M ixthe spicestogetherand sprinkle on the caulif low erhead,coating itevenly.Pressthe spiceson the vegetable so itsticksto the olive oil.Bake for40-45m inutes oruntila knife slidesinto iteasily.Rem ove from oven,drizzle w ith lim e juice and top w ith coriander. Serves 4.
Directions Blanch orsteam the vegetablesleaving them ‘aldente’and brightgreen.Once cooked,coolthe vegetablesdow n quickly in cold w ater.On a serving plate,drizzle w ith olive oiland sprinkle Lem on Kelp. Serves 4.
Quinoa,BlackBean& KelpPaties
CevichewithLem onKelp
Ingredients ~100g quinoa ~200m lwater ~1vegetable stock cube ~1can black beans(drained, rinsed & pated down) ~ 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil ~2garliccloves(m inced) ~1m edium f inelychopped red onion ~2tbsp tom ato paste ~2tsp Pow erofThree seaw eed f lakes ~1tsp cayennepepper ~1tsp paprika ~1tsp ChiliKelp orGarlicKelp ~1tbsp f lour(GF optional)
Ingredients ~500g veryfresh f ish ~1sm alred onion,f inely chopped ~2tbsp sm alcapers ~ 2sm alcolourfulcapsicum s, f inelychopped ~Juice of6 lim es& zestof1 ~3tbsp lim e f lavoured avocado oil ~1/2tsp lem on Kelp ~ Bruised kaff irlim e leaf ~Handfulcorianderleaves coarsleychopped ~Onesm alchili,f inely chopped
~200m lcoconutcream ~Freshlyground pepper ~Letuce to serve ~Fresh chopped parsleyto garnish (optional)
Directions Preheatoven to 180°.Rinse quinoa,place in a saucepan w ith waterand vegetablestock cubeand bring to boil.Reduceto a sim m er,coverand cook for10-15m inutes,untilw aterhas been absorbed. M eanw hile,saute red onion and garlicin olive oiluntilgolden brow n and then setaside.M ash rinsed black beansin a large bow lw ith afork,leaving som e largerchunksofbeans.Add theonion and quinoatothebean m ixalong with thetom ato paste,pow erofthree,cayanne pepper,paprika and ChiliKelp. M ixuntilcom bined. Divide bean m ixture into 6 balsand f laten into paties.Place patieson aparchm entpaperlined baking sheet.Bakefor10 m inuteson each side (20 m inutestotal). Serves 6.
Directions Rinsef ish undercold waterand patdry.Sliceintof inepieces and arangein aglassbowl.Add alingredientsexcept coconutand m arinatefor6 hours.Drain som eofthelim e juice of and add coconutcream before serving.Season w ith salt,pepperand Lem on Kelp seasoning to taste.Serve on letuce leaves. Serves 4.
GriledChickenwithLem on Kelp& Cor iander
Ingredients ~ 1kg bonelesschicken breasts ~3tsp Lem on Kelp seasoning ~2tbsp oliveoil ~Grated zestof2fresh lim es ~Juice of2lim es (about1/4 cup) ~ 3tbsp corianderleaves, chopped ~Freshlyground blackpepper ~ Kelp Saltto taste
Ingredients ~12green praw ns,peeled, tailslefton ~ 1tsp crushed garlic ~Sprinkle ofgarlicKelp ~ 1/2 tsp chilif lakes ~Sprinkle ofChiliKelp ~ 1/2tbsp tom ato paste ~Splash ofw hitew ine ~1/3cup oliveoil ~Handfulofchopped parsley ~Freshlyground blackpepper
Method Place the chicken breastbetw een 2sheetsofbiodegradable plasticw rap (orbaking paper)and pound to an even thickness w ith am eatm aletorroling-pin.Rub thechicken w ith Lem on Kelp and Kelp Saltand place in a bow lw ith the lim e juice,zest and pepper.Coverand m arinadein thefridgefor30 m inutesor idealyovernight. Preheatthe grilto m edium -high heat(alternativelyBBQ or oven top elem ent).Rem ove the chicken from the fridge and from the m arinade. Brush olive oiloverthe chicken and then grilfora few m inutes on each sideuntilcooked throughout.Sprinklew ith chopped corianderand serve w ith lim e w edges. Serves 6.
Directions W arm olive oilin a shalow pan.Add garlic,chilif lakes& tom ato paste,and alow to soften w ithoutbrow ning.Add the praw nsand cook quicklyturning them over,untiltheyturn pink (you can have them w ith orw ithoutskew ers). Next,add w ine,kelp f lavours(w hich replace salt)and pepper. Sw irlaround fora few secondsto w arm up evenly.Serve w ith lem on wedgesand crustybread. Serves 2.
Form ore recipes& inform ation on Kelp visitw w w .pacif
Add Kom bu (stripsorleaves)to infuse broths, stocks,soupsorstew sw ith dense nutrients and wonderfulum am if lavours.UseKom bu Leavesto w rap food parcels.
TraditionalKom buDashi
Kom buStock Ingredients
Ingredients ~1Kom bu Strip ~5cupsofcold water ~5g bonito f lakes
~3litresofw ater ~1Kom bu Strip
~1sm alonion,roughlysliced ~1sm alcarot,roughlysliced ~1handfulofdried shitakeor porcinim ushroom s ~ 1/2 celery stick ~ 1garlicclove
Directions PlacetheKom bu Strip in apotw ith 4 cupsofcold water.Turn theheattom edium -high and bring toaslightsim m erthen turn theheatof.Leavethestrip for10 m inutesorm ore depending on the strength required,then rem ove it.Turn theheatbackon tom edium -high and waituntiltheseaweed stock com esto agentleboil.Add therem aining 1cup ofwater, and then the bonito f lakes.Do no stir.Turn heatup untilitboils again then turn of the heat.W hen the bonito f lakesfalto the botom ofthepot,strain through asieveorcheesecloth.Dashi isready. Serves 4. Note: To m ake vegan,om itbonito f lakes.To add adepth of f lavour,sim m erarange ofvegetablesincluding carot,onion, celery,garlic,ginger,and herbs,for15m inutesbefore adding theKom bu.
~Slice offresh ginger ~Fresh thym e,parsley& corianderstalks
Directions Place althe ingredientsexceptKom bu in alarge pot,coverand bring to asim m erslow ly.Sim m ergentlyfor15m inutes.Stop cooking and add theKom bu.Steep for10 m inutesorm ore, according to taste.Usethisstock asadrink orabaseforsoups & stews.Kom bu and m ushroom scan bechopped and returned to the stock ifdesired. Serves12.
Kom buCuredTuna Ingredients
W rappedSalm onwithKom buLeaves
~Enough piecesofKom bu Leavesto w rap the tuna ~1/2lem on,plus2tsp fresh lem on juice ~250g sushigradetunaloin, cutinto 121/2cm thick pieces ~1/2tsp grated orange zest ~ 2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil ~M anuka sm oked saltto taste ~2sm alcosletuce,sliced
Ingredients ~2big piecesofKom bu
~1lem on cutinto thin slices ~Handfuloffresh herbs(dil, thym e,taragon orfennel) ~Kelp SaltorSeaw eed Salt& pepperto taste
Directions In abow l,coverthe Kom bu Leavesw ith w arm w aterand let stand for10 m inutes,untilsoftened.Drain and patdry.Line up theKom bu side-by-sidein alargedish and rub with thelem on half.Placethetunain asinglelayeron theKom bu and wrap the leavesaround the f ish.Coverw ith biodegradable cling f ilm and refrigerate for24 hours.In a bow l,w hisk togetherlem on juice,orange zest,oiland season w ith sm oked salt.Toss through thecosletuce.PeeltheKom bu of thetunaand transferto plates.Sprinkle the f ish w ith sm oked saltand serve w ith cossalad. Serves 4.
Leaves,rehydrated ~2piecesofsalm on ~ Drizzle oftam ariorsoysauce
Directions Pre-heatoven to 180°C.Place 2Kom bu Leaveson alined oven tray.Place the salm on pieceson top and drizzle w ith tam ari. Coverw ith thin lem on slices& fresh herbs.Season to taste and w rap each Kom bu Leafaround the f ish diagonalyto m ake a w rap.Bake in the oven for10 m inutesoruntilthe f ish isjust cooked.Serve im m ediately. Serves 2.
EnjoynutritiousNoriasa dram aticgarnish w ith eggs,salads,soups,pizza,pasta, stir-fries,seafood,chocolate & ginger.
Ingredients ~1cup plain roled oats ~1cup buckw heatgroats ~1/2cup coconutf lakes ~1/4 cup pum pkin seeds ~1tbsp Norif lakes ~2tbsp cacaopowder ~3tbsp coconutoil,m elted ~1/3cup agave nectar/honey
Ingredients ~2tbsp sesam eoil ~ 2tbsp tam arisauce ~ 1-2 tsp chilipaste (optional)
~2tsp grated ginger ~200g m ushroom s
~1cup babyspinach leaves ~3/4 cup shredded carot ~100g cherytom atoes, halved ~3/4 cup shredded iceberg letuce ~ 1/2 ripe avocado,sliced ~Seaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning to garnish (optional) ~4g raw Norileavesorf lakes
Directions Preheatoven to 180°.Line a baking tray.Tossaldry ingredientsin a large bow lm aking sure theyare alcoated in cacao.Then place in the agave/honeyand coconutoiland m ixw eluntilalingredientsare w et. Place on the baking traym aking sure itisalevenlyspread out.Cook foraround 10 m inutesand m ixensuring alareas can getgolden.Return thegranolato theoven and cookfor another8 m inutes-oruntilgolden and crunchy.Keep in an airtightcontainerand eatw ithin 2/3w eeks. Serves10.
Directions Com bine sesam e oil,tam ari,ginger& chilipaste in a bow land m ixwel.Add m ushroom sto them arinadeand tossto coat. Transferto a saucepan (including m arinade)and cook overa m edium -high heatforapprox.5m inutes,stiring regularly. Divide alsalad ingredientsbetw een tw o bow ls.Add m ushroom sand garnish w ith Noriand Seaweed & Sesam e Seasoning. Serves2.
Daz lingCrispyCrackers
Ingredients ~100g oats ~50g tapiocaf lour
~60g chiaseeds ~40g alm onds ~40g sunf lowerseeds ~20g Norif lakes ~20g oliveoil ~4g Kelp Saltorseaweeds salt ~140g boiling water
M acadam iaPesto
Ingredients ~2tbsp Norif lakes ~ 1shalots,m inced ~Zestof1lem on ~1/3cup m acadam iaoil ~ 1cup basilleaves ~2tbsp lem on juice ~2tbsp m acadam ianuts ~2tbsp capers ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste
Directions Preheatyouroven to 150°.Add alofyourdryingredientsinto a food processorand blend untilitresem blesaf ine crum b.Next, add theoiland boiling waterand blend again untilwelm ixed. Transferm ixture into a lined baking trayand use a roling pin to f laten.Roluntilthe m ixture isthin and even,aim ing forthe depth ofa thin cracker. Bake for45m inutesuntilcrispy.Rem ove from oven,letitcool, then break itup into sm alcrackersize pieces.Eatthe crackers on theirow n orw ith adip such asguacam ole! Serves 6.
Directions Place the m inced shalotsin abow lw ith lem on juice and letsit for5m inutes.Zestyourlem on and putaside.Pourtheshalot m ixture into a blenderalong w ith the Nori,basil,lem on zest, m acadam ia oil,saltand capersand pulse untilf ine.Taste and adjustsaltifneed be.Add them acadam ianutsand pulseuntil theyare in sm alpieces.Keep in the fridge forup to 1w eek. Serves 4.
W ild RiceSalad
Nori,Tam ari& Sesam eAlm onds
Ingredients ~1cup alm onds,soaked overnight ~1tbsp sesam e seeds,soaked overnight ~1/3cup Norifronds (w ild orfarm ed) ~ 11/2tbsp tam ari
Dressing ~2tbsp oliveoil ~2tbsp sesam eoil ~1/3cup shoyu
Ingredients ~100g extraf irm tofu ~Pinch ofKelp salt ~1spring onion ~ 1/2cup pecans,toasted ~1bunch ofcorianderleaves, chopped ~3cupscooked w ild rice (alternatively,brow n orred) ~1/2cup Norifronds
Directions Soak alm ondsand sesam e seedsin a bow loff iltered w ater overnight.In them orning,rinseand drain wel.Pourinto a bow lw ith the Noriand tam ari,stiring to com bine w el. Pouronto adehydratorsheetin asinglelayerand dryfor12-24 hoursat41°oruntilsupercrunchyand com pletelydry.Orput on an oven trayand bake at50°fan bake (ifavailable)w ith the doorslightlyajarforthesam eam ountoftim e.Orat100°for 1hour.Store in an air-tightcontainer. Serves 4.
~ 1/4 cup rice vinegar ~1tbsp lem on juice ~Zestof1lem on ~2tbsp honey ~1tsp fresh ginger,grated ~ Kelp Saltto taste
Directions Drain the tofu,patdry,cube and sprinkle w ith Kelp salt. Cook in an oiled pan overm edium heatuntilthe tofu isf irm & golden.M akethedressing bycom bining alingredients.To assem ble,f irstm ixtogetherthe spring onion,pecans, corianderleaves,crum bled Noriand the w ild rice w ith agenerousam ound ofdressing.Com bineweland add the cooked tofu.Tossgentlyand add m ore dressing ifrequired. Serves 4.
ChocolateFondantwith Ginger
Ingredients ~60g unsalted buter,plus extrato coatthe m oulds ~1tbsp cacoapowder ~60g dark chocolate,broken into pieces ~3tbsp Norif lakes ~ 20g crystalised ginger, grated ~1egg +1egg yolk ~50g castersugar ~1tbsp plain f lour(orgluten free alternative) ~pinch ofsalt
Broad Bean Stir-Fry
Ingredients ~350g broad beansoutofthe pod ~1/4 cup Norifronds ~460g cherytom atoes, halved ~6 spring onions,f inely chopped ~ 2 clovesgarlic,crushed ~2tbsp ofeach fresh m arjoram & parsley,chopped ~3tbsp oliveoil ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste
Directions Pre-heatoven to200°C and putabaking trayin them iddleof theshelf.Butertheinsdeof4 ovenproofDario m oulds(or ram ekins),and coatw ith the cacoa.Putthe buterand chocolateinto aheatproofbow land setoverapotof sim m ering w ater;m ake sure the bow ldoesn’ttouch the w ater. Stiroccasionalyuntilm elted.Alow to coolslightly.Add the Nori& grated gingerand com bine.In a seperate bow l,w hisk togethertheegg,egg yolk,sugarand apinch ofsaltuntil pale and f lufy.Gentlyfold in the m elted chocolate & buter m ixture and then fold in the f lour.Spoon into the pre-prepared m oulds,stopping justshyofthetop.Putthem ouldsontothe hotbaking trayand cook for12m inutes,untilthetopsare com ing aw ayfrom the sidesofthe m oulds.Leave to restfor 30 secondsand then serve turned outon platesw ith thickened cream & straw beries. Serves 4.
Directions Blanchethebeansin boiling waterfor1m inute.Drain into a sieveand hold undercold running waterto stop thecooking. Drain again and peelof the outerskin. Heatoilin a non-stick pan untilhot,add tom atoesand saute overhigh heatuntiljuicyand starting to caram elise.Add the spring onionsand garlicand cookoveram edium heatfor2 m inutes,untiltheonionsbegin tosoften.Add thebeansand Norifrondsand cook foranother2m inutes,stiring constantly. Season and m ixin the herbs. Serves 2.
SeaChicory TrynutritiousRed & Green Sea Chicory asa colourful,crunchyyetdelicate edible garnish w ith anym eal.Sea Chicory itselfisf lavourfree butitw iltake on aslight f lavourofw hateveritishydrated in.
SeaLetuce Containing iron and iodine,SeaLetuce isanutritiousgarnish, w ith a subtle pepperyf lavour.Deliciousw ith soups,pasta,pizza, stir-friesand poke bow ls.A w onderfulalternative to parsley.
Ingredients ~2largeripebananas (mashed)
Buckwheat,Pum pkinRisoto
Ingredients ~ 150g buckw heatgrains, slightly roasted ~1sm algreen pum pkin, diced ~2cupsvegetablebroth ~2m edium onions,cutf ine ~Thym e & Rosem aryto taste ~3tbsp oliveoil ~1tbsp red balsam icvinegar ~Kelp Salt& pepperto taste
~1/2cup honeyorm aplesyrup ~1/3cup coconutoil(m elted) ~ 2 eggs ~1/4 cup m ilk (anypreference) ~1tsp baking soda ~1tbsp vanila essence ~1tbsp SeaLetuce f lakes ~ 1/2 tsp salt ~11/2cupsf lour(gluten free orstandard) ~1/2tsp cinnam on ~ 1/4 cup chocolate chips (optional)
To garnish ~3tbsp cashew nuts ~3tbsp pum pkin seeds,roasted ~2tsp Sea Letuce f lakes
Directions Preheatoven to 170°and oila 9x5-inch loafpan.W hisk eggs, coconutoil,vanila essence and honeytogetherin a large m ixing bow l.Add m ashed bananasand m ilk,then stirin dry ingredients.Do notoverm ix.Fold in chocolate chips(optional). Pourm ixture into yourgreased loafpan.Bake for55-60 m inutes, untila toothpick inserted into the centercom esoutclean.Let coolon thebench for10 m inutesbeforerem oving from loaf pan.Eatw ithin 3days. Serves 6.
Directions Preheatoven to 200°C.M ixtogetherthecutpum pkin,onions, oil,vinegar,herbs,saltand pepper.Place evenlyon a roasting dish and bake in the oven for20 m inutes.M eanw hile,stir buckw heatgrainsinto boiling waterfor1m inuteto rinse,then drain.To toastthe grains,place in a potw ith a litle olive oil and lightlyfryfor5m inutes.Nextadd thevegetablebroth and cook for15m inutes.Oncethebuckw heatiscooked,rem ove from heatand stand covered for10 m inutes.In a drypan, roastthe nutsand seedsuntillightlygolden and fragrant. Once alelem entsare ready,m ixeverything togetherand sprinkle w ith Sea Letuce f lakes. Serves 2.
GoatChe sePastries
Ingredients ~250g puf pastry
~1tbsp SeaLetuce f lakes ~150g spreadable goats cheese ~1tbsp lem on juice ~1tsp lem on zest ~Salt& pepperto taste ~1egg yolk beaten w ith 1tbsp water ~Parm esan cheese (optional)
SeaLetuceButer Ingredients
~150g unsalted buter, softened
~1tbsp SeaLetuce f lakes ~Juice& zestofonelim e ~Sprinkle ofKelp Salt(or trySeaw eed SaltorM anuka Sm oked Dulse Flakes
Directions Preheatoven to 200°C.Rolpastryto a 15cm x35cm rectangle. Trim uneven edgesw ith a sharp knife.M ixgoatcheese w ith lem on juice,lem on zestand spread evenlyoverpastry;sprinkle w ith freshlyground black pepperand SeaLetuce f lakes.Rol up endstightlyto m eetin the m iddle ofthe pastry.Refrigerate untilf irm (about20 m inutes).Brush w ith beaten egg m ixture and cutacrossinto 1cm thick slicesand sprinkle w ith parm esan ifusing.Place sliceson an oiled baking sheetand bake until crisp and golden (about10 m inutes). Serves 4.
Directions Rem ovebuterfrom thefridgeand letitcom etoroom tem perature.Then w hip itvigorouslyuntillightand cream y. Add in SeaLetuce f lakes,lim e and Kelp Saltand continue to beatgentlyuntilcom bined.Rolintoalog and wrap welin baking paperand plasticf ilm .Refrigerate untilneeded. Serves12.
NutritiousSea Spaghetiaddsw onderfultexture,um am if lavour and nutrients.Tryin salads,soupsand stir-fries.Soak itin f lavoured liquidsto experim entw ith diferentf lavourprof iles.
Chicken& KaleSoup
Edam am eSaladwithAvocado
Ingredients ~10g dried SeaSpagheti, im m ersed in w arm stock & soaked for30 m inutes ~ 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil ~ 3 leeks ~1/2yelow onion ~ 2 clovesgarlic,crushed ~1bunch ofkale ~9 cup chicken stock/broth ~3cupscooked chicken, shredded ~ Kelp Saltto taste ~1tsp ground blackpepper ~Sprinkle ofchopped parsley
Ingredients ~1avocado
~100g sheled edam am ebeans ~10-12strandsofSeaSpagheti ~ 100g m ixed salad leaves ~Toasted sesam e seeds ~2spring onions,cutf ine Dressing ~ 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil ~1tsp sesam e oil ~ 1/2tbsp Tam arisoysauce ~ Kelp Saltto taste
Directions Prepare the SeaSpaghetibyeithersoaking for20 m inutesin tepid waterorsim m ering on stovetop for10 m inutes.W hen fulyrehydrated,drain the liquid and cutto desired length, setaside.Don’tdiscard the liquid,use forstock,add to m eals forextraf lavourand nutrients,oruse to w aterplants.Cook the edam am e brief lyin boiling w ater,drain and setaside.Cube the avocado and drizzle w ith lem on juice to preventbrow ning. Place the leavesin a serving plate and scaterthe other ingredientson top.M ixalthe dressing ingredientstogether then drizzle on top ofthe salad. Serves 2.
Directions Cuttherootsand thedark green leavesof theleeks.Nextchop leeksf inelyand setaside.Heatoilin a large potoverm edium heatand cook theonions,garlicand leeksfor8 to 10 m inutes, untilsoftand translucent.Rem ove the ribsfrom the kale and tearorchop into bite size pieces.Nextadd kale,chicken stock and peppertotheleeksand bring toboil.Reduceheatto m edium -low and sim m erfor5m inutes.Add chicken and the rehydrated Sea Spagheti.Heatuntilthe chicken isw arm ed through.Adjustseasoningsto taste. Serves 6.
W hiteChocolateCookies Ingredients ~8-10g SeaSpagheti
Ginger& Car otSalad
Ingredients ~15g SeaSpagheti ~20g fresh gingerroot,peeled & grated ~50m lrice w ine vinegar ~1tsp honeyorm aplesyrup ~1/2telecucum ber,peeled & grated ~ 50g peanuts,toasted ~ 2 tsp fresh lim e juice ~ 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil ~15g corianderleaves,chopped ~20g m intleaves,shredded ~ Kelp Saltto taste
rehydrated in w arm w aterfor 10 m inutes ~55g buter,m elted ~ 2large tbsp pearconcentrate ~ 1tsp vanila extract ~Juiceof1lem on ~1egg,beaten ~106g speltf lour
~160g ground alm onds ~1tsp baking powder ~ 125g w hite chocolate, roughlychopped ~85g f laked alm onds
Directions Preheatoven to 180°C and grease baking trays.Drain w ater from Sea Spaghetiand chop f inely(reserving the soaking w ater).Transferinto a m ixing bow land add m elted buter, honey,pear,vanila and lem on juice.M ixdryingredients togetherin aseperate bow land fold into the SeaSpagheti m ixture.Add alitle ofthe reserved soaking w aterifthe dough istoo stif.Stirin the w hite chocolate and f laked alm onds. Dolop spoonsofthem ixtureonto abaking trayand bakefor 10 m inutes. Serves4.
Directions Soak drySeaSpaghetiin cold w aterfor30 m inutes.Bring a large potofw aterto boil.Drain SeaSpaghetiand place in boiling w aterw ith the ginger.Boilfor2m inutes,add carots, boilfor2m ore,then patdry.Transferthe blached vegetables to a large bow land w hile stilhot,add vinegar,saltand pepper. M ixand setaside untilcooled.Nextadd rem aining ingredients, toss,and serve. Serves 4.
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