NutritiousDulseaddsauniquesm okyf lavour.Trywith eggs,savourybaking,poke bow ls& sm oothies.
DetoxifyingDulseSm oothie
Ingredients ~1tsp Dulse f lakes ~1/2cup frozen beries ~1/2banana ~Juiceof1/2alem on ~1cup spinach ~1tbsp chiaseeds ~ 1/4 avocado ~1tbsp colagen powder ~1.5cupsplant-based m ilk or water
Che seScones
Ingredients ~2cupsself-rising f lour (orgluten-freeoption) ~2tbsp Dulsef lakes ~1& 1/2cupsgrated tastycheddarcheese ~3tbsp f inelygrated parm esan cheese ~1/3cup unsalted buter ~1/3cup m ilk ~2large eggs,beaten ~ 1/4 tsp salt ~2tsp ofChiliKelp (optional)
Directions Add alingredientstoablenderand blend untilsm ooth. Serves 1.
Directions Pre-heatoven to 220°C.Line a biscuittin w ith baking paper. Siftthe f lour,salt& chili(ifusing)into a bow l.W ith a fork or tw o knives,rub in the buteruntilthe m ixture resem bles coarse crum bs.Stirthrough 2/3ofthe cheddarcheese & Dulse f lakes. In asm albow l,stirtogethertheeggsand m ilk.Add to the f lourm ixture and incorporate brief lyw ith aknife.Turn onto a f loured board and shape into a circle.Sprinkle w ith the restof the cheddar,Dulse f lakes& parm esan.Cutinto squaresand transferonto the baking sheet.
Ingredients ~1largebuternutsquash ~1head ofgarlic ~ Olive oilto roastthe squash ~500m lofvegetable stock ~1tbsp Kelp seasoning ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste
Garnish ~1sm altin ofcoconutcream ~Sm oked Dulse f lakes(1/3tsp perperson orto taste) ~Black sesam e seedsto garnish ~Chopped parsley& m acadam ianuts(optional) Directions Heatthe oven to 200°C.Cutthe squash in halflengthw ise, sprinkle w ith oiland bake in the oven w ith the garlicfor30 m inutesoruntilgolden & tender.Coolforafew m inutesso it can behandled.Spoon thegolden f lesh out& squeezethe cooked garlicclovesoutoftheirskin and transferinto a food processor. Add som eofthestock and kelp seasoning and pureeuntil sm ooth.Adjustthethicknessofthesoup to yourliking by adding m ore stock.Add Kelp salt& pepperto taste. To assem ble,ladle the soup into w arm bow ls.Drizzle w ith coconutcream and garnish w ith Dulse f lakes,black sesam e seeds,m acadam ia nuts& parsley. Serves6.
Bakein them iddleoftheoven for10-17m inutes,depending on the size ofthe scones,untilgolden. Serves 8.
Ingredients ~1tsp coconutoil ~ 2g Dulse leaves
Directions Seperate the Dulse leavesuntilyou have a single layer.Puta teaspoon ofcoconutoilinto afrypan and m elton alow heat. Add theDulseleavesand cookvery gentlyforabout1m inute oruntilcrispy.Enjoy! Serves 1.
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