Pacific Harvest Seaweed Recipes


RoastedM ushroom ,Feta& Pasta

Ingredients ~20g Dulsef lakes ~ 50m lextra-virgin olive oil ~ 25g pine nuts,lightly roasted ~ 2 garlic cloves,crushed ~ 25g fresh basilleaves

~ 25g f latleafparsley ~ 25g fresh parm esan cheese,grated

Directions Using afood processor,com binetheseaweed w ith theother ingredientsw ith pulse feature.Stop and turn ingredientsover w ith aspatulaand com binefor30 seconds. Byhand w ith am ortarand pestle,chop the ingredientsf inely and slow ly,add the oiland cheese w hile m ixing and chrunching w ith the pestle. The oilhelpsincoperate the cheese and add to the taste,so choosehigh qualityoil.Placethepesto in atightjar(orsim plyin an air-tightplasticcontainer),covered bya thin layerofextra- virgin olive oil,w hich helpskeep itfresh forup to a w eek in the refrig erator.

Ingredients ~1/4 cup oliveoil ~Punnetofbuton m ushroom s ~1tsp Sm oked Dulse f lakes ~2punnetsofcherytom atoes ~Handfuloffresh spinach ~200g offeta ~Kelp Salt& pepperto taste

~Fresh herbsto garnish ~1packetofribbon pasta

Directions Preheatoven to 200°C.Thinlyslicem ushroom sand chop tom atoesin halfthen place on a baking dish.Tossw ith olive oil, Sm oked Dulse,Kelp Saltand pepper.

Fish Pie

Once m ixed add the fetato the centre ofthe dish.Place dish in theoven and cookfor40 m inutes.

Ingredients ~ 750g assorted f ish ~4 cupsofm ilk ~2bayleaves ~ 2carots,diced ~ 1stick ofcelery,diced

Boilw aterand cook pasta perpacketinstructions.Strain and setaside,m ixing itw ith a dash ofolive oilto ensure the pasta doesnotstick. Once the vegetablesare cooked,add the pasta to the baking dish,along w ith fresh spinach and herbs.and m ixtogether. Serves 4.

~3green onions,thinlysliced ~ 2tbsp f inelychopped parsley ~1/4 cup plain f lour ~2tbsp Dulse f lakesorleaves ~M ashed potatoes,seasoned w ith kelp salt,pepper& cream

Roasted PineappleSalsa

Directions Pre-heatoven to 180°C.Chop thef ish into m edium sized chunks and lightlypoach in m ilk w ith bayleaves,salt& pepper.Do not fulycook the f ish.W ith asloted spoon,place the f ish in an ovenproofdish,setaside. Add thechopped vegetablesto apan and sauteuntillightly cooked.Add buterand heatuntilfoam ing,then add the f lour. Stirconsistentlyfor1-2m inutesuntilbubbling then rem ove from heat. Slow lyadd the strained poaching m ilk,w hisking constantly,until sm ooth.Return to the heatand cook,stiring untilthe sauce com esto aboil,thickens,and coatsthe back ofaspoon.

Ingredients ~3-4 round slicesoffresh pineapple ~1tbsp Dulse f lakes ~1/4 cup oliveoil ~1/2red onion (f inelydiced) ~ 1/4 cup corianderleaves ~Juiceof1lim e ~ 1fresh chili,m inced ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste

Directions Roastthe pineapple slicesbrushed w ith oilon both sides untilbrow n (about8 m inutes).Letcool.Dice the pineapple and chop the otheringredientsinto sm alpieces.Stiralthe ingredientstogetherin a bow land season to taste. M akesabout1cup ofsalsa. Serves 4.

Add Dulseand gentlycom binewith thef ish m ixture.

Coverw ith m ashed potatoesand bake for30 m inutes,until brow ned.Sprinkle w ith fresh parsley,and serve w ith a fresh side salad orvegetables. Serves6.


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