NourishingBroc oliSoup
Irish M os DIY BeautyTreatm ents
Ingredients ~ 1/4 cup Irish M ossgel ~ 2headsorabout5-6cups ofbroccoli,f loretsand stem scoarselychopped ~ 3cupsofhotwater ~ 1/2cup ofcashew s ~ Sprinkle ofseaw eed seasoning to garnish ~ Kelp saltto taste ~ D rizzle ofolive oilor coconutcream to serve ~ Fresh herbsto serve
Sunburn Soother
~1/4 cup Irish M ossgel ~1/4 cup aloe vera gel ~2tbsp coconutoil
Hydrating Facem ask
~ 1/2ripe avocado ~1/2tbsp honey ~1/2tbsp Irish M ossgel
Giveyoursm oothiesaboostofvitam insand m ineralsbyadding Irish M ossGel.Add 1Tbsp ofgelto yoursm oothieorjuice! IrishM os Sm oothieSecret
Directions Steam broccoliin vegetable steam eruntilbrightgreen and slightlysoft(butnotm ushy). Transferto food processororhigh powered blenderand processtogetherw ith hotw ater,cashew s,and Irish M oss. Add m ore w aterasneeded untildesired thicknessisachieved.
Add Kelp Saltto taste.Drizzle w ith olive oilorcoconutcream and garnish w ith fresh herbs.Serve w arm . Serves 6.
TraditionalCough& ChestRem edy
Ingredients ~2cm fresh ginger,chopped ~1tbsp Irish M ossgel ~Juiceof1lem on ~1tsp M anukahoney ~ 2tsp fresh thym e leaves Directions Sim m er1cup ofwaterw ith theginger and thym efor20 m inutes.Once the w ateris infused,strain,then add the rem aining ingredientsand m ixw el.Serve hot. Serves 1.
Cher yChocolateAvocadoPudding
Ingredients ~2ripe avocados,pips removed ~4 tbsp raw cacao pow der ~4 tbsp m aplesyrup ~2tbsp Irish M ossgel ~3tbsp non-dairym ilk ~ 1tsp vanila extract ~1cup cheries,pited
Directions Com bine alingredients,exceptcheries,in a food processororblenderand blend untilsm ooth, scraping down thesidesasyou blend. Taste the m ixture and adjustthe f lavorasneeded.Add m ore cacao pow derforadeeperchocolate f lavour.Add m ore m aple syrup to sw eeten it.
UseIrish M os gelin dres ings& sauces
Thicken saucesw ith Irish M ossgel.Add 1/2-1tsp to 1cup ofliquid and blend.
Replace the fat(oil& dairyproducts)in dressingsw ith Irish M ossgel.Add theequivalentam ountofgelastherewould be fat.
Serve in a sm albow land top w ith sliced pited cheries. Serves 4.
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