Ofering high levelsofnaturalyoccuring iodine and otherm inerals,Kelp isa nutritiousseasoning and functionalfood.Use itasa m ineralrich alternative to salt,before during oraftercooking.Tryitasa tenderising,f lavourfulrub or to m arinade m eatand beans.Add to poridge and sm oothies.Lem on Kelp w orksbeautifulyw ith chicken,f ish orsalads.GarlicKelp and ChiliKelpscan be used w ith m ostm eals. Kelp
Guacam olewith GarlicKelp
Ingredients ~2ripe avocados,halved, stone rem oved and peeled ~1/2red onion,f inelychopped ~1red chili,seedsrem oved & f inelychopped ~1tsp ground cum in ~1tsp ground coriander ~ 1/2tsp GarlicKelp seasoning ~ 1/4 cup fresh coriander leaves,chopped ~2tbsp lim ejuice ~Freshlyground blackpepper ~Corn chipsto serve
Healthy,DairyFre ,BananaM uf f i ns
Ingredients ~3ripe bananas,m ashed ~1/3cup oliveoil ~2tbsp honey(can om itif w anting low -sugar) ~1/4 cup plantbased m ilk ~2tsp Kelp Seasoning ~1cup roled oats ~1cup alm ond m eal ~ 1tsp vanila bean paste oressence ~1tsp cinnam on ~1/2tsp baking soda
Directions Toastthecum in & ground corianderin ashalow pan overa m edium heatuntilarom atic(about1m inute).In abow l,m ash theavocadosuntilsm ooth,add altheotheringredientsand com bine w el.Serve w ith corn chips. Serves 6.
Directions Preheatoven to 180°.M ash bananasin am ixing bow luntil m ostlysm ooth.Add thewetingredients-oil,eggs,m ilk sw eetenerand vanila bean.M ixuntilw elcom bined. Next,add alofthedryingredientsinto thesam ebow land m ixuntilsm ooth with noclum ps.Spoon intom uff in m oulds. Ifavailable,use silicone m ouldsto ensure non-stick,otherw ise grease regularm uff in tins.Bake for16 m inutesuntillightly golden and aknifecom esoutclean. Serves 8.
RoastedCaulif lowerwithChiliKelp
Ingredients ~1head caulif low er ~ 2-3 tbsp olive oil ~2tbsp ChiliKelp ~1tsp ground cum in
Gre n Vegetableswith Lem onKelp Ingredients
~1/8 tsp cayenne pepper ~ 2 tbsp fresh lim e juice ~Chopped corianderleaves (optional)
~4 cupsoffresh green vegetables(broccoli, asparagus,beans,etc) ~ 2tbsp oil(olive,m acadam ia, avocado,etc) ~2tsp Lem on Kelp seasoning
Directions Pre-heatoven to 225°C.Cutthe stem s& leavesof
caulif low erw hile keeping the head intact.W ash and patdry. Place caulif low eron a baking traylined w ith a baking sheet. Drizzle olive oilovercaulif low erand spread evenlyw ith a pastrybrush.M ixthe spicestogetherand sprinkle on the caulif low erhead,coating itevenly.Pressthe spiceson the vegetable so itsticksto the olive oil.Bake for40-45m inutes oruntila knife slidesinto iteasily.Rem ove from oven,drizzle w ith lim e juice and top w ith coriander. Serves 4.
Directions Blanch orsteam the vegetablesleaving them ‘aldente’and brightgreen.Once cooked,coolthe vegetablesdow n quickly in cold w ater.On a serving plate,drizzle w ith olive oiland sprinkle Lem on Kelp. Serves 4.
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