Quinoa,BlackBean& KelpPaties
CevichewithLem onKelp
Ingredients ~100g quinoa ~200m lwater ~1vegetable stock cube ~1can black beans(drained, rinsed & pated down) ~ 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil ~2garliccloves(m inced) ~1m edium f inelychopped red onion ~2tbsp tom ato paste ~2tsp Pow erofThree seaw eed f lakes ~1tsp cayennepepper ~1tsp paprika ~1tsp ChiliKelp orGarlicKelp ~1tbsp f lour(GF optional)
Ingredients ~500g veryfresh f ish ~1sm alred onion,f inely chopped ~2tbsp sm alcapers ~ 2sm alcolourfulcapsicum s, f inelychopped ~Juice of6 lim es& zestof1 ~3tbsp lim e f lavoured avocado oil ~1/2tsp lem on Kelp ~ Bruised kaff irlim e leaf ~Handfulcorianderleaves coarsleychopped ~Onesm alchili,f inely chopped
~200m lcoconutcream ~Freshlyground pepper ~Letuce to serve ~Fresh chopped parsleyto garnish (optional)
Directions Preheatoven to 180°.Rinse quinoa,place in a saucepan w ith waterand vegetablestock cubeand bring to boil.Reduceto a sim m er,coverand cook for10-15m inutes,untilw aterhas been absorbed. M eanw hile,saute red onion and garlicin olive oiluntilgolden brow n and then setaside.M ash rinsed black beansin a large bow lw ith afork,leaving som e largerchunksofbeans.Add theonion and quinoatothebean m ixalong with thetom ato paste,pow erofthree,cayanne pepper,paprika and ChiliKelp. M ixuntilcom bined. Divide bean m ixture into 6 balsand f laten into paties.Place patieson aparchm entpaperlined baking sheet.Bakefor10 m inuteson each side (20 m inutestotal). Serves 6.
Directions Rinsef ish undercold waterand patdry.Sliceintof inepieces and arangein aglassbowl.Add alingredientsexcept coconutand m arinatefor6 hours.Drain som eofthelim e juice of and add coconutcream before serving.Season w ith salt,pepperand Lem on Kelp seasoning to taste.Serve on letuce leaves. Serves 4.
GriledChickenwithLem on Kelp& Cor iander
Ingredients ~ 1kg bonelesschicken breasts ~3tsp Lem on Kelp seasoning ~2tbsp oliveoil ~Grated zestof2fresh lim es ~Juice of2lim es (about1/4 cup) ~ 3tbsp corianderleaves, chopped ~Freshlyground blackpepper ~ Kelp Saltto taste
Ingredients ~12green praw ns,peeled, tailslefton ~ 1tsp crushed garlic ~Sprinkle ofgarlicKelp ~ 1/2 tsp chilif lakes ~Sprinkle ofChiliKelp ~ 1/2tbsp tom ato paste ~Splash ofw hitew ine ~1/3cup oliveoil ~Handfulofchopped parsley ~Freshlyground blackpepper
Method Place the chicken breastbetw een 2sheetsofbiodegradable plasticw rap (orbaking paper)and pound to an even thickness w ith am eatm aletorroling-pin.Rub thechicken w ith Lem on Kelp and Kelp Saltand place in a bow lw ith the lim e juice,zest and pepper.Coverand m arinadein thefridgefor30 m inutesor idealyovernight. Preheatthe grilto m edium -high heat(alternativelyBBQ or oven top elem ent).Rem ove the chicken from the fridge and from the m arinade. Brush olive oiloverthe chicken and then grilfora few m inutes on each sideuntilcooked throughout.Sprinklew ith chopped corianderand serve w ith lim e w edges. Serves 6.
Directions W arm olive oilin a shalow pan.Add garlic,chilif lakes& tom ato paste,and alow to soften w ithoutbrow ning.Add the praw nsand cook quicklyturning them over,untiltheyturn pink (you can have them w ith orw ithoutskew ers). Next,add w ine,kelp f lavours(w hich replace salt)and pepper. Sw irlaround fora few secondsto w arm up evenly.Serve w ith lem on wedgesand crustybread. Serves 2.
Form ore recipes& inform ation on Kelp visitw w w .pacif icharvest.co.nz
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