Add Kom bu (stripsorleaves)to infuse broths, stocks,soupsorstew sw ith dense nutrients and wonderfulum am if lavours.UseKom bu Leavesto w rap food parcels.
TraditionalKom buDashi
Kom buStock Ingredients
Ingredients ~1Kom bu Strip ~5cupsofcold water ~5g bonito f lakes
~3litresofw ater ~1Kom bu Strip
~1sm alonion,roughlysliced ~1sm alcarot,roughlysliced ~1handfulofdried shitakeor porcinim ushroom s ~ 1/2 celery stick ~ 1garlicclove
Directions PlacetheKom bu Strip in apotw ith 4 cupsofcold water.Turn theheattom edium -high and bring toaslightsim m erthen turn theheatof.Leavethestrip for10 m inutesorm ore depending on the strength required,then rem ove it.Turn theheatbackon tom edium -high and waituntiltheseaweed stock com esto agentleboil.Add therem aining 1cup ofwater, and then the bonito f lakes.Do no stir.Turn heatup untilitboils again then turn of the heat.W hen the bonito f lakesfalto the botom ofthepot,strain through asieveorcheesecloth.Dashi isready. Serves 4. Note: To m ake vegan,om itbonito f lakes.To add adepth of f lavour,sim m erarange ofvegetablesincluding carot,onion, celery,garlic,ginger,and herbs,for15m inutesbefore adding theKom bu.
~Slice offresh ginger ~Fresh thym e,parsley& corianderstalks
Directions Place althe ingredientsexceptKom bu in alarge pot,coverand bring to asim m erslow ly.Sim m ergentlyfor15m inutes.Stop cooking and add theKom bu.Steep for10 m inutesorm ore, according to taste.Usethisstock asadrink orabaseforsoups & stews.Kom bu and m ushroom scan bechopped and returned to the stock ifdesired. Serves12.
Kom buCuredTuna Ingredients
W rappedSalm onwithKom buLeaves
~Enough piecesofKom bu Leavesto w rap the tuna ~1/2lem on,plus2tsp fresh lem on juice ~250g sushigradetunaloin, cutinto 121/2cm thick pieces ~1/2tsp grated orange zest ~ 2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil ~M anuka sm oked saltto taste ~2sm alcosletuce,sliced
Ingredients ~2big piecesofKom bu
~1lem on cutinto thin slices ~Handfuloffresh herbs(dil, thym e,taragon orfennel) ~Kelp SaltorSeaw eed Salt& pepperto taste
Directions In abow l,coverthe Kom bu Leavesw ith w arm w aterand let stand for10 m inutes,untilsoftened.Drain and patdry.Line up theKom bu side-by-sidein alargedish and rub with thelem on half.Placethetunain asinglelayeron theKom bu and wrap the leavesaround the f ish.Coverw ith biodegradable cling f ilm and refrigerate for24 hours.In a bow l,w hisk togetherlem on juice,orange zest,oiland season w ith sm oked salt.Toss through thecosletuce.PeeltheKom bu of thetunaand transferto plates.Sprinkle the f ish w ith sm oked saltand serve w ith cossalad. Serves 4.
Leaves,rehydrated ~2piecesofsalm on ~ Drizzle oftam ariorsoysauce
Directions Pre-heatoven to 180°C.Place 2Kom bu Leaveson alined oven tray.Place the salm on pieceson top and drizzle w ith tam ari. Coverw ith thin lem on slices& fresh herbs.Season to taste and w rap each Kom bu Leafaround the f ish diagonalyto m ake a w rap.Bake in the oven for10 m inutesoruntilthe f ish isjust cooked.Serve im m ediately. Serves 2.
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