EnjoynutritiousNoriasa dram aticgarnish w ith eggs,salads,soups,pizza,pasta, stir-fries,seafood,chocolate & ginger.
Ingredients ~1cup plain roled oats ~1cup buckw heatgroats ~1/2cup coconutf lakes ~1/4 cup pum pkin seeds ~1tbsp Norif lakes ~2tbsp cacaopowder ~3tbsp coconutoil,m elted ~1/3cup agave nectar/honey
Ingredients ~2tbsp sesam eoil ~ 2tbsp tam arisauce ~ 1-2 tsp chilipaste (optional)
~2tsp grated ginger ~200g m ushroom s
~1cup babyspinach leaves ~3/4 cup shredded carot ~100g cherytom atoes, halved ~3/4 cup shredded iceberg letuce ~ 1/2 ripe avocado,sliced ~Seaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning to garnish (optional) ~4g raw Norileavesorf lakes
Directions Preheatoven to 180°.Line a baking tray.Tossaldry ingredientsin a large bow lm aking sure theyare alcoated in cacao.Then place in the agave/honeyand coconutoiland m ixw eluntilalingredientsare w et. Place on the baking traym aking sure itisalevenlyspread out.Cook foraround 10 m inutesand m ixensuring alareas can getgolden.Return thegranolato theoven and cookfor another8 m inutes-oruntilgolden and crunchy.Keep in an airtightcontainerand eatw ithin 2/3w eeks. Serves10.
Directions Com bine sesam e oil,tam ari,ginger& chilipaste in a bow land m ixwel.Add m ushroom sto them arinadeand tossto coat. Transferto a saucepan (including m arinade)and cook overa m edium -high heatforapprox.5m inutes,stiring regularly. Divide alsalad ingredientsbetw een tw o bow ls.Add m ushroom sand garnish w ith Noriand Seaweed & Sesam e Seasoning. Serves2.
Daz lingCrispyCrackers
Ingredients ~100g oats ~50g tapiocaf lour
~60g chiaseeds ~40g alm onds ~40g sunf lowerseeds ~20g Norif lakes ~20g oliveoil ~4g Kelp Saltorseaweeds salt ~140g boiling water
M acadam iaPesto
Ingredients ~2tbsp Norif lakes ~ 1shalots,m inced ~Zestof1lem on ~1/3cup m acadam iaoil ~ 1cup basilleaves ~2tbsp lem on juice ~2tbsp m acadam ianuts ~2tbsp capers ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste
Directions Preheatyouroven to 150°.Add alofyourdryingredientsinto a food processorand blend untilitresem blesaf ine crum b.Next, add theoiland boiling waterand blend again untilwelm ixed. Transferm ixture into a lined baking trayand use a roling pin to f laten.Roluntilthe m ixture isthin and even,aim ing forthe depth ofa thin cracker. Bake for45m inutesuntilcrispy.Rem ove from oven,letitcool, then break itup into sm alcrackersize pieces.Eatthe crackers on theirow n orw ith adip such asguacam ole! Serves 6.
Directions Place the m inced shalotsin abow lw ith lem on juice and letsit for5m inutes.Zestyourlem on and putaside.Pourtheshalot m ixture into a blenderalong w ith the Nori,basil,lem on zest, m acadam ia oil,saltand capersand pulse untilf ine.Taste and adjustsaltifneed be.Add them acadam ianutsand pulseuntil theyare in sm alpieces.Keep in the fridge forup to 1w eek. Serves 4.
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