W ild RiceSalad
Nori,Tam ari& Sesam eAlm onds
Ingredients ~1cup alm onds,soaked overnight ~1tbsp sesam e seeds,soaked overnight ~1/3cup Norifronds (w ild orfarm ed) ~ 11/2tbsp tam ari
Dressing ~2tbsp oliveoil ~2tbsp sesam eoil ~1/3cup shoyu
Ingredients ~100g extraf irm tofu ~Pinch ofKelp salt ~1spring onion ~ 1/2cup pecans,toasted ~1bunch ofcorianderleaves, chopped ~3cupscooked w ild rice (alternatively,brow n orred) ~1/2cup Norifronds
Directions Soak alm ondsand sesam e seedsin a bow loff iltered w ater overnight.In them orning,rinseand drain wel.Pourinto a bow lw ith the Noriand tam ari,stiring to com bine w el. Pouronto adehydratorsheetin asinglelayerand dryfor12-24 hoursat41°oruntilsupercrunchyand com pletelydry.Orput on an oven trayand bake at50°fan bake (ifavailable)w ith the doorslightlyajarforthesam eam ountoftim e.Orat100°for 1hour.Store in an air-tightcontainer. Serves 4.
~ 1/4 cup rice vinegar ~1tbsp lem on juice ~Zestof1lem on ~2tbsp honey ~1tsp fresh ginger,grated ~ Kelp Saltto taste
Directions Drain the tofu,patdry,cube and sprinkle w ith Kelp salt. Cook in an oiled pan overm edium heatuntilthe tofu isf irm & golden.M akethedressing bycom bining alingredients.To assem ble,f irstm ixtogetherthe spring onion,pecans, corianderleaves,crum bled Noriand the w ild rice w ith agenerousam ound ofdressing.Com bineweland add the cooked tofu.Tossgentlyand add m ore dressing ifrequired. Serves 4.
ChocolateFondantwith Ginger
Ingredients ~60g unsalted buter,plus extrato coatthe m oulds ~1tbsp cacoapowder ~60g dark chocolate,broken into pieces ~3tbsp Norif lakes ~ 20g crystalised ginger, grated ~1egg +1egg yolk ~50g castersugar ~1tbsp plain f lour(orgluten free alternative) ~pinch ofsalt
Broad Bean Stir-Fry
Ingredients ~350g broad beansoutofthe pod ~1/4 cup Norifronds ~460g cherytom atoes, halved ~6 spring onions,f inely chopped ~ 2 clovesgarlic,crushed ~2tbsp ofeach fresh m arjoram & parsley,chopped ~3tbsp oliveoil ~Kelp salt& pepperto taste
Directions Pre-heatoven to200°C and putabaking trayin them iddleof theshelf.Butertheinsdeof4 ovenproofDario m oulds(or ram ekins),and coatw ith the cacoa.Putthe buterand chocolateinto aheatproofbow land setoverapotof sim m ering w ater;m ake sure the bow ldoesn’ttouch the w ater. Stiroccasionalyuntilm elted.Alow to coolslightly.Add the Nori& grated gingerand com bine.In a seperate bow l,w hisk togethertheegg,egg yolk,sugarand apinch ofsaltuntil pale and f lufy.Gentlyfold in the m elted chocolate & buter m ixture and then fold in the f lour.Spoon into the pre-prepared m oulds,stopping justshyofthetop.Putthem ouldsontothe hotbaking trayand cook for12m inutes,untilthetopsare com ing aw ayfrom the sidesofthe m oulds.Leave to restfor 30 secondsand then serve turned outon platesw ith thickened cream & straw beries. Serves 4.
Directions Blanchethebeansin boiling waterfor1m inute.Drain into a sieveand hold undercold running waterto stop thecooking. Drain again and peelof the outerskin. Heatoilin a non-stick pan untilhot,add tom atoesand saute overhigh heatuntiljuicyand starting to caram elise.Add the spring onionsand garlicand cookoveram edium heatfor2 m inutes,untiltheonionsbegin tosoften.Add thebeansand Norifrondsand cook foranother2m inutes,stiring constantly. Season and m ixin the herbs. Serves 2.
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