SeaLetuce Containing iron and iodine,SeaLetuce isanutritiousgarnish, w ith a subtle pepperyf lavour.Deliciousw ith soups,pasta,pizza, stir-friesand poke bow ls.A w onderfulalternative to parsley.
Ingredients ~2largeripebananas (mashed)
Buckwheat,Pum pkinRisoto
Ingredients ~ 150g buckw heatgrains, slightly roasted ~1sm algreen pum pkin, diced ~2cupsvegetablebroth ~2m edium onions,cutf ine ~Thym e & Rosem aryto taste ~3tbsp oliveoil ~1tbsp red balsam icvinegar ~Kelp Salt& pepperto taste
~1/2cup honeyorm aplesyrup ~1/3cup coconutoil(m elted) ~ 2 eggs ~1/4 cup m ilk (anypreference) ~1tsp baking soda ~1tbsp vanila essence ~1tbsp SeaLetuce f lakes ~ 1/2 tsp salt ~11/2cupsf lour(gluten free orstandard) ~1/2tsp cinnam on ~ 1/4 cup chocolate chips (optional)
To garnish ~3tbsp cashew nuts ~3tbsp pum pkin seeds,roasted ~2tsp Sea Letuce f lakes
Directions Preheatoven to 170°and oila 9x5-inch loafpan.W hisk eggs, coconutoil,vanila essence and honeytogetherin a large m ixing bow l.Add m ashed bananasand m ilk,then stirin dry ingredients.Do notoverm ix.Fold in chocolate chips(optional). Pourm ixture into yourgreased loafpan.Bake for55-60 m inutes, untila toothpick inserted into the centercom esoutclean.Let coolon thebench for10 m inutesbeforerem oving from loaf pan.Eatw ithin 3days. Serves 6.
Directions Preheatoven to 200°C.M ixtogetherthecutpum pkin,onions, oil,vinegar,herbs,saltand pepper.Place evenlyon a roasting dish and bake in the oven for20 m inutes.M eanw hile,stir buckw heatgrainsinto boiling waterfor1m inuteto rinse,then drain.To toastthe grains,place in a potw ith a litle olive oil and lightlyfryfor5m inutes.Nextadd thevegetablebroth and cook for15m inutes.Oncethebuckw heatiscooked,rem ove from heatand stand covered for10 m inutes.In a drypan, roastthe nutsand seedsuntillightlygolden and fragrant. Once alelem entsare ready,m ixeverything togetherand sprinkle w ith Sea Letuce f lakes. Serves 2.
GoatChe sePastries
Ingredients ~250g puf pastry
~1tbsp SeaLetuce f lakes ~150g spreadable goats cheese ~1tbsp lem on juice ~1tsp lem on zest ~Salt& pepperto taste ~1egg yolk beaten w ith 1tbsp water ~Parm esan cheese (optional)
SeaLetuceButer Ingredients
~150g unsalted buter, softened
~1tbsp SeaLetuce f lakes ~Juice& zestofonelim e ~Sprinkle ofKelp Salt(or trySeaw eed SaltorM anuka Sm oked Dulse Flakes
Directions Preheatoven to 200°C.Rolpastryto a 15cm x35cm rectangle. Trim uneven edgesw ith a sharp knife.M ixgoatcheese w ith lem on juice,lem on zestand spread evenlyoverpastry;sprinkle w ith freshlyground black pepperand SeaLetuce f lakes.Rol up endstightlyto m eetin the m iddle ofthe pastry.Refrigerate untilf irm (about20 m inutes).Brush w ith beaten egg m ixture and cutacrossinto 1cm thick slicesand sprinkle w ith parm esan ifusing.Place sliceson an oiled baking sheetand bake until crisp and golden (about10 m inutes). Serves 4.
Directions Rem ovebuterfrom thefridgeand letitcom etoroom tem perature.Then w hip itvigorouslyuntillightand cream y. Add in SeaLetuce f lakes,lim e and Kelp Saltand continue to beatgentlyuntilcom bined.Rolintoalog and wrap welin baking paperand plasticf ilm .Refrigerate untilneeded. Serves12.
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