Pacific Harvest Seaweed Recipes

Wakame NutritiousW akam eaddsuniqueum am if lavour. W rap around food parcels,orchop into stir-fries, soupsorstocks.W ith B12and iodine,W akam e isa nutritioussea vegetable to com plem entanym eal.

M isoSoupwithW akam e

Radish& PearSaladwithM isoDres ing

Ingredients ~1/2cup dried W akam e

~1/4 cup shiro m iso (w hite ferm ented soybean paste ~6cupsKom bu dashiorvegan um am ibroth ~200-250g softtofu,drained & cubed ~ 1/4 cup thinly sliced spring onions

Ingredients ~25g dried W akam efronds ~500g radish,trim m ed, scrubbed & sliced paper-thin ~ 2pears,shaved on a mandolin

M iso D ressing ~1tbsp lightsoysauce

Directions Stirtogetherthem iso pastew ith 1/2cup ofthedashiin abow l untilsm ooth.Heattherem aining dashiin apotoveram edium heatuntilhot.Gentlystirin thetofu cubesand then add dried W akam e.Sim m erfor1m inuteand rem ovefrom heat.Add the m iso m ixtureand spring onions.Com bineand serve im m ediately. Serves 6.

~1tbsp ricew inevinegar ~1tbsp applecidervinegar ~2tbsp shirom iso

Directions Place dried W akam e in a large bow loftepid w aterand leave to soak for3-5m inutes. M eanw hile,m ake the dressing.Com bine the soysauce,rice wine& cidervinegarin alargebowlwith 2tbsp water.Add m iso and w hisk to com bine.Squeeze excessw ateroutofthe seaw eed and arange on a large serving plate w ith the other ingredients& drizzle w ith the dressing.Serve im m ediately. Serves 6.

JapaneseCucum berW akam eSalad

Ingredients ~1largeEnglish cucum beror 2-3Japanese cucum bers ~2tbsp dried W akam e ~3tbsp rice vinegar ~ 1/4 tsp soysauce ~ 1/2tsp sesam e oil(optional) ~1tsp sesam e seeds ~1tbsp sugar ~ Kelp saltto taste ~Sesam e seaw eed seasoning to garnish (optional)

Sim pleSeawe dSaladwithW akam e

Ingredients ~15g dried W akam efronds ~2tsp roasted sesam e seeds

~1tbsp sesam eoil ~2tbsp rice vinegar

Directions Hydrate W akam e seaw eed in w aterfor10 m inutes.Drain w ater and squeeze excessw ateroutfrom W akam e.(Don’t throw the soaking w ateraw ay,itisdeliciousto drink orto add to soups, sm oothiesoruseto waterhouseplants.)Roughlychop W akam e. Slice cucum bersasthin asyou can.Stirin Kelp salt,and letsit for5m inutes.Patexcessw aterof cucum bers.In a sm al bow l,m ixrice vinegar,sugar,soysauce and sesam e oiltogether untilthe sugardissolves.Add vinegarm ixture and sesam e seedsto prepared cucum bersand W akam e and m ixw el. Garlish w ith sesam e seaw eed seasoning. Serves 4.

~tbsp soysauce ortam ari ~1tsp sw eetchilisauce or f inelychopped chili

Directions Soak the W akam e in w arm w aterfor5m inutes.Drain w eland squeeze outexcessliquid.Chop f inely.Tranfserto a bow land add therem aining ingredientsand m ixwel. Serves 2.


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