Pacific Harvest Seaweed Recipes

UsingSeawe dsDaily~Seawe d& Sesam eSeasonings Sprinkle liberalyto transform rice,vegetables(roasted,blanched or raw ),oradd to savourybaking.Sprinkle on dipsorgarnish pasta, noodles,soupsand stirfries.Add to salads,poke bow ls,f ish,chicken and leftoversforanutrientand f lavourboost. the optionsare endless.

GarlicBaked Potato

Ingredients ~4 largepotatoes ~ Kelp Saltto taste

RoastedPum pkin

Garnish ~Knob ofbuter

~ Sourcream to taste ~1tbsp GarlicSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning ~Blackpepper

Directions Preheatoven to 225°C.Scrub the potato skinsclean and cuta ‘cross’on the top,slicing 1/3ofthe w aydow n the potato.Lay them on abaking sheetand sprinklequitegenerouslyw ith Kelp Salt(to m aketheskin crunchy).Bakeforonehouror untildone.W hen cooked,pressthepotato around thecutto m ake the f lesh visible and protrude slightly.Add buteror sourcream and sprinkle generouslyw ith GarlicSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning. Serves 4.

Ingredients ~Halfapum pkin,cutintowedges(4-5cm thick) ~ D rizzle ofolive oil ~Chili(orgarlic)Seaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning

Method Preheatoven to 200°C and line an oven-prooftrayw ith baking paper.W ith apastrybrush,oryourf ingers,‘paint’the pum pkin w edgesw ith enough oilto help the seasoning stick.Bake for 30-40 m inutesuntilcooked and golden brow n.Using a tablespoon,sprinklethepum kin piecesw ith agenerouslashing ofChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning.Place back in the oven for a further5m inutes.Take outofoven,serve and enjoy! Serves 4.


Ingredients ~4 skinless,bonelesschicken breastsorthighs ~4 tbsp CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning ~Juice& zestof2lem ons ~1lem on,thinlysliced ~1/3cup oliveoil

Salm on& Edam am ePokeBowls

Ingredients ~200g sm oked salm on ~1cup edam am ebeans ~2cupsofspinach ~ 1/3 tele-cucum ber,sliced ~1/2apple,chopped into sm al chunks ~ 1avocado,sliced ~ 1tbsp tam ariorsoysauce ~2tsp ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning

~ 1clove garlic,crushed ~Salt& pepperto taste ~W ooden skewers

Method Soak w ooden skew ersin w aterforatleast30 m inutes.Cut chicken breastsinto chunkycubesand place in abow lw ith the lem on juice & zest,oiland garlic.Coverand leave to m arinate fora few hours.Pre-heatthe grilto 200°C.Thread the chicken piecestightlyonto skew ers,occasionalyw eaving in a thin lem on slice,untilalthe chicken hasbeen used.Sprinkle the kebabsgenerouslyw ith the CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning and place the skew erson a rack in a heatproofdish.Position the dish so thattheskewersareabout4 inchesfrom thegril.Cook forabout10 m inuteson each sideoruntilcooked through. Serves 4.

Directions Divide the spinach into tw o seperate bow ls.Divide the salm on edam am e,cucum ber,appleand avocado and placein thetwo bow ls.Drizzle soysauce overthe tw o bow lsand garnish w ith ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning. Serves 2.


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