Ingredients ~250g sobanoodles ~1/2cup steam ed broad beansoredam am e
Ingredients ~120g cacao buter(m elted, using adoubleboiler) ~1/2cup +1tbsp cacao powder ~1/4 cup m aplesyrup ~ 1tsp vanila bean ~1tbsp ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning
~2sm albokchoy,cutf inely ~1/2cup m ushroom s,sliced ~3green onions,thinlysliced
~1tbsp grated ginger ~ 1/2tbsp m inced garlic ~2tbsp ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning
Dressing ~1/4 cup w ater
Directions Finelychop orgrate cacao buterso thatitisan even consistency.Transferto a double boilerand stirconsistently untilthe cacao buterhasturned to liquid.Rem ove from heat. Add alrem aining ingredients,exceptChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning,to the cacao buter.Siftthe cacao pow der to ensure there are no clum ps.Taste and adjustifneed be by adding m orecacaopowderorm orem aplesyrup.Pour m ixture onto a lined trayortin and spread evenly.Refrigerate for5m inutesuntilthechocolatehasslightlyhardened and then sprinkle the ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning evenly.
~1/4 cup oliveoil ~1/3cup soysauce ~1tbsp brown sugar ~Few dropsofTabasco sauce
Directions Forthe dressing,m ixaldressing ingredientsuntilsugaris dissolved.Setaside.Heata drizzle ofolive oilin a pan on a m edium -high heatand saute garlic& gingeruntilfragrant. Add m ushroom sand continuecooking untiltender& golden. Add bokchoyand m ostofthegreen onion and cookaldente. Turn heatof and add dressing,stir.W arm /cook the beans and discard thepod orthick skin.Cooksobanoodlesin boiling saltw ateraccording to packetinstructions.Drain in a colander & rinse undercoolw aterto stop cooking.Drain w el.Transferto alarge bow land tossw ith ChiliSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning, vegetable m ixture and beans.Serve and enjoy! Serves 3.
Place back in the fridge for2+hours,untilhardened,then break into pieces.Enjoy! Serves10.
RoastVegetableSalad Ingredients
~400g pum pkin ~ 125m lolive oil ~450g baking potatoes, scrubbed & halved ~ 120g un-sliced rye bread, coarsleytorn (orGF bread alternative) ~1largered onion,cutinto wedges ~2-3tbsp GarlicSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning ~2bunchesofcarots,halved ~1head ofcosletuce,torn ~1head ofgarlic,seperated into cloves ~2cupsofbabyrocketleaves ~45m lred winevinegar
Griled Asparagus
Ingredients ~1bunch offresh asparagus spears ~ D rizzle ofolive oil ~2tsp CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e Seasoning Alternatively try Garlic or Chili ~W ooden skewers
Directions Soak w ooden skew ersin w aterforatleast30 m inutes.To trim thebaseoftheasparagus,hold thebaseofthestalk w ith one hand and bend thestalkoverwith theotherhand.The asparaguswilbreakwherethewoodypartendsand the tenderpartbegins.Discard the base.M ake the ‘asparagusrafts’ byplacing 4-5stalksnextto eachotherand push a skew er through crossw ise.The f irstone justbelow the tipsand the second 3cm from thebotom .Useslenderbam boo skewers. Brush the asparaguson both sidesw ith extra-virgin olive oil. Season w ith freshlyground black peppercornsifdesired.Gril theasparaguson abarbecueorin agrilpan for4-5m inutes perside.Once cooked,sprinke w ith CitrusSeaw eed & Sesam e seasoning.Enjoy! Serves 4.
Directions Pre-heatoven to 180°C.Peel& chop vegetablesinto bite-size pieces.Com binethepum pkin & potato w ith abitoftheoilin abow l.Season w ith GarlicSew eed & Sesam e Seasoning. Scateron alargeroasting pan w ith theonion,carotsand garlicand about40m lofthe olive oiland roastuntiltender (about45m inutes).M eanw hile,scaterbread in a single layer overa seperate roasting pan.Drizzle w ith 2tbsp olive oil.Roast untilgolden and toasted (about10 m inutes).Com bine vegetablesand bread in aserving bow land add the cosand rocketleaves.Com bine rem aining olive oiland vinegarin a sm albow land drizzle overthe w arm salad. Serves 4.
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