Agarpow derisa nutrientrich plant-based alternative to gelatin, a thickenerforsoupsand dressings,to m ake fruitpreserves, vegan ice cream ,jelies,cheesecakesand otherdesserts.
O rangeTart
FatFre Dres ingwithTar agon
Ingredients Pie Crust ~2cupsbuternutsnap biscuit crumbs ~70g buter,m elted ~50g toasted slivered alm onds
Ingredients ~500m lapplejuice ~50g wholegrain m ustard ~200m lcidervinegar ~Taragon sprig,chopped ~1/2tsp Agarpowder ~ Roasted garlicclove, crushed ~Salt& pepperto taste
Garnish ~ 3oranges,sliced thin ~Icing sugarfordusting
Filing ~ 650m lcream (ornon-dairy equivalent-soy/coconut) ~Zestof2oranges ~100g castersugar(orsugar substitute) ~2tsp Agarpowder ~3tbsp orangeliqueur(or orange w ater) ~250m lcream forw hipping
Directions In apot,sprinkletheAgaron halfoftheapplejuiceand letstand for10 m inutes.M eanw hile,in a diferentdish, com binetheotheringredientsw ith therestoftheapple juice.Bring theAgarm ixtureto asim m er(90°)on am edium heatw hile m ixing w ith a w hisk.You w ilfeelthe texture change asthe Agarm eltsand the jeling propertiesare activated.Rem ove from the heatand com bine w ith the restofthe ingredients.The dressing w ilsetatroom tem perature and continue to stifen overthe nexthour. Conserve in the fridge in jars. Serves 4.
Directions Forthe crust: Com binethebiscuitcrum bs,buterand nuts.Pressthe m ixture into a tartdish and chiluntilf irm . Forthef iling: Pour650m lcream into apan and sprinklew ith theAgar. Using aw hisk,m ixto com bineand letstand for10 m inutes fortheAgartoswel.M akean orangecream byadding orangezest,orangeliqueurand sugarto theAgarm ixture. Stirtom ixand placethepan on m edium heat.Bring tothe boilthen sim m erfor2-3m inutesw hilestiring,untiltheAgar and sugarare dissolved.Rem ove from the heat. In a separate bow l,w hip the 250m lofcream untilf irm .To com bine,add 1/3oftheorangecream to thew hipped cream and m ixwelwith awhisk.Continueadding therem aining orange cream untilcom bined thoroughly.Ladle the m ixture into abow land refrigerate to set(about30 m inutes).Spoon the cold custard into the crust. Forthe garnish: Arangetheorangesliceson thetart.Dustw ith icing sugar, caram elise underthe gril,and refridgerate for1houruntilset w el.Serve atroom tem perature form axim um f lavour. Serves 6.
Vegan Jely
Ingredients ~1cup ofjuice(or1tbsp Viberi blackcurantpowderin 1cup ofw ater) ~1tsp Agarpowder ~1tbsp m aplesyrup or1tsp honey-orto taste
Directions Pourtheliquidsintoacooking potand sprinketheAgar powderand sweetenerofyourchoice.Using aw hisk,m ixto com bineand letstand for10 m inutesfortheAgarto swel. Placethepoton am edium heat.W arm to dissolvetheAgar & sw eetener,w hile stiring.W hen the m ixture reachesa boil, sim m erfor2m inutesw hilestiring to m akesurealis dissolved.Rem ove from the heatand ladle im m ediatelyinto a f latdish.The m ixture w ilsetatroom tem perature. Refrigerate fora faster,strongerset.Before serving.cutthe jely into bite-size shapes. Serves 6.
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