CoconutJelywithBer ies
PlantBased,Gluten Fre Chocolate PannaCotaTart Ingredients Crust ~1cup gluten-free oatf lour
Ingredients ~500m l(2cups)coconut water ~1f lattsp Agarpowder ~200g m ixed beries,plus extra forserving ~Flesh of1young coconut, (120g)chopped ~1tbsp chiaseeds
~1/3cup quinoaf lakes ~1/2cup alm ond m eal ~1tbsp cacao nibs ~2tbsp cacaopowder ~4 tbsp coconutoil
Directions Line six125m lram ekinsorjelycupsw ith biodegradable f ilm w rap.Place1/2cup ofthecoconutwaterin asm alsaucepan and sprinkle the Agarpow deroverthe surface.Alow the Agar powderto absorb m oisturefrom thecoconutwaterfor5m inutes. Placethepan overm edium heatand brind toasim m erwhilst stiring continuouslyuntilthe Agarhascom pletelydissolved. Rem ove from the heatand setaside. In abow l,w hisk the rem aining coconutw ater.Stirin the Agarm ixture,then pourthejelym ixtureinto them ouldsto three-quartersful.Add som e beriesand the coconutf lesh and sprinkle on som e chia seeds.Stand the jeliesatroom tem perature untilsetorchilto accelerate seting. Rem ovethejeliesfrom them ouldsbyturning outonto serving platesand puling on the f ilm w rap edges.Serve w ith a scatering offresh beries. Serves 4.
~2tbsp purem aplesyrup ~ 150g dark chocolate, melted ~2tsp Agarpowder
Filing ~1& 1/2cup fulfatcoconut cream ~1cup oatm ilk
Directions Preheatoven to 180°celsius.Grease a 20cm tartpan & set aside.In afood processor,com bine quinoaf lakes,oatf lour, alm ond m eal,cacao nibs& cacao pow der.Then add the coconutoil& m aplesyrup and pulseuntilcom bined.You should getam oistm ixturethatcan beeasilym oulded. Firm lypressm ixtureinto thebotom and up thesidesofa tarttin.Bake for15m inutesuntilthe crustisgolden brow n. Transferto a w ire rack and letitcool. To m ake the f iling,com bine the cream ,m ilk & sw eetenerin a saucepan.Bring to the boiland then add m elted chocolate. W hiskin theAgarpowder.Letitsim m erfor3m inutesuntil the Agarisdissolved.Filthe m ixture into the cooled tart.Let sitin thefridgeto setforabout4 hours.Garnish thetartas desired and enjoy! Serves 6.
Ingredients Vanila custard ~1cup fulfatcoconut (thickened cream ,leave the liquid behind) ~1/3cup organicsoyor alm ond m ilk ~ 1tbsp cornstarch ~1tbsp superf ineraw sugar ~ 1tsp pure vanila extract ~ 1/4 tsp turm eric ~1/2tsp Agarpowder
Ingredients ~1cup coconutcream ~1cup alm ond m ilk(oranysubstitutem ilk) ~ 100g vanila sugar(orless,to taste-orsugarsubstitute like stevia) ~1tsp Agarpowder
Caram elized top ~1tbsp superf ineraw sugar
Directions To m akethevanilacustard,in am edium bow lcom bine cornstarch,soym ilk,vanila and m ixw el.Pourcornstarch, m ilk m ixture,coconutcream & sugarinto a saucepan and cook on am edium -high heat.W hen them ixturestartsto boil,add turm eric& Agar,constantlystiring untilAgarhas com pletelydissolved.Strain m ixture through a m esh sieve overasm albow l.Pourm ixture into the ram ekins,letcool dow n,then setin thefridgeforatleast2hours.W hen the vanila custard isfulyset,top each custard w ith about1-2 teaspoon ofsugarin a thin layer.Using a kitchen torch,m elt thesugarand form acrispytop.Alow thecrem ebruleeto restin the fridge foratleast5m inutesbefore serving. Serves 4.
~3tbsp coconutliqueur(optional) ~Fresh orstew ed fruitsto garnish Directions
Pourtheliquidsintoacooking pan and sprinklewith Agar powder.Using aw hisk,m ixto com bineand letstand for10 m inutesfortheAgartoswel.Add sugartotheAgarm ixture. Stirtom ixtheingredientsand placethepan on am edium heat.Alow to w arm w hile stiring to dissolve the sugar& Agar. W hen the m ixture startsto boil,alow to sim m erfor2-3 m inutes,then rem ove from heat.Add liqueurifusing.Ladle the m ixture into serving bow lsand stand untilset.To serve, decorate w ith fruit. Serves 4.
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