King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


which has been a battle slogan for thou­ sands of soldiers of .Jesus Christ. One More O rganization The public press, has been announc7 ing th a t yet ano ther “ fellowship” has been formed. It ris called th é “Mes­ sianic Fellowship” and has for its ob­ jects to assist Christians to know Judaism sympathetically and to assist Jews to know Christianity sympathetic­ ally; to unite Jews and Christians in fighting unbelief and unrighteousness1 everywhere; to bridge the gulf between church and synagogue. We are won­ dering hoW th ere: can be other than controversy between those who name Christ as Saviour and Lord and those Who deny Him, Can th ere be; a neu­ tra l platform on which Jew and Chris­ tian can expound th e ir views?-' Pass C igarettes in Church Had someone w ritten us the follow­ ing instead óf sending us actual proof, we should probably have said th a t it must Hâve been a false report. An advertisem ent clipped from a London paper is before us. It is a church ser­ vice;'advertisement and th is is what it says: “ If you feel dull tonight come along to my church in the city. I have gót a cinema, show th erè and a ladies’ brass band. I can promise you a pleasant evening. I shall bo there to welcome you and you Shall have a good cigarette. I don’t m ind you "smok­ ing in my church. There will be a cup Of coffee afterw ards.” I t is signed by the pastor. Is th e Ass Our F o refath er? Dr. F ra n k Norris, of F o rt Worth, in a sermon preached recently in Cleve­ land, said: “ It is the ass, not th e ape which must be tak en as m an’s ances­ to r if the theory of evolution is to be accepted on the basis of sim ilarity be­ tween man and brute creation, fo r it is now proven th a t th e milk of th e ass and the human m ilk have th e same chemical elements, produce the.sam e ef- fèet and have th e same food values.” Looking In to Healing M atter R epresentative leaders of the various schools of medicine, convening recently in Chicago, formed a commission to study systems of healing which have gained wide public recognition. It is th eir purpose to try to determ ine the elements of tru th which may be in such teachings and practice. It was argued th a t as a resu lt of th e long con­ tinued habit of ignoring and sometimes even denying what they had assumed to understand w ithout study or inves-

hand at th é Close of the war, the Knights have been careful to see th a t th e Roman Church got the full benefit of th e moneys contributed for War work. P reachers’ Sons Not so Bad . .Collier’s Weekly: gives some figures th a t will h earten th e preachers: Out of 12,000 prom inent men in th e United States 1,000 of them are sops of preach­ ers. Of 2,145 notable men in England 1,279 are the sons of preachers* In 1910, ten out of every fifty-one persons in the Hall of F am e were th e sons of preachers. Five of ouf présidents were preachers’ sons. This is Bolshevik L iberty The lafest novel though t th a t has occurred to the leaders of the Russian Soviet government is* to change the weekly day of rest from Sunday to Monday. This will accomplish th e two­ fold purpose of sta rtlin g other nations and walking on the corns of nearly all thé people in Russia. This new edict illu strates how little real lib erty th ere is left in the unhappy Russian nation. The. masses- of th e Russian people ahe extremely devout and would see themselves headed for perdition- if they worked on Sunday. n Newsy Notes from Dr. Peebles Dr. J. M. Peehles,. noted Spiritualist, late of Los Angeles, recently celebrated his b irthday in heaven by dictating a sp irit message to a prom inent Los An­ geles Spiritualist. He sends, his greet­ ings to -America, and to th e world, and declares th a t for 12,000 years human evolution has been moving to a point of destiny which is marked by the year 1925. W hat is to happen, in th a t year he says he deles not' Care to give out. He suggests th a t we watch our step. Almost any of us, by reading th e daily papers, could prophesy, as well, and the Bible h as' been telling us for a long time th a t we should watch our step. So after all we are not much wiser be­ cause of this revelation of Dr. Peebles. Onward Christian Soldiers Rev." Sabine Baring-Gbuld, au tho r of the' ‘ hymn, “Onward, Christian Sol­ diers,” recently celebrated his nine­ tieth birthday a t his- estate in EngT land, ,He is a noted author, poet and preacher and has w ritten inâny books of folk-lore, mythology,’ ancient man­ ners and customs, as well as several novels tliat are still in demand. But he will be remembered chiefly because he gave th e church the stirring hymn

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