King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


he expressly stated a t th e time th a t he used th e words in a different sense. Could any person of ordinary intelli­ gence get any other meaning out of Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts of the Virgin B irth th an th a t which lies plainly on th e face of it, which certainly is not th e “liberal” in terp retation? Or­ dinary people do not reso rt to heavy exegetical malpractice to get rid of evi­ dent meanings. £ m PRAY—GIVE— GO Three things th e Master h ath to do, And we who serve Him here below And long to see His kingdom come, May P ray or Give or Go. He needs them all,— th e Open Hand, The willing F eet, th e Praying H eart, To work together and to weave A three-fold cord th a t shall not part. Not all can Go; not all can Give To speed the message on its way, But young or old, or rich or poor, Or strong or weak—we all can P ray; P ray th a t th e gold-filled hands may Give To arm the others for th e fray; That those who h ear the call may Go, And pray th a t o ther h earts may Pray! Annie Johnson F lint. PERSONAL WORK IN EARNEST The Rev. Dyson Hague, in his “Ways to W in,” tells of a ra th e r tim id young member of the Brotherhood of St. An­ drew, who for some tim e trie d in vain to induce a friend of his to attend th e church services and Bible classes. He used to call for him every Sunday, but it was of no use. Finally, however, he won him, and when asked how he did it, replied, “Well, I got tired of call­ ing on him so often, so a t last I de­ cided to go and board a t th e same house w ith h im !” T hat was personal effort in dead earnest. No wonder he got his man!-—The Sunday School Times.

tfgation, th e medical profession had largely lost its influence and hold upon the masses. Another T ru st B etrayed “Another T ru st Betrayed” is the heading of an article in an exchange. The latest betrayal is th e merging of Andover Seminary, founded as a dis­ tinctly Christian college, w ith Harvard, a U nitarian institution. The endow­ ments given to Andover were on the understanding th a t all its professors should be tru e to a Christian creed which they were required to subscribe to every five years. Its rich endow­ ments are now to be used to destroy th e faith which its founders sought to establish. The men who gave the money are now dead. Who F ixes th e Styles? Roger W. Babson, noted statistician, let out the following in a recent ar­ ticle in the Continent. He said: “ I was once at a convention of m anufact­ u rers of ladies’ garments. A group of disreputable men sat in a hotel room drinking and smoking, and determ ined w hat th e women of the country should wear two years hence. They laughed and joked about th e thing, yet every woman who could afford it, w hether she was a m inister’s wife or a shallow flirt, followed th e orders of th a t con­ vention. If fashions are inevitable they ought to be determ ined by th e bet­ te r element of th e community instead of th e worst, especially when a change can be so easily accomplished.” In terp retatio n and Repudiation “ Christian W ork” in th e issue of October 28th printed an inquiry as to whether or not belief in th e Virgin B irth has anything to do w ith being a Christian., The reply was th a t “Some Christians accept th e V irgin B irth in a physical and external sense while some understand it as an assertion of Christ’s genuine humanity. Dr. Fos- dick has said th a t a man’s view of the Virgin B irth has nothing to do w ith his being a Christian.” Thus we see it is only a m a tte r of interp retation . The editor of th e Bible Champion sug­ gests th a t Dr. Fosdick’s in terp retation is repudiation. There is a legal rule of in terp retation , so liawyers say, th a t a speaker in his public speech shall be taken to mean th a t which a person of ordinary intelligence listening to him would understand him to mean, unless

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