King's Business - 1923-06



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The T ru th of th e Bible Rev. Trevor Fielder, M. A. A clear, brief defense of the inspiration of the Bible. The R etu rn of Christ F. L. Piper, D. D. A well-balanced Biblical presentation of th e Blessed Hope. Read it. Price, $1.25 The Seven Seals of th e Apocalypse C. F. Wimberly, D, D. A clear-cut presentation of th is controverted sub­ ject. Buy it. Price, $1.25 H istoric Christianity and th e New Theology by Harold P aul Sloan, D. D. of the New Jersey Conference, Pen­ tecostal Publishing Co. Dr. Sloan has given a strong, fearless defense of the Word of God w ith an earnest appeal to Methodists to retu rn to the faith of all the- Christian centuries, the faith of Christ, the faith of God incarnate, and •to insist upon the clarifying of the books in th e ir institutions of learning. The R e tu rn of Christ—-The Bible Basis of th e Doctrine by F. L. Piper, D. D. This book is designed to stem th e tide of opposition to th e doctrine of our Lord’s retu rn , especially among th e Methodist brethren. Dr. Piper tre a ts the subject from a Biblical standpoint and from a thorough in ­ vestigation of both the Old and New Testam ents and has m arshalled the testimony by periods, beginning w ith Messianic w ritings of th e Old Testa­ ment and closing w ith the testimony of th e Apostles. (Revell) Price $1.25. Studies in C hristian Stewardship by Traverce Harrison. The whole subject is treated in a practical and Scriptural manner and is arranged for class work. If every believing church member Acnew and followed the teach­ ing of th is book, th e church as now organized would not know what to do w ith the funds. (The Standard Pub­ lishing Co.) T h e ' Bearing of Recent Discoveries on th e T rustw orthiness of th e New T estam ent by Sir W illiam Ramsay, D. C. L. This volume comprises twenty- th ree lectures given to th e Union Theo­ logical Sem inary of Virginia, under the Jam es Sprunt provision for lectures,

Prof. Ramsay has re-w ritten the course since the war and has produced a large volume of twenty-three lectures of g reat value to m inisters who have a holy desire to meet the enemies of the tru th w ith certified facts concerning disputed portions of th e Scriptures. The name of Sir Wm. Ramsay is a certificate of value and we commend highly these lectures. Price $6.00 The Supreme Issues of L ife by Wm. H. Howitt, M. D. This volume covers th e story of the life of a be­ liever from the essentials of salvation to th e trium phal life and, he says in the dedicatory message, “ is addressed to all those burdened souls who feel th eir need of help and all honestly minded to accept this perfect relief herein explained.” It should be in every Church and Sunday School li­ brary and on th e center table in the home. (The Book Shop.) Price $1.25 The End in View by Rev. George J. Emmerson of London, who has given a strong testimony" to the inerrancy of the Scriptures and an appeal to be­ lievers to “do business till He comes.” It will be very helpful to young Bible readers. We cannot agree w ith his position concerning th e Papacy as. the Man of Sin but otherw ise ta k e pleasure in commending it to our readers. (Marshall Bros., London.) Price $.50 A B rief Bible H istory— A Survey of the Old and New Testament by Jas. Oscar Boyd, D. D. and Jno. Graham Machen, D. D. This little vol­ ume is designed for Bible students and should be in th e lib rary of every m in­ ister. It suggests questions under each section w ith helps for teachers. (W est­ m inister Press.) H istorical Sites in P alestine by Lieut. Com. Victor L. T rum per R. N. R. M. R. A. S. An adm irably arranged book w ith modern names of places at th e head of each paragraph and the ancient name in capitals in the text. The book is designed for Bible stu ­ dents, tou rists and others interested in the most sacred and wonderful of all the lands of the earth. (Nile Mission Presg.)

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