King's Business - 1923-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

The Annotated Bible, Volume V. F rom Daniel to Malachi. Dr. A. C. Gaebelein. This completes a series of valuable commentaries which have been in progress of p reparation for several years. ' Price, $2.00 S cripture Memory Card System Mrs. Robert A. Hadden, has prepared a series of memory cards, covering th ree years, beautifully printed on glazed cards and arranged in attractiv e little boxes. The general subject of the first year is “The Holy Scriptures"; second year,. “Fundam ental F acts of F a ith and Fellowship” ; th ird year, “The Wonderful Names of Jesus Christ.” There is one verse for each week in th e year. We h eartily commend this splendid system for memorizing the Scripture. $.50 each. CARE OF THE SOUL Our atten tion has been drawn to a valuable statem en t from th e pen of George Müller, quoted in “The Indian Christian.” Mr. Müller said th a t for years he had made it his practice to begin th e day w ith prayer, and only occasionally, when he felt his soul particularly barren did he read, to begin with, the Word of God. “But w hat was the resu lt?” he asks; and answers: “ I often spent a q u arter of an hour, or h alf an hour, or even a whole hour on my knees before being conscious to myself of having de­ rived comfort, encouragement, or hum ­ bling of soul; and often, afte r having suffered much from wandering of mind for the first ten m inutes or qu arter of an hour, or even half an hour, I only then began really to pray.” But a fte r changing his practice and beginning w ith th e Word of God he found a very blessed difference. “The first thing I did, afte r having asked in a few words th e Lord’s blessing, was to begin to meditate on the Word of God, searching as it were into every verse to get blessing out of it, not for th e sake of th e public m inistry of the Word, not for the sake of preaching on what

I had meditated upon, b u t for the sake of obtaining food for my own soul. The resu lt I have found to be almost invari­ ably this, th a t afte r a very few m inutes my soul has been led to confession, or to thanksgiving, or to intercession, or to supplication, so th a t though I did not as it were give myself to prayer, but to meditation, yet it turned almost im ­ mediately more or less into prayer.” This was the practice of a man who was very greatly used by God, and who said, “The first g reat and prim ary busi­ ness to which I ought to attend every day is to have my soul happy in the Lord.” n H LOSE IT BY KEEPING IT A well-known evangelist, whose cus­ tom it was to hold an open-air meeting every Saturday evening a t a certain street corner, told th e story ju st re­ cently of how the local vicar came up to him one day and asked, “Why do you come here every S aturday night making th is noise?” “ If you had a voice as loud as m ine,” answered the evangelist, “ you m ight make as much noise as I do.” “Oh, no,” replied the vicar; “ I believe in keeping my religion to myself.” “Then,” reto rted the mis- sioner sharply, “ you will soon have none to keep.” , , jXifc . NOT IMPERTINENCE An em inent man, to whom a Chris­ tian worker spoke on religious m atters, replied to his apology for seeming im­ pertinence thu s: “Don’t ever hesitate to speak to any one about his soul. I have been longing for twenty years to have some Christian speak to me. I be­ lieve th ere are thousands of men in this city who are in the same condition th a t I am, carrying an uneasy conscidhce and a g reat burden on th e ir souls; not cour­ ageous enough to seek instruction, yet willing to receive it.”— The Christian Endeavor World.

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