King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Sound, electricity, heat, color and light are the results of vibration. The ear does not detect color as it does sound because the auditory nerve is less sen­ sitive. The optical nerve, or eye, takes it up. L ight sings, bu t our ears are not able to h ear its harmonies, b u t we see them. L ight and sound are pro­ duced by the same vibrations, like th e \ chords of a musical instrum ent. Bible I language anticipates th is rem arkable discovery. Job says: “When th e morn-I ing stars SANG ( “ gave fo rth vib ra-i tions,” like a musical in strum en t) to­ gether and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (3 8 :7 ). The book of Revela­ tion speaks much of music. God’s g reat orchestra of n atu re can be heard by the angelic host as it sends fo rth its won­ d erful peals of musical anthems. We could h ear it, too, if our ears were tuned high •enough. In our glorified body we will (1 Cor. 15 :41 ). The R efraction of L ight is a com -f/ paratively modern discovery. Ptolemy, th e astronom er, hinted a t it, b u t who told Job? He says: “H ast thou com­ manded the morning since thy days; and caused the day spring to know his place, th a t it m ight ta k e hold of the ends of the earth ? It is tu rned as clay to th e seal and they stand as a gar- 1 m ent” (38:12, 14). Refraction is the. bending of th e ray out of its direct course as it meets th e media of tran s- 1 mission, If th e sun rays were not thus refracted, only th e direct rays would reach the earth, th e others glancing off and reflecting into space so th a t man would not get the benefit. The atmos­ phere s'urrounds th,e earth in stra ta or layers, and when th e indirect rays en­ counter these a t an angle they are caught and bent round like the fingers 'of the hand for us. This is th e fact foretold by Job. The original language suggests th e d iu rn al ro tation of the earth on its axis. Verse 14, “TURNED as clay to a seal,” verse 13, “th a t it m ight TAKE HOLD of the ends of the

■ ■ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllK IIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllM IM IM IIIIIIIIlillir* | THE SCIENCE OF | THE BOOK OF JOB | = By Dr. A. Reilly Copeland 2 s Waco, Texas = 'T u iiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR n iiiifn itiM iiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiritiiin l*

HAS been said th a t the Book £ Job contains more science la n all literatu re in the ^ rorld up un til comparatively

modern times. Personally I believe th a t th is is true. The ancients had many improvements and enjoyed many advantages which are ordinarily not suspected by th e modern mind. Cosmology, o r th e stru ctu re and sup­ po rt of th e earth . Job taugh t th a t the earth hung out in SPACE. “He stretcheth out th e north over th e empty place and hangeth th e earth on nothing’’ I (2 6 :7 ). We only found th is out a few hundred years ago. Who told Job 3,500 years ago? Notice w hat he says about th e “ empty place” in the north. Some clear night look a t the sta rs and you will see th a t th e re are b u t few in th e north. This doubly rem arkable scienti­ fic statem en t shows the absolute vera­ city of the Scriptures. Job also says: “The pillars of heaven trem ble and are astonished a t th e reproof” (2 6 :1 1 ). Again he says: “Which sh aketh the earth out of her place and th e pillars hereof trem ble.” (9 :6 ). Universal Haw of Motion V ibrations per second run from 16% to 480,000,000,000, which is th e violet ray of light. Beginning a t the lowest audible note, the lim its of sound are reached a t 38,000< vibrations per sec­ ond. Passing an unknown region, elec­ tricity is reached a t about 100,000,000 vibrations. D ark heat about one hun ­ dred and th irty thousand million vibra­ tions. Then comes th e octave of color, corresponding to th e octave of sound, the red rays, w ith about 400 thousand millions, and so on up the spectrum to violet, w ith 480 thousand millions.

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