King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


LAi 40 THEFTS TOPftlflfBOYS Brooklyn Detectives Report 56,000 Worth of Loot in Room of Lads of Fifteen. / I

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B°y, 16 , Accused as Auto Bandit WhoSlew Flood "Warn Ackenon, of Airmon!, hr- rerted Hera Charged with Shooting Hi» Passenger.

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Boy Hold-Ups Get $130 Escape, in Mail Truck

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The bureau shows also th a t 82 boys and 499 girls of fifteen, were divorceld or widowed during th e year. In San Francisco a few days ago, a girl of 11 and a boy of 12 eloped and sta rted life together on a pedestrian honeymoon. In 1921, 858 children under 16 committed suicide. A recent paper gives 707 child suicides for 1922. A few days ago five girls under 17 made a suicide paot and carried it out. Justice Ford, of the New York Supreme Court, said the other day th a t every girl when she gets to be 15 years old ought to be shu t up for a few years tp protect her from lustful youths. He had ju st been listening in disgust to a batch of annulm ent suits. Judge Ben B. Lindsey, head of the Juvenile Court of Denver, and well known the world over for his services on behalf of children and women, recently said: “My experience, study and investigation of juvenile life have convinced me th a t p aren ts need to be ta u g h t the fundam entals of child rearing. I firmly believe th a t not more th an twenty per cent of parents are relatively and comparatively competent to raise children.” The root of the whole trouble is th a t the spiritual foundations are being swept away. When the divine au tho rity of the Word of God is gone, everyone is a t sea and there is no restrain t. The Bible cannot be read in th e public school, yet infidelity can be taught. F ou r states have now ruled th a t the Bible is a sec­ tarian book arid may not be used in the public schools— Illinois, Wisconsin, Michi­ gan and California. In fact, th ere is a well organized, aggressive propaganda seeking to influence the child life of th e nation and underm ine faith in the Bible. Not only the national educators bu t now the American Association for the Ad­ vancement of Science, has openly declared for evolution and th reaten ed to fight IT PAY? (See Inset)

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