King's Business - 1923-06

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W e have selected these B ib les from th e com prehensive OXFORD LINE as b ein g specially _desirablejyaliie8;_ALcom plete catalogue o f OXFORD BIBLES will be m ailed upon request OXFORD Children’s Bibles OXFORD Home Bibles

A B ible like th is in th e hom e w ill prove an incentive to B ible reading. The type is larg e an d clear— easy to read—y et th e B ible is lig h t in w eight. It has pages w here a record m ay b e k ep t of births, m arriag es an d deaths, also fifteen m aps p rin ted in colors. I t is, in fa c t a F a m ily B ib le in C o n S iz e . SMALL PICA TYPE W it h F a m ily R e g is t e r T ex t only—no helps or references! Size 9%x5% inches • Specimen o fType * 5 For the oppression oi for the sighing of the need will I arise, saith the L ord

A ny child w ould bei glad to own one of th ese beautifully illu strated Bibles. No fanciful pictures, only those depicting scenes in Bible lands. All proper nam es accented so th ey m ay be easily pronounced a n d sim ple helps for children, w ith 4 0 0 0 Q u e s t io n s a n d A n sw e r s o n t h e B ib le NONPAREIL 12mo S iz e , 7% x 5 in c h e s - Specimen of Type -

11 Persecutions, afflictions, which can unto me at An'ti-Cch. at I-co'ni-um, Lys'tra: what persecutions I endure but out of them all the Lord delivered m N o s . 4181 F ren ch Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red u nder gold ed g es..................$3.10 5181 A s No. 4181, w ith 16 colored an d 15 black illu s tra tio n s ........................................ 3.35

oi 608 Nos.


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0 1 6 0 0 S ilk G r a in C lo t h , round corners and red edges ........................................................$3.75 0 1 6 0 8 F r e n c h M o r o c c o , divinity ircuit, round corners, red u nder gold edges, head- band, b o o k m a rk .......................................... 5.55

OXFORD Teachers’ Bibles


C ontains th e Cyclopedic Con­ cordance, being a practical B ible dictionary, including concordance, subject index, glossary, chron­ ologies, harm ony, etc., under one alphabet, w ith th e la te st photo­ g ra p h s from B ible Lands. C learly p rin ted an d durably bound. MINION TYPE --------------- Specimen of Type --------------- 9 Behold, ° 0 God our shield, a look upon the face of thine anoint

0 3 1 R u b y T y p e , K e r a t o l b in s q u a r e c o r n e r s red (4x2% in.)., . $0.45 .80 0 3 3 R uby type, F r e n c h M o r o c c o , g ilt edges, square corners (4x2% in.) .................................. 0 1 3 3 A s 023, w ith P sa lm s.............. 0396 M inion Type, F r e n c h M o r o c c o , lim p, round corners, red under gold edges (4%xS% in .)...................................................... 1.35 0 3 0 1 A s 0296, w ith P sa lm s.................................. 1 .3 5 WITH EXTRA LARGE TYPE 0 2 6 0 P ica type, F r e n c h M o r o c c o , lim round corners, red u nder gold edges (7%x5% in .) ............. .... 3.40 0505 As 0260, w ith P salm s .....................................2.60

S iz e , 6% x 4% x l% in c h e s

N o s . 0 4 4 0 3 F r e n c h M o r o c c o , d iv in it y c ir c u it , round corners, red u nder gold edges. $3.60 “ O x fo r d I n d ia P a p e r ” E d it io n Only 1 inch th ick 0 6 3 3 x F r e n c h M o r o c c o , divinity ircuit, linen lined, round corners, red u nder gold edges, head b an d an d silk boo km ark .. g qq

T h u m b in d e x s u p p lie d a t 5 0 c . e x t r a T H E BIOLA BOOK! .ROOM, B iole I n s titu te of L os A n g eles 536-558 S o u th H ope S tre e t, L os A n g eles C a lifo rn ia E n c lo se d p le a se find $................................... fo r w h ich sen d m e v o lum es ch eck e d on th is sh eet. N am e C ity S ta te

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