King's Business - 1923-06

“Best” Books

« Evangelism True Evangelism, or, God’s Way of Reaching the Lost By Lewis Sperry Chafer This very splendid message is revolutionary in the great work of soul-winning and is a masterful development of the whole Divine program for seeking and saving the lost. The author does not urge more zeal in old methods; he presents an entirely different principle and order of procedure from the evangelistic plans and habits of today. Intensely Scriptural, constructive, and suggestive. Price S i.00 Method in Soul Winning A Quest for Souls By G eorge W . T ru ett Enlisting for Christ and the Church

By H ow ard A gnew Jo hnston T his book n o t only presen ts m otives an d m ethods for th e guidance of C h ristian s in w inning o th ers to C hrist, b u t em phasizes th e ^ value of group train in g in carry in g ou t th is suprem ely im p o rtan t w ork. “ It is tim ely, su g g es­ tive, p ra c tic al an d intensely scrip tu ral. P rice $1.00

No book of E vangelistic serm ons h as ever been p u b ­ lished th a t carries m ore v ital and w insom e m essages for the un sav ed th a n are found in th is book. Every p a sto r should have a copy. P rice $1.50

By H enry C. M abie, D . D. T his book is of highest value to every p a sto r an d C hristian w orker. It is easy to blunder in to w rong w ays in religious effort. Dr. Mabie points o u t clearly th e rig h t way. P rice 75c

Personal Work By Dr. R. A. Torrey

If you wish to learn to do personal work— if you wish to know how to lead souls to Christ this is the best possible book for you to study as a guide. It covers every phase of personal evangelism. Every teacher of personal work groups should own this book to teach from. Price, Cloth, $1.25 Another splendid book along this same line is, “How to Bring Men to Christ,“ by the same author. Not so comprehensive as Personal Work, but an excellent study book for classes in personal soul winning. Price, Paper, 35c; Cloth, 75c The Passion for Souls By J. H . Jow etf Truth for You 11 Timothy 2:15

By D r. J. H . Samm is This little book is rightly called a v est-p o ck et com ­ pendium of Bible facts and inform ation— an equipm ent for every service. W as d e­ signed p rim arily as a help for beginners in Bible study b u t is equally good for the teach er and personal w orker. T akes up every su b ject you need inform ation on— a page to a subject. 127 pages and index. W ill enable you to answ er any question of doc­ trin e o r refute the erro rs of the vario u s false cults. 25c each; 12 fo r $2.50

By H ow ard W . Pope If you w ish to “stu d y to shew th y self approved unto God, a w orkm an th a t needeth no t to be asham ed/,’ you will find th is book on personal soul-saving an excellent guide. The a u th o r first show s th e general condi­ tions of success in bringing men to C hrist. H e then m akes p ra c tic al suggestions concerning different m ethods for beginning w ork, an d fol­ lows th is by live m ethods for dealing w ith a v ariety of classes or people. P rice, Cloth, 75c

T he them e of th is book is b ased upon th e fact th a t if anyone is ev er to be su c­ cessful in w inning o th ers to an acceptance of Jesu s C hrist as his own personal Saviour he m u st have a love for souls, yes, he m u st have a very definite passion for souls. T his book show s how th is condition of h e art an d m ind and soul can be b ro u g h t about. P rice, C loth, 75c

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. 669

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