King's Business - 1923-06

These Tracts are not only GOOD Tracts — They have been tried out—testedjgproven to be the very “BEST” Tracts for personal work John Three Sixteen

Hell—A Terrible Reality M any people say th a t it is w rong to scare people into H eaven, b u t don’t be a fraid to p u t th is splendid tra c t in to th e hands of y o u r unsaved friends. 2c each; 20c p er doz.; $1.50 p er 100 Here’s Your Answer Keith L. Brooks A unique a n d classy little tra c t to a r­ re st the atte n tio n of th e unsaved— one th a t has led m any souls to C hrist. It is a m iniature book, v e st pocket size, neatly p rin ted and bound. It m eets all th e p rin ­ cipal arg um en ts of unbelief w ith th e W ord of God itself. G et them by the hundred a t $2.00 or 3c each. The Only Gateway of Salvation Keith L. Brooks A n eat tra c t of convenient size, settin g fo rth th e p lan of salv atio n in th e clearest possible w ay. 15c p er dozen; $1.00 p er 100 Settle this Question First Keith L. Brooks P resen tin g in b rief an unansw erable a r ­ gum ent as to w hy a p erson should accep t C hrist. V est pocket size, nicely printed. 10c p er dozen; 75c p er 100 Who Is He? Keith L. Brooks A tra c t in tw o colors th a t will catch the eye an d show a t a glance w h at it is to be a C hristian. 10c p er dozen; 75c p er 100 Personal Workers’ Tools Keith L. Brooks Gives th e S cripture am m unition for m eet­ ing various objections. The m aterial is condensed, an d a rran g ed so th e personal w orker can get w h at is needed a t a glance. Made to p a ste into a pocket T estam en t an d p rin ted on durable paper. 10c p er dozen. Noah’s Carpenters If you a re looking for an effective tra c t for d istrib u tio n am ong w orldly chu rch m em ­ bers, try th is one. If still unsaved, it will b rin g them face to face w ith th eir need— an d m any have been lead to an acceptance of Jesu s a s Savior sim ply th ro u g h reading. 2c each; 20c p er doz.; $1.50 p er 100 The New Birth Dr. R. A. Torrey Speak to th e o rd in ary C hristian a b o u t the new b irth and see how hazy his ideas are concerning it. Keep th is booklet handy.

A sim ple sto ry of a poor Irish lad on the stre ets, w ho found a hom e a n d friends by using Jo h n 3:16 as a p a ss w ord. 10c p er dozen; 75c p er 100 The Loveliness of Christ Dr. C. I. Scofield T his is one of th e finest sh o rt serm ons ever p reached by D r. Scofield an d while its appeal is first to th e C hristian, y et th ere a re m any w orkers who have had a j w onderful success w ith th is tra c t am ong th e unsaved. 2c each; 20c p er doz.; $1.50 p er 100 The Man That Died for Me Mrs. J. K. Barney The sto ry of a C alifornia m iner who w as led to see Jesu s as his own personal Saviour. 10c p er doz.; 75c p er 100 The Missing Ones The sto ry of how one a fte r an o th er had been m issing in a tow n one m orning, and th e co n stern atio n caused w hen search failed to reveal th e ir w hereabouts. 10c p er dozen; 75c p er 100 Eternity! Where Will You Spend It? Shows th a t th ere is a H eaven and a Hell an d th a t we are all e te rn ity bound. W here w ill we spend it? Fine for personal w ork. 8c p er doz.; 50c p er 100 First Class Ticket E specially good for d istrib u tio n am ong railro ad men. Is in th e form of a Pullm an tick et, a n d show s all the statio n s in life on o u r journey from e arth to H eaven. 15c p er dozen; $1.00 p er 100 God’s Sure Promise Dr. R. A. Torrey T his tra c t is a “decision c ard “-;—th e card itself being p erfo rated so th a t th e new co n v ert m ay m ake his decision fo r C hrist an d keep th e balan ce of th e tra c t. 20c p er dozen; $1.25 p er 100 Have You Heard Do You Know Do You Understand Do You Realize The very b e st tra c t for personal w ork th a t we know . P rin ted on heavy card and folded. T he sta rtlin g headlines “H ave You H eard,” “Do Y ou Know,” “Do Y ou U n­ d erstan d ,” “ Do you R ealize,” catch th e eye an d stim u late th e cu rio sity a t once, and we do n o t know of one tim e th a t th ey have been refused w herever offered. 7c p er doz.; 45c p er 100; $4.00 p er 100

It tells th e n a tu re of th e new b irth , its necessity, how accom plished— as set fo rth in Jo h n 3:1-21. Excellent to p u t into the hands of th e unsaved also. 3c each; 30c p er doz.; $2.00 p er 100 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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