King's Business - 1923-06

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It is said th a t “ h allelu jah ” is the one word th a t is common to all lan­ guages. So far as we know, it is never tran slated ; but, instead is tran sferred into th e books for th e use of all races. No doubt it is a word th a t strayed away from heaven and the saved will doubt­ less continue its use up there. Halle­ lujah! R egeneration does not ju stify ; ju s­ tification does not regenerate. J u sti­ fication cancels guilt. Regeneration cleanses and renews the fallen nature. The two acts are inseparable and occur a t the same tim e through th e same act of faith. The blood of Christ— (1) Redeems from th e bondage of sin (Eph, 1 :7 ). (2) Releases from the gu ilt of sin (Acts 10:43-). (3 ) Reconciles from the effects of sin (Rom. 5 :1 0 ). We all need Him. Adam behind a tr e e ,:N athanael under a tree, Zachaeus in a tree, all needed salvation through the Man “ on the tre e ”— “The Man, Christ ¡Jesus, who gave H imself a ran ­ som for all.” A question th a t can be answered: “W hat must I do to be saved?” • “ Be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou sh alt be saved” (Acts 1 6 :31 ), for “ Christ died for our sins—-buried^— rose again, according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3, 4). A question th a t can never b«r answered: “How shall we escape if we NEGLECT so g reat sal­ vation?” (Heb. 2 :3 ). T here are 90 passages in th e Old Testament directly referring to the Holy Spirit. There are 263 in the New. God’s love for all (Jn. 3 :1 6 ). Good news for all (Lk. 2 :1 0 ). Go tell it to all (Mk. 16 :15 ).

The scrip tu ral account of creation is contained in th e first 34 verses of th e Bible. In this ancient and divine record w ritten 3500 years ago and never improved or corrected, “ and ” occurs nearly 100 times, intim ating successive acts of creatorial power— th e death blow to evolution, which, afte r all, is only a process, never an originating cause. There are few words in common use th a t are a t once more meaningful and meaningless th a n th e little word “Amen.” It ought never to be mean­ ingless. In itself it is full of a beauti­ ful significance. It is simply a way of saying, ’’Let it be so !” The Chinese rendering of it is, “The h eart wishes exactly so !” The publishing business every Chris­ tia n ’s business—Acts 13:49. F irst m issionary repo rt meeting— Acts 14:27. F irs t recorded battle between law and grace in the early church—Acts 15. The program of th e church for this ag e—Acts 15:14. F irs t convert in Europe— Acts 16: 14. Conversion of Europe began on a river bank w ith a handful of praying women— v. 13. The root of th e first antagonism to the Gospel in Europe was mercenary— Acts 16:19. P aul and Silas prayed, praised and preached in prison—Acts 16:25. The tru e nobility— comprised of those who p atiently examine th e Scrip­ tu res—Acts 17:11. The two strings th a t P aul always harped upon—Acts 17:18.

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