King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S me one h ou r?” I fear Jesus often stands by the bedside of th e sleepy Christian w ith the same rebuke. Oh, if P eter had kept awake to tell us of th a t hour. The responsibility is ours. The need is great. The first testimony God gives of Paul is, “Behold, he p rayeth," Acts 9:11. Millions now living are already dead. They cannot pray for them ­ selves. They are , waiting for your prayers and mine. God help us to be awake to the need of th e hour, and, looking out on th e throng rushing through Babylon, may we, like Jesus, be moved w ith compassion, and pray. “All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive,” Matt. 21:22. “ If ye ask anything in my name, I will do it,” John 14:14. Go now, ask in Jesu s’ name,\ for here is another gracious promise, “And whatso­ ever ye shall ask in my name th a t will I do, th a t th e F ath e r may be glorified in th e Son,” John 14:13. God help us to be gap-standers. —By Dr. A. C. Dixon, Baltimore th a t they m ight see “ th e fire th a t is not quenched,” and “ the worm th a t dieth no t.” It was Jesus who did this — not Milton nor some medieval monk. And He did it because love prompted H im to be faithful and tell th e whole tru th . He went into every departm ent of human life, from the cook mixing the meal in th e kitchen to the king on his throne inviting to his son’s m ar­ riage, th a t He m ight get an illu stra­ tion, a handle by which th e people m ight take hold of th e tru th . Let us come after Jesus in His methods. a s

576 ■with th e ir cure-all theories, th a t prom­ ise a remedy for every ill of flesh and sp irit, who th ink they are rig h t and all else wrong. But, “Thou man of God, th e re is death in th e pot,” 2 Kings 4:40. When we th ink th a t m illions now liv­ in g are already dead,— dead in tre s­ passes and sins, it is tim e to awake. Why w ait un til th e boat is sinking? Why w ait un til th e storm is furious, as Jonah did? Why w ait until the sailors cry, “W hat meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God, if so be th a t God will th ink upon us, th a t we perish no t” ? Jonah 1:6. Jesus prayed night and morning. Yes, before everything th a t He undertook, and if He needed to pray, how much more do we! Do you w ant the high tide of prayer in th e Old Testam ent? Read of Jacob and th e man w ith whom he w restled. (A man, not an ang el). Gen. 32:23-31. Then read th e high tide of prayer in the New Testament. Matt. 26:36- 46. Jesus in th e garden; and th e sad th ing about it is, He found the disciples asleep, “What, could ye not watch w ith Points for Fishermen OME ye afte r me,” says Jesus, “ and I will make you to be­ come fishers of men.” Jesus had various methods of soul winning. He preached to the great m ultitude. He talked w ith the indi­ vidual. In th e temple and synagogue He spoke to th e godly and religious. He went into th e streets, th e m arkets and the lanes proclaim ing the gospel to the wicked and irreligious. He opened th e gates of Heaven, th a t He m ight entice His people into the F a th e r’s house. He opened the gates of Hell, jS'fc a »

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