King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S' B U S I N E S S


do not perish w ith th e using—Lin mer­ chandise b etter th an gold.” Are you a carpenter? “Come y e ,afte r Me and I 1will make you a carpenter, of men, building structu res of character th a t will ou tlast marble and g ran ite.” Are you a sculptor? “ Come ye afte r Me and I will make you a sculptor of men, chiseling into shape th a t will stand after the marble of Phidias has crum ­ bled into du st.” : Whatever your occu­ pation, let your: experiences in th a t oc­ cupation be projected into the fishing for men. The H igher Power , But fishing depends upon more than skill. I t depends , upon th e elements above us; th e sun, th e moon and stars, for some,;, fish can be caught only at floodtide. Old fishermen tell us th a t

it depends upon th e wind, and they make doggerel out of it; , ; “When th e wind :is East, The fish bite least; When the wind is West, The fish bite best.” You can argue w ith the science of it, but when you go fishing you find th a t the catching of fish depends upon the wind, w eather and tide Our suc­ cess in fishing for men depends upon the wind th a t comes from God, th e tides th a t are moved by heavenly influences, the atmosphere th a t ,comes from Pen­ tecostal prayer and preaching. If we look up and tru st God to give us ,th° wind, tide and th e atmosphere, we shall have a g reat catch to the glory of the M aster-Fisher .of men.; otherw ise all others are not of it. But all orthordox churches are - of the Church of Christ,-1—which is th e body of Christ, composed of all repentant, be­ lieving souls,— dead w ith Christ, and risen together w ith Him—t^an h ab ita­ tion of God through the S pirit,”-^-an elect company, from all nations; organ­ ized for work and worship. W hat is Evangelism? Proclaim ing th e Gospel, which “ is th e power of God unto savation to ’every one th a t be- lieveth,” in order to make disciples to Jesus Christ. W hat is the order of procedure? First-—-The Church is the channel. In Acts 15:13-18 we are told what is the church, and its m ission-J^‘That the residue of men may seek afte r the Lord, and all th e Gentiles, upon whom my name is called.” Second— Saved people. The In stru ­ ments— “ How then shall they call on

The Church and Evangelism

— By Dr. L. W. MUNHALL, Editor “Eastern Methodist.”

(HE ONE g reat business of the Church is to evangelize the nations— “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all th e baptizing them into th e name


of the F ath e r and of th e Son and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to ob­ serve all things whatsoever I have com­ manded you: and lo, I am w ith you alway, even unto the end of the world” (age). Failing in th is means disaster to the vital in terests of any c h u rc h ,|g | for an unevangelistiC church soon be­ comes an unevangelical church, formal and worldly. But what is the Church? Rome says, “We are it.” 'And w ith quite as good rea­ sons, the Grëek church, th e Oriental churches, th é Anglican and Lutheran bodies make th e same claim. And, we may add, some Presbyterians th ink th e ir church Is it. But no one denomi­ nation of Christians is th e Church;

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