King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S God’s divine will. May God help me to plead w ith every Sunday school teacher who reads th is and who has an unsaved person in his or her class, to agonize before God in prayer for these unsaved ones. J u st th ink , only a few sho rt weeks of earnest prayer and four imm ortal souls saved! And how wonderfully God has blessed me in my prayer life. He has opened up as it were a new prayer life to me th a t I never knew it possible to a t­ tain. “ ‘And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, th a t will I do, th a t th e F ath e r may be glorified in th e Son. If ye ask anything in my name, I will do it’ (Jn. 14:13, 1 4 ).” A Service of Love T h ere’s something for everyone to do in our Master’s g reat service. We were touched w ith th e beauty of the service being rendered by J. S. Bab­ cock, of Toledo, Ohio, in w riting to lonely m issionaries. Read a p art of his le tte r and see if th ere is not a sug­ gestion here of something you can do to help.on th e M aster’s work. “About four or five years ago the Lord gave me a real call in a certain field of m issionary work— of being a correspondent to th e dear missionaries. “ I have had as many as 225 on my list th a t heard from me several times a year, sending them Scripture cards, calendars, blotters, pencils, tracts, papers, etc. I have no doctrine to preach to them , simply wish to cheer lonely h earts or give encouragement to them , and God blesses th e work and I receive many letters of thank s and appreciation. It would do your h earts good to read them . “ I enclosed a card w ith words, ‘Love never faileth ’ in a letter to a mission­ ary in So Africa. She, in tu rn , mailed it to a form er friend from whom she was estranged and th a t card was th e means of uniting th e ir hearts. I have




H ere’s Something P ractical Two very helpful letters have come to hand and we pass them on, com­ mending the suggestions they contain. The first is from Shafter, Calif., and signed “D. R. Gwin.” “ Some four or five months ago I read in the Sunday School Times a wonder­ ful testimony of a Sunday School teach­ er who had become discouraged as a teacher, feeling her scholars were not advancing spiritually as they should, and so decided to give up her class. The following week, however, this teacher, instead of leaving the class, got up each morning a t four o’clock and cried out to God for the conversion of th e class. The next Sunday morning every scholar accepted Christ as Sav­ iour. “At th e tim e I read of th is definite answer to prayer, I was acting as the sub stitu te teacher for a class of boys ten and twelve years of age. The Lord at once laid a burden of prayer on my h ea rt for these boys and I began at once to get- up of a morning so as to have a t least one hour of un in terrup ted pleading for these boys, asking God th a t they m ight be saved. I also had opportunity to have a season of prayer a t noon hour. I promised Him th a t if He would only save th is class X too would testify in whatever publication m ight he read by teachers. Feb. 25th was decision day in th e Sunday School. There were four boys in class th a t morning and when th e invitation was given all four boys stepped from death unto life .. These were th e only scholars who accepted Christ. P raise His name! There is nothing outside of the scope of prayer th a t is inside the scope of


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