King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S sent cards to names .of your mission­ aries I find in th e magazine and I would much appreciate any m issionary list you m ight send me, especially of those not well known or who do not have many correspondents. I enclose a book-mark, also a post card th a t I sometimes send out-—a little idèa of my own. The post card preaches to the clerks along the way. Praying God’s best for you th is year, and th a t He will continue to bless His work through you.” How many men and women are needing it. In th e tu r ­ bulence of the world’s life I often th ink we are like a man standing on th e lip of sh ing stream . As we are watch­ ing it rush past, suddenly th ere is a man, or woman, or child drowning, but swept for an in stan t w ithin our reach. Have you the saving hand? If so, put it out to save th a t soul from death; be quick about it; look as if you meant it. Whatever your hand findeth to do for Christ, in preaching th e Gospel, in saving the perishing, pluck your hand out of your bosom, and do it; out w ith it, all the length. And if it seems too short, and you are too weak, call on God th a t He may give saving power to your rig h t hand. The Jews have a trad ition th a t th e man w ith ‘th e w ith­ ered hand was a mason, a stone-cutter. Think of a stone-cutter w ith a w ithered righ t hand! T hat man is spoiled. And Christ, I think, had pity on him, be­ cause He knew all th a t lay behind the mason w ith the w ithered hand -lith e de­ spondent wife, th e helpless children. And He said, “Stretch forth thy hand; and it was restored whole as th e o th er.” I th ink when th a t man read his Old Testam ent and came to th is verse, he would say, “Oh! I never noticed th a t before; th a t is for me. Whatsoever th a t resto red hand,” he would say to him ­ self, “ finds to do’S^-take care, man, th a t is God’s hand, never pu t th a t hand THE SAVING HAND A Saving Hand!


to dirty work. He would say to his wife and children, sometimes, “Do you see th a t hand? T hat is the hand th a t Jesus gave_me; and whatsoever it finds to do, it is His.” “Holiness unto the Lord” must be stamped upon it. Oh, for energy, Divine energy! Oh, th a t th e laziness may be taken out of us, and th a t the rig h t hands th a t are here, redeemed rig h t hands, may be busy do­ ing w ith th e ir m ight what th ere is such an abundant opportunity to do today. (From Sermon by Dr. John McNeill.) a s a s OUR FAILURE Recently a charge was brought against a New York lawyer who knew thalT his b ro th er was dishonest, but failed to w arn the heirs of an estate over which his b ro ther had charge. The heirs, finding th a t they had been cheated by the brother, sued th e law­ yer on the ground th a t he had known th e form er’s character and had not warned them . To a g reater degree God will hold us responsible if we fail to warn those who are being led into wrong or are doing wrong. “When I say unto the wicked, Thou sh alt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to w arn th e wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his ini­ quity; but his blood will I require at th in e h and ” (Ezekiel 3 :1 8 ). CHRISTIAN EARNESTNESS The story is told, in a helpful little book w ritten by Mr. F. A. Atkins, of a certain earnest Christian who one day spoke to a fashionable lady about re­ ligion, to th e apparent disgust of her husband. Airing his dislike of the whole thing, he said th a t if only he had been th ere when th e man called he would have sent him about his business. “If you had seen him ,” his wife re­ plied, “ you’d have thought it was his business.”


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