King's Business - 1923-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

of K iangsi come equally encouraging reports. L ast October Biola Evangelis­ tic Band No. 6 went into a new dis­ tric t to “ break ground” and to “ sow th e seed,” and now Mr. An, the leader, w rites w ith hearty thank s to God for the one hundred land two eager and enthusiastic converts who gath er regu­ larly in th e new chapel th a t has been fitted up in th a t center for the worship of God and th e study of His precious Word, while Band No. 6 presses on to “ break ground” in still ano th er field of virgin soiff The B iola Students ; Before closing th is le tte r I w ant to ’ w rite a few lines about our students,

a perm anent : worker at once in th a t new center to conserve th e results. The same mail brought a le tte r from th e leader of th a t band, and th e pages seem to fairly glow w ith joy as Mr. Kang w rites of God’s ; blessing on the work and of th e sixty-four earnest enquirers who meet together for th é study of His Word and prayer. They went into th a t untilled field only a few weeks ago to “break ground” and lo! in so short a tim e “They come w ith rejoicing, bringing th e ir sheaves w ith them .” Another missionary, ;in an entirely different p art of Hunan, w rites:— “We have ju st had a large number of bap-

D ecem ber 19, 1922, T hanksgiving P ray er Service, “B reaking G round” for' the M ilton S tew art M em orial H all. T w o n e w dorm itories in the background. Mr. H siao a d d r e s s i n g th e stu d en ts, an d M rs. M artha G. Keller (aged86) ready to b reak ground.

Of course many of our graduates do not go into the band work b u t accept calls to service in th e local church work o f tne missions from which they have come1to us. These men too are mbs* tru ly “breaking ground” , and it is such a joy. to h ear from them . We a re so glad for the love they have for the school, and for the assurance they seem to have of our continued in terest in rhem and in th eir work. Their letters are most refreshing and stimulating, I w ill quote from ju st one of them . When Mr. Ma came to uS nearly th ree years ago we were a t once impressed w ith his deep earnestness. He was a country lad and h a d many difficulties to overcome, bu t he stuck to his task and overcame them bravely. He so tru ly “made good” in every way th a t

tisms, and most of those baptized have been brought to Christ by th e mem­ bers of your Biola Evangelistic Band working in our field.” T h at same mission has ju st asked us to release one of the young men now in the band for an im po rtan t position in th eir regular church work. This young man came to us a few years ago, took a full course in the Bible school, and then worked for two years in th e Biola Evan­ gelistic Band which was engaged in the h eld of his... own. mission where his' life and work were under close observation. Now this gratifying call h as come to him, and his mission ’has already sent .u s , th e nam es of th ree o th er young men whom they desire to -send to the Band for training. From over in the adjoining Province

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