King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


tion .”—Heb. 6:9. (His peace, pardon, grace, mercy, goodness, assurance, sp iritu al blessings, joy, etc.) 4. “Things which must shortly come to pass”—^Rev. 1 :1 ; 22:6, (Give expo­ sition oi these things as% found in Dan­ iel and R evelation ). ■=5. “ Things Above.” Col. 3:2. “Things which God hath prepared for them th a t love H im .” 1 Cor. 2: 9, 12. 6. “Things which are tru e , honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good repo rt— th ink on these th ing s”’ Phil. 4:8. 7. “Things which belong unto THY peace1.”1 Luke 19:42. : S'. “Things of th e S pirit.” “The Spirit will show you things to come.” Rom. 8 :5 ; John 16:13; 1 Cor. 2:9-12. 9. These a r e 1“ things which become Sound doctrine.” Tit. 2:1. — J. T. Larsen. GREAT GRACE 1. The God of all Grace— 1 Pet. ,5 :1 0 . 2. The word of His Grace— Acts ¡4:3. 3. The Spirit of Grace—Zech. 12:10, 4. The abundance of Grace—-Rom. ; 5:17. 5. The riches of His Grace—Eph. 1:7. 6. The glory ,of His Grace— Eph. 1 : 6 . 7. The inheritance of Grace— 1 Pet. 3:7,; , —H arold Bingham. THE BELIEVER’S SINS 1. In R elation to Salvation. (a) W hat provision has God made for them? Isa. 53:6. . “A Saviour.” (b) W hat has God done with them? Psa. 103:12. Removed. Isa. 38:17. Behind His back. Isa. 43:25. B lotted out.

Heb. 10:17. Forgotten. 2. In Relation to th e Christian Life. (a) W hat provision has God made for them? 1 Jn. 2:1. An Advocate. (b) W hat are we to do w ith them? i Jn. 1:9. Confess. 1 Cor. 11:31. Condemn. 2 Tinh 2:19. Depart from. Heb. 12:1. Lay aside. Rom. 12:9. Abhor. ^ R. S. B. “NOW” OF SCRIPTURE 1. “Now” of sin and unrighteous­ ness. Rom. 3:23; 5:12-14. 2/ “Now” of repentance for sin. Acts 17:30. . 3. “Now” of salvation from sin. 2 Cor. 6:1-2. 4. “Now of righteousness in God by faith in Christ. Rom. 3:21, 5. “Now” is the judgm ent of this world, (potentially judged and defeated when Christ was trium ­ phant over Satan and death, John 12:31-32). . 3,,. "Now” ; of nearness to Christ. Eph. 2:13. 7, “Now”, of citizenship and fel­ lowship w ith God and His people. - E p h .'2:19. _ -—Joseph T. Larsen, 1922. .>S% SOUL WINNERS’ ILLUSTRATIONS Henry Heinz Every one knows of Heinz o f th e “Fifty-Seven V arieties,” bu t few know of his zeal as a soul winner. At a revival meeting one day, the m inister turned to him and said, “You are a Christian man, why aren ’t you up and a t it? ” He went home in anger and went to bed, bu t could not sleep. At four o’clock in the morning he pray­ ed th a t God would make him a power in His work and then went to sleep. At th e next meeting of bank presidents

Jer. 50:20. Not found. Mic. 7:19. Cast into sea. Eph. 4:32. Forgiven.

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