King's Business - 1923-06


SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt. — G ospel M eetings a n d H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 Mexicans in Los A ngeles a n d V icinity.

and his whole life has been completely changed about. His “boss” changed his location s th a t he is now located in a somewhat isolated place, bu t in­ stead of gambling w ith th e men he in­ vites them to his room and night after n igh t eight or ten men listen to the reading of God’s Word and to his tes­ timony. On a recen t visit to his place we held a meeting and gave th e message, after which th re e men and a boy defi­ nitely accepted th e Lord as th e ir Sav­ iour. Thus we see th e fulfilling of the Scripture quoted a t th e beginning of th is article, for in th is way th e con­ verts prepare th e way for us to bring many others to a decision. How we praise God for th e converts He has given us, and how we covet an in terest in your prayers for them th a t they may be steadfast, immovable, always a- bounding in th e work of th e Lord. Hungry F o r th e T ru th Every F riday noon we have a bunch of about seventy-five Mexicans which is one of the most interested groups we m inister to. F o r fifteen m inutes these men g ath er around us w ith th e most respectful atten tion while we expound to them th e Word of God. As soon as th e whistle blows they go off to work, but before leaving they invite us to “ be sure and come next day.” We are sow­ ing the seed and praying th a t we may reap a rich harvest in due time. Will you no t be a prayer helper too? These people are hungry for th e tru th , and having been denied th is precious Bible, do you wonder they are so attentive? Their ignorance is dense concerning th e Word of God and the plan of salvation. F o r instance,— a b righ t looking Mexican young man dropped into our Bible Class a t Biola H all and after the lesson we asked him if he was a Christian and he said yes. Then we asked him if he was

“ T h e thi ng # t h a t th ou ha st h e a r d o f m e a m o n g ma n y w it n e s s e s , the same c o m m i t th ou to f a it h f u l m e n , wh o sha ll b e able to teach oth ers , als o. ” (2 T im . 2 : 2 . ) B HE picture accompanying this article represents th e men of our Bible class which meets twice a week for the study of God’s Word. These are a few

of the men whom God has saved by His grace and who have consecrated th eir lives to be used in His service. They are all working men and are lay­ ing aside from week to week a portion of th eir earnings in order to buy a machine so th a t we may hold evangel­ istic meetings every Sunday in the many Mexican colonies; also on week day evenings when th e days are longer. We have no t only been instructing these men in th e Word, bu t have given them some practical training, having them accompany us on our trips, thu s giving them a taste of the joy of Chris­ tian service, and they are quite en­ thusiastic about going out from week to week. Two of th e In stitu te stud en ts have volunteered th eir autos, and in com­ pany w ith Spanish speaking students, have been able thu s far to provide th e necessary facilities for tran spo rtation , but when vacation comes we will not have th e use of these autos, as the students will re tu rn to th eir homes. I t is one of the most encouraging featu res of the work among th e Mexi­ can converts th a t they are willing to give of th e ir means and th e ir tim e to reach others. We have one convert who no t only form erly gambled away his own wages, b u t those of his wife as well, when­ ever he could get them— for she was obliged to work ia order to support the family, because of his gambling. He drank, and also abused h er te r­ ribly. Recently he accepted the Lord

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