King's Business - 1923-06

T H E ' K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


much as to say, “W hat does he m ean?” They do no t understand th e term s of salvation, nor what it means to be saved, bu t if we had asked him if he had a religion, he would have answered in the affirmative. We made the way of salvation plain to him. He did not accept then, as it was all new to him, bu t we gave him some trac ts and a Gospel of John and he promised to re­ turn. He had b u t recently come from Mexico City. So we need your prayers for these Mexicans, for, while they are nom inally Christian, they are ignorant of th e way of salvation. Pray! Pray! Pray! It was also blessed to have added to th e group two other bright, happy girls who are willing to yield th e ir all to Him and to present th eir lives as a liv­ ing sacrifice unto God. Assurance of Salvation At th e close of th e Bible lesson one evening, th e teacher felt ju st a little discouraged because no response seemed to come from a group of girls th a t had been th e object of much prayer. The New B irth had been ta u g h t from the th ird chapter of John and the Spirit’s presence never seemed more real. No sooner was the class closed th an th is en tire group of girls came to the Bible teacher and each girl in tu rn said: “ I have never before heard th e New B irth explained, bu t I believe it and accept it.” Three different denom inations were represented by th is group of five girls who declared they had heard nothing about the New B irth. Ono girl said: “ Is it no t awful th a t I have gone to church, Sunday school and Young Peo­ ple’s meeting all my life and have never known about the assurance of salvation, or have believed th a t Christ’s blood was sufficient to cover all my sins?” Another girl who had been a t­ tending a series of meetings for a week, said: “ I never have been so confused in my thinking, nor have I ever passed such a m iserable week in my life as has been my lo t to endure th is last week, so I came to E teri club this eve­ ning seeking to get straightened out in

saved and he was nonplussed, and looked to the Mexican next him as

BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs L ym an Stew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H suse to H ouse P ersonal W ork, Bible C lasses, a n d Soul W inning Clubs.

“ N ot by m i g h t * n o r b y p o w er , b u t by m y S p i ri t, s ai tl i th e L o r d o f hosts.” ( Z e c h . 4:6) . ;

T has been very encouraging in our work to note four definite resu lts: conversions, lives sur­ rendered, new in terest in soul w inning and increased joy in giving. These are indications of spiritual grow th and blessing for which God is praised. No doubt it would be in te r­ esting to relate two definite incidents th a t have occurred recently. In the Thursday afternoon Pasadena Bible class a beautiful spirit of giving was manifested. ' Miss Rouzee, who is in China and who is teacher of th is class, asked th a t a certain sum be given for a definite need where she is now teach­ ing in Nanking. The class took steps immediately to raise th e amount, and before all had opportunity to give, the fund was joyfully donated. It is in ­ deed “more blessed to give th an to re­ ceive.” The E teri Club a t Pomona is grow­ ing in grace— in th e grace of giving, su rrend er and soul winning. A few weeks ago the club held an open meet­ ing. The mothers and friends were invited. A large attendance gave new inspiration and power to the work. It was a touching scene as one wit­ nessed th e group of girls openly ta k ­ ing th e ir stand as a token of the defi­ nite su rrender to God which they had made, perhaps some in the quiet of th eir own hearts when all alone w ith Him.

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