King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


my confused m ental condition, and feel now th a t peace which the world cannot give.” This girl, in th e very next meet­ ing, expressed her desire to do some real definite work for the Lord. Answered P ray er in a Girl’s Life When the precious seed of God’s Word is seen to be springing up and bearing fru it in the lives of those to whom it has been taugh t, joy and glad­ ness are brought to th e h eart of the Bible teacher. This is especially tru e when the evidence comes from the lives of th e young. A young woman whose h eart Christ had won, and who longed to b etter fit herself for His service by attending the Bible In stitu te, could not see her way clear because of lack of means. Noth­ ing was available beyond a meager fund saved from a year of teaching, un­ less a farm belonging to her fath er in a d istan t state where farm lands had greatly depreciated in value, could be sold. Unprofitable crops and undesir­ able conditions generally made this sale most unlikely and almost hopeless a t th is time. But the m atter was spread before the Lord and definite re­ quest made th a t if He wished her to continue this work of study and tra in ­ ing, He would bring about the sale of the farm ; or, if He willed otherwise, ju st to make His will known to this young girl. In child-like faith, she went on her way, working and waiting to know her F a th e r’s will. Months passed by and when asked one day how it came about th a t her course of study was being pursued w ithout in te r­ ruption, her face lighted up and her quiet tones rang w ith real joy as she answered: “My prayer was answered. God sold the farm .” Lending Books The m inistry of lending books is an im portant p art of every Bible woman's work, and from her library she selects as carefully as a successful angler does’ his lines and hooks and rods and reels, for she is hoping to catch souls, and by prayer to land them, some on th e Rock of Salvation; others to su rrender and to service. A member of a Bible class was anx­ ious about her husband to en ter into his stewardship and came for advice, retu rn ing home w ith Bible references, a few tracts and a story book on Stew­ ardship, w ith the happy resu lt th a t the man became a cheerful tither.

To another inquirer, was lent Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer’s “Satan.” The outcome was rest in th e answer to many questions and complete deliver­ ance from fear of every kind. The lending of “In th e Twinkling of an Eye” to an E lem entary Study Class brought a young Roman Catholic girl to a definite decision for Christ, for she said th a t the reality of the coming of th e Lord was made so plain and sne realized th a t she was not ready. Surely every Christian, however tim id, can tak e p art in th is work which brings in such blessed results. THE EUODIA CONFERENCE ’’P rayer changes things; P rayer changes things; When nothing else can help, P rayer changes things” , rang often through the hills and valleys as the High and G rammar School girls met in Conference at Pacific Palisades for the th ree days, March 26-28. E re it was time for the first meeting of the Conference 168 girls and teach­ ers had registered. These were there through th e entire conference, while others came for one day of fellowship and good time. “ God is able,” was the motto, and every girl met h er Lord face to face, and some found th a t in th e ir own lives “He was able to save to th e u t­ term ost all who came unto him ,” while others became “ persuaded th a t He was Able to keep th a t which she committed unto H im .” Sixteen girls found the Lord Jesus Christ as th e ir own per­ sonal Saviour from sin, and many others surrendered th e ir lives to His keeping and service. One girl, as she yielded to th e loving Saviour’s pleading, went to her teacher and said, “For two years He has been wanting me to do th is.” The early morning Quiet Hour time when each teacher w ith her own Euodia girls slipped away to some quiet nook, were moments of being in the secret of His presence which we shall never for­ get. We gathered ju st as the sun was coming up to pour its w arm th upon the earth, and as we sat beneath its rays so th e Son of God poured His love, strength, and beauty into our lives. The m issionary message by Miss Edith Harris, of Africa, stirred hearts and as one mingled w ith th e girls she heard the oft repeated h e a rt’s desire, “ I want my life to count for Jesu s.”

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