King's Business - 1923-06


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

roast and the last dinner out under the trees. Some of the fru its of Euodia were shown in th e Scripture contests th a t were held. In the Grammar School contest an »Alhambra girl carried away th e honors. Long Beach won in the High School contest. In th e la tte r con­ test each girl had given th irty verses ere one was “ spelled” down and the hundred m ark was nearly reached be­ fore th e contest closed. All through the conference Miss Mer­ rill, our splendid leader, rem inded us th a t Euodia meant, “F ra g ra n t for Christ,” and as the conference closed every girl came home determ ined to reflect more and more the Master’s life in her school and in her home. “Now th ank s be unto th a t God who always leads us forth to trium ph in the Anointed One, and diffuses by us the fragrance of the knowledge of Him in every place.” th e cen ter of Los A ngeles. M eetings continuous N oon-day P ray e r M eeting. “There is life for a look at the Crucified One There is life a t this moment for thee.” He looked and his face was radiant. I t’s always a pleasure to deal with fan intelligent Hebrew. Such a one fcame to us recently inquiring for “Mr. MBiola.” We discovered a man who be- Wlieved Jesus was the Christ bu t who ||h a d never received Him or confessed Him as Saviour and Lord. How we re- ijo ic e d when he finally dropped to his p knees and poured out his h eart to God in th a t name of which He has said: ‘If y e sh a ll a sk a n y th in g in My N am e Jthat w ill I do, th a t th e F a th e r m ay be I, g lo rified in the Son.” (Jo h n 14:13.) 1 “F o r th e life of th e flesh is in th e blood la n d I h av e g iv en it to you u p o n th e a lta r :to m ak e a n a to n e m e n t fo r y o u r so u ls, T or it is th e blood th a t m a k e th a n a to n e - iim ent fo r th e so u l.” (L e v itic u s 17:11.) A man came to us some days ago [whose abuse, both open and in conver­ sation , was simply vile. He grew so i hard-boiled th a t even his fellow work­ men were constrained to rebuke him. response, he defied God to strike ¡¡him dead. He couldn’t, however, ex- |haust the patience of God, for He does- in’t deal w ith us after our sins, nor re- 'ward us according to our iniquities.

Miss Amy Lee Stockton, Baptist Evan­ gelist, came w ith her message, “Girls, what are you worth to self, to others, to God?” and every girl stood w ith bowed h ea rt before her Lord feeling h er.lac k , and longing for Him to come in and make her worthy of His great love. While some h earts were still feeling th e ir need, Dr. Sattler, one of our Euodia Teachers, came w ith a mes­ sage on God’s clear statem en t th a t “The K ing’s Daughter is all glorious w ithin,” and again girls stood asking th e King of Glory to come in. The Social Life of th e Conference under the direction of Miss Kathryn Lynch, Pomona Euodia Teacher, brought fun galore into th e camp. S tun t night brought forth many hidden talents. The afternoons were spent in hiking, swimming and tennis. Songs and yells constantly filled the air while all were gathered around th e well filled tables in the large dining room. Nor shall we ever forget the wiener IFEAR to tak e this step lest I should fail and thu s bring reproach upon the name of __ Him whom so many have dis­ honored by so doing,” was th e reason a man recently advanced why he should not plant his feet upon solid ground. Would you rem ain in a burning building where certain death awaited you ra th e r than commit yourself to the n et spread by strong hands to rescue you? Thank God, He is able to^ keep th a t which we have committed unto Him against th a t day. When one runs across a man w ith a conscience it| is a pleasure to patiently and prayer-ii fully labor till Christ is formed and re-f' ceived in his h e a rt as in th e case of th is dear fellow. j One runs across so many who use, the lack of faith as an insurm ountable! h arrier to Christ. “ Suppose one of­ fered you faith in one hand and Jesus, Christ in th e other, which would youjj ta k e ? ” we asked of a very earnest and sincere lad who had struggled w ith thisj difficulty for several hours. “Why Jesus, of course,” he answered. “ don’t let faith stand in your way. Justj receive Him according to John 1:12. Look to Him a t once and be saved.” David Cant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission for Men in from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.


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