King's Business - 1923-06


HESE are strang e days— are they not? We rub our eyes sometimes and q u e s t i o n w hether we are awake or

We could multiply our usefulness. We could be a blessing to every indi­ vidual who would take the trouble to secure ONE SUBSCRIBER even. If you secured one new subscriber, and th a t one became a more definite fol­ lower of the Lord and more earnest in service, wouldn’t you have a share in th a t one’s life, and who can te ll what m ight eventuate from it? Now, th ink of what may resu lt from th e effort we are making to enlarge our subscription list through th e “ Scholarship Contest,” furnishing an incentive to some beyond the personal effort pu t forth. We are offering a scholarship for one year in th e Bible In stitu te of Los An­ geles, valued a t $350.00 (the cost of room and board for th e th ree term s covering a period of nine months. Tui­ tion is free) for th e first aw ard; choice of eith er a scholarship in all of th e seven Correspondence Courses of th e In stitu te, or a L ibrary of books to th e value of $30.00, for th e second award; and a lib rary of books valued a t $20.00 for the th ird award. This contest is open to any one. Some readers of the magazine m ight not care to come to the In stitu te them ­ selves, bu t would be glad to help secure a scholarship for some friend, and thus have an in terest in the life of th a t per­ son. Or some Young People’s Society, Sunday School, Missionary Society or sim ilar organization, m ight be in te r­ ested in helping some young person to fit himself for Christian work, and take up the m atter of securing subscrip­ tions for him. I t is no t too late for you to en ter the race. F ou r months still rem ain (the contest ends August 31st) and the summer vacation months, of course, of­ fer unusual opportunities for the work. F u rth e r details of the contest are given on the reverse side of th is -page.

dream ing. The rush is so great. Everything is so different in human af­ fairs from form er years. Well, it is th e same old world— dressed up a little in new robes— but ju st th e same old sinful world, rolling along a t a rushing ra te tow ard its prophetic doom. Why are we here? W hat are we here for? W hat can we do to help stem the tide th a t sweeps the great m ajority of the people to an untim ely grave and to unending despair? There is one thing we m u st do— do our best— and we w ant to help you do something w o rth while and yet easy to do. We are doing our best to help young people prepare for th e ir life’s work along th e line of th e larg est use­ fulness, and to touch as many lives as possible w ith th e printed page. We pu t a g reat deal of tim e and money into th is magazine ju st to glo­ rify our Lord and stim ulate th e faith of people who are seeking to be loyal to the Lord and to His Word. You ask, “Does it pay?” Of course it pays or we would not be doing it. “Does it cost som ething?” Yes, indeed. No service for God is real service th a t does not cost something, bu t we joy and rejoice in it. The K ing’s Business costs us a good many thousand of dollars, bu t th in k for a moment w hat a power it is! Think of th e thousands of people th a t are strengthened in faith, helped in th e ir Bible teaching, inspired for personal work! Try to imagine the multiplied influence th a t emanates from these many readers,— and you can get .some suggestion of why we render th is ser­ vice, and why we w ant to get all of our readers to help us by commending the magazine.

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