King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S power, not only to a ttra c t people and create an atmosphere and prepare the way for preaching th e Word, b u t to carry its own definite Gospel message. The music of th e Christian church comes to us as a rich h eritage th a t has grown in beauty and value w ith each succeeding generation. F ou r hundred thousand Christian hymns are extant. The lives and experiences of the saints of all ages are reflected in th is hymn literatu re , and untold thousands have been led to the feet of Jesus through th e sweet persuasion of music. The wonderful development of Gospel Song during th e past fifty years has had few parallels in any line of human activity, and has made th e use of music a more v ital and aggressive force in every de­ p artm en t of Christian work. W ith all th is accumulated m aterial of the ages ready for our use and th e crying need of the times- to spur us on, th e words of th e apostle referred to above in Col. 3:16 come to us w ith ever g reater ap­ peal, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and sp iritual songs, singing w ith grace in your h earts to the Lord.” Ms? QUEER A school Board hired a teacher, paid him $75 a month to teach school, filled th e coal cellar w ith coal; everything was in readiness in September to open school. The taxpayers paid th e taxes, which were used to pay the teach er’s salary. School opened, a week went by and th e re were no students. Upon making inquiry, th e teacher was in­ formed th a t he had th e building and was receiving a salary to teach school, and it was up to him to get th e pupils there. Would t h a t1be a queer com­ munity? A young lady was hired as a servant in a home. P lenty of food was pur-

611 chased, she was a good cook and pre­ pared excellent meals. The first day she prepared breakfast, dinner and sup­ per. The fath e r and m other and nine children were absent from th e table. She stood it fairly well th e first day, bu t th e second morning she inquired why her meals were untouched. The family replied: “We furnish th e house and th e food, and pay you a salary, now it’s up to you to get us to ea t.” . Would th a t be regarded as a queer family? A church hired a preacher, gave him a good building, paid him a salary. He prepared his messages, went to th e church each Lord’s Day morning and evening, bu t th e people were not there. Upon making inquiry among th e mem­ bership he was inform ed th a t he was furnished a good building and given a good salary, and th a t it was up to him not only to prepare the sermons, but go around and induce those paying him to cerne to church. Would th a t be re­ garded as a queer church? There are a lot of th em in th e world. The com­ munity hiring th e school teacher and th e fam ily hiring th e servant girl are not more queer th a n th e church in fol­ lowing this procedure. The Gospel of Christ is consistent and solid. The Christian religion, when exhibited in its purity, is as consistent and solid as the gospel which produces it. However, all who profess th is relig­ ion are not consistent and solid. The fau lt, therefore, is in th e people, not th e gospel or th e Christian religion.— Baptist Banner. JUST A LITTLE TIME every day devoted to a Bible Correspondence Course, Means Much.

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