King's Business - 1923-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

other, emphasizing Nehem iah’s, tru s t in God.) Nehemiah told th e men n o t to fear th e enemy, b u t only fear to dis­ obey God. Let us th in k and see what some of our enemies are th a t hinder us from doing our work. H ere is one whose name is Laziness. Did you ever meet th is enemy? Another called P u t- Off, Don’t W ant To, Pear. How can we conquer these enemies? W ith the same weapons Nehemiah used in con­ quering the enemies th a t did not want th e walls rebuilt. P rayer and tru st in God. Teach Memory Verse. Closing Prayer. MEN NOT SAVED IN MASSES Some one relates th a t Ju lia Ward Howe, au tho r of th e “B attle Hymn of th e Republic,” once w rote to an em i­ nen t Senator of th e United States in be­ half of a man who was suffering great injustice. He replied, “ I am so much tak en up w ith plans for the benefit o£ th e race th a t I have no tim e for indi­ viduals.” ■ She pasted th is into her al­ bum, w ith th is comment: “When last heard from , our Maker had not reached th is altitud e.” T h at person who has no in terest in individuals, and who never tries to rescue even one lost soul, has a sp irit different from th a t of the Master, whose personal words and work made up th e bulk of his life record. “He who waits un til he can save many souls will never save one.”— The Michi­ gan Christian Advocate. ¡»Ml as as NEVER MISSED AN OPPORTUNITY If all Christians had th e sp irit of Dr. Norman McLeod th e re would be no trouble about spreading th e Gospel. “He never came to my shop,” said a blacksm ith,” “w ithout talk ing to me as if he had been a blacksm ith all his life; bu t he never went away w ith­ out leaving Christ in my h e a rt.”— Pas­ to ral and Personal Evangelism .

sad. Of course he was sad, for his home city of Jerusalem , was in dan­ ger. Nehemiah was a Jew and many of his people lived there. The walls . are broken down, and th e city gates burned w ith fire. (Read Neh., chap­ te rs 1, 2, 3 and 4.) This left th e city open to th e enemies of God’s people. Now what do you th in k Nehemiah did when he heard th is sad news about his home city? He told God all abou t how sad he felt about the condition of Je ­ rusalem . * Of course God knew it all the time, bu t he w ants us to tell Him, because He knows then we are in ter­ ested and care too. Then after pray­ ing about it, he told the king about th e sad news of Jerusalem , and then' he asked the king th a t he m ight go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the broken walls. Nehemiah had always served the king faithfully and well, and the king liked him, and granted his request, so Nehem iah’s prayer was answered. I t was a long journey (about 1000 m iles), and the king sent armed men along w ith Nehemiah, and gave him letters to th e governors of neighboring provinces. Of course it took several months to make th is long journey, bu t Nehemiah soon began work, having gotten many of th e men in Jerusalem to help him. Now it was no t easy work, and th e enemies, of God’s people did no t like to see th e walls rebu ilt, for then they could not get into the city. These enemies first tried to stop them from th eir work, by making fun of them and calling them names, and saying their, walls were no good, th a t even a fox could knock them down. Of course Nehe­ miah did not like being made fun of, b u t he knew the best way to do was to pay no atten tion to them , so they kept on w ith th e ir work. (Tell how th e enemies made it h ard for Nehe­ m iah and his men, how they worked w ith one hand and held a weapon in th e

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