King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A rig h t a ttitu d e tow ard God is the gate to Heaven. (Matt. 18:3) :“ Exe ept y e fo e co n v er te d (repent b e c o m e a s l i t t l e ch i l d r e n , y e sha enter into the kin g d o m o f h e a v There could be no one in heaven who did not believe as God believed, w ith­ out rebellion. Men must be in harmony w ith the m ind of God in all things if they are to dwell w ith H im ; they must be ‘able to see all things from God’s standpoint; they must be w illing to do His will in all things; all of which can only be brought about by being born again (John 3 :3 ). Our message must be a well-defined one to men everywhere— “Repent.” (3) THE MEANING, Luke 7:24-28. The im port of Jo h n ’s m inistry is sig­ nificant. It was designed for the day. It was to meet th e conditions confront­ ing th e Jew ish people who were looking for the Messiah. I t was to strik e hard at the sins of th e ecclesiasts who. ruled th e Jewish church, and of the people who had fallen into th e errors of false teachers. A formal religion is a false religion and fatal to th e in terests of the people. John the Baptist prepared th e way for Jesus, for His message and His sacri­ fice. Jesus prepared the way for the apostles and for Paul, the chief (2 Cor. 11:5; 12 :11 ). The history of the church is filled w ith illu stration s of God’s methods. Men are chosen w ith reference to the character of th e times. W hat kind of men do you th ink God will choose for these perilous times? PERTINENT QUESTIONS (1) How did Jesus prove th a t the

here, to signify a “ change of m ind:”!:-; To “ rep en t” is to “ change th e m ind.” The message of John is like the mes­ sage of Jesus (Mark 1 :1 5 ), ‘‘Repent ye, and believe th e Gospel.” And like th e message of th e twelve (Mark 6 :1 2 ), “And they w ent and preached th a t men should repen t.” It was th e same in tiie opening message of P eter (Acts 2 :3 8 ), “Repent and be baptised, every one of you.” Likewise Paul, (Acts 26:20) “T hat men should rep en t and re tu rn to God.” . Inasmuch as men are everywhere and always th e same, the message must everywhere and always be, “Change your m ind about God; change your a ttitu d e toward God.” Men have wrong opinions concerning God. The devil made Eve believe th a t God was jealously w ithholding from h er th e hidden wisdom which would give her equality w ith God. Eve be­ lieved th e devil’s lie and from th a t day to th is men have harbored wrong thoughts concerning God. Cain fell heir to his m other’s n atu re and con­ cluded th a t he knew b etter th an God what kind of sacrifice should be of­ fered. God’s rejection of his offering brought out what was in Cain’s heart. W rong thinking leads to wrong liv­ ing. Because men have wrong thoughts concerning God they reject His Word, they rebel against His laws, they doubt His goodness, they believe the devil’s lie concerning Him, they harden th e ir h earts and go fa rth er and farth er into sin. Some men believe God to be a veri­ table m onster; others th ink th a t He is like men,—weak, vacillating and too good to be ju st. There are men who profess to believe th a t th ere was no need for a Saviour; th a t Christ was simply a good man, a g reat teacher. They must all repent in th e ir attitu d e toward God or they will all likewise perish.

a ttitu d e of th e Jews toward John was false? (Matt. 21:23- 27). (2) In w hat respect are the believ­ ers in Jesus Christ today g reat­ er th a n John th e Baptist? (Heb. 11:39, 40). (3) Why did Jesus call them “ a

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