King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


This experience was necessary for P ete r’s development. His self-cotifi- dence must give way to Christ-confl- dence. Impulse must be controlled and guided. Hum ility becomes us all. Let us not boast. Our light is g reater th an was th a t of P eter and our responsibility is correspondingly greater. TOPICS FOR STUDY (1 ) W hat significance is there in the statem en t in v. 23? (2) Can Satan possess a man, and on what grounds has he th a t righ t? (v. 27). (3) Why did Jud as go out from the company? (Isa. 59:7; Job 24: 13-15). (4) Why should th ere be the mani­ festation of love among God’s children? (1 Cor. 12: 25-27). (5) Is every believer subject to tem ptation to deny his Lord? (1 Cor. 10 :13 ). SUGGESTIVE COMMENT Rev. A. B. W inchester, P asto r Em eritus, Knox P resbyterian Church, Toronto, Canada V. 21 “Having spoken these th ing s” i. e. th e sta rtlin g intim ation in vs. 18-20, “ I know whom I have chosen,” and th e Lord was not deceived when He chose Judas. (See vs. 10, 11 and Jno. 6 :70 ). Many a sensitive, imm ature Christian has vexed his soul over th is passage. Where th e eye is constantly upon Christ no soul will ever sink in th e dark w aters of any problem or mystery. Jesus Christ— Himself infinitely mys­ terious in the union in His Person of th e two extremes of being, the Infinite and the finite— to th em who wholly tru st Him, becomes the solvent of all o ther comprehensible- mysteries, illu­ mines th a t which is dark, and recon­ ciles th a t which is discrepant.

accomplished his own ruin, to the glory of Jesus Christ. The Tender M aster: Jesus had hon­ ored Judas. He had washed his feet; had given him a place next to H im ­ self at supper; had given him th e sop; had opened the way for him to repent. Now he u tte rs no unkind word, no re­ proof. (2 ) WARNING TO THE DISCI­ PLES, vs. 31-35. Jud as goes out into the night and glory shines in th e upper room. Now is the Son of man glorified. A burden is on His heart. He is to leave them. He remembers th e ir need. He warns them : “Love one another as I have loved you.”

He had manifested His love for His disciples by m inistering to them . Now He gives them a new stand ard of love, “As I have loved you.” They were in a new circle—-children of one F ath er. There was to be a new m anifestation of love. It was to be expressed in self sacrifice, in self-abasement. It was to be a proof to th e world of th eir mem­ bership in the fam ily of God, (v. 35). “ B y t h is sha ll a l l m e n know t ha t y e a r e m y disciples, i f ye h ave love o n e to an ­ ot h er. ” (3) WARNING TO PETER , vs. 36-38.

“Why cannot I follow thee now?” (v. 37). Impulsive, impetuous Peter! Always the spokesman. He th ink s he can follow the Lord. He has ju st had a good lesson in grace, hum ility, love. He teels good. He th ink s he is ready to die for the Lord. He makes th ree protestations of his fidelity: (1) “Thou canst not follow.” “ I will lay down my life.” (2 ) “All shall be offended.” “ I will not.” (3) “ Satan hath desired to sift thee.” “ I will go to prison and to death.” He denied Christ thrice. F irst, he evaded the question. Then, denied Him w ith an oath. Then, w ith re­ peated imprecations.

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