King's Business - 1923-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


gravy, and gave it to Jud as Iscariot. The m om en t;,Judas took th e bread, Satan entered his h eart (draw brown h eart, p rin t SATAN. P rin t Judas above.) When ¿Asks saw th a t Jud as had given him self to Satan, He said, “Hurry, and do what Satan w ants you to do.” Then Judas went Out to be­ tray Jesu s for 30 pieces of s,ilver. (Ex­ plain fully.) We w ould.not sell Jesus. But; many of us make Jesus very sad a t times. When we do a mean act, say a bad word, or be naughty in any way, we h u rt His loving heart. A fter Judas went out, Jdsus said, “The tim e has come when I, will soon be cruci­ fied. When I am arrested, you will all leave Me alone. : P ete r said, “I will die for you.” Jesus said, “Before the cock crows this morning, P eter, you will say th ree times th a t you do not know Me.” Satan is sure to catch the one'r who brags. We will h ear about P eter again. Jesus told the disciples th a t night, before leaving th e room, a new commandment. Memory verse, “A new commandment I give unto you, T hat ye love one another, as I have loved you, th a t ye also love one an ­ o th er.” John 13:34. (Draw h ea rt with h ea v y , red cross for Jesus. P rin t LOVE.) If we have really given our h earts to Jesus we will have them full of love and will never betray any one, or make Jesus sorry. The h eart is like a house of rooms. If we pu t good things into these rooms, it will please Jesus. If we pu t in bad things, we please Satan. We will draw two h earts and ren t th e room s,'and see which h eart we want. (Draw iarge heart, divide as given. P rin t Discontent, Envy, Vanity, Impurity, Lawlessness. " E x p l a i n meaning rd f each word, and give illus­ tra tio n as you p rin t the word. ' Capi­ tals brown, sm all letters pale green. When through^: Ask what th e capitals spell, a n d to 'w h om th a t h eart belongs. Draw second large heart. Divide same

way; P rin t Joyous, Earnest, Sincere, Useful, Sympathetic. Explain and give illu stration of each word as be­ fore. Use red ' for capitals, white for small letters. Ask w hat th e red let­ ters spell. Then th e final question, Which h eart do you want? Enlarge upon the need of prayer, watchfulness, and obedience, if they w ant all the rooms of th eir hearts to belong to Jesu s). The words th a t are to be condemned are f ir s t. those th a t are untrue, and then those th a t are ill-natured and self­ ish. And, last of all, th a t speech can hardly be acceptable to God th a t has nothing in it, nothing of high purpose or intention, nothing of love or good­ will, th a t is mere thoughtless and idle babble. How much speech wastes pre­ cious time! How it misses golden oppor­ tunities,! There are so many g reat and noble themes to engage th e thought and th e tongue of men, so much w ithin the power of the tongue to elevate and in­ spire, th a t it seems a degradation and waste of a noble gift of God to use it thus. A man cannot control tongue and heart, bu t thè God to whom he prays is his S trength and his Redeemer, not merely his Critic and his Judge. — Charles Brown. .S&. -Sifc. ■ * ìSè gfe MAKE the spare time count for Christ by taking a Bible Course b y Correspondence. W rite for Bible Institute of Los Angeles Course List. JUST TALK “ Le t th e w o r d s o f m y m o u th , a n me ditation o f m y h ea rt, b e a cce p ta T h y si g h t , O L o r d , m y St re n g th , a R e d e e m e r .” (Ps a. 1 9 : 1 4 .)

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