King's Business - 1923-06

648 Does it spoil the vine to have all the branches cut off? Do people grow grape vines ju st be­ cause they look nice? (No.) W hat does a person who plants a grape vine expect to get from it? If th e vine doesn’t bear grapes is it of any use? Are th e branches a p art of th e vine? Would the branches bear fru it afte r they were cut off? Is th e same life in both th e vine and th e branches? Could you make anything useful from a grapevine? (No. T ry it.) You couldn’t even make a peg out of it (Ezek. 15: 2, 3). W hat lesson does Jesus w ant to teach us by th is story of th e Vine and branches? If we believe on Him and accept H im as our Saviour, then He gives us th e same life which He has. His life flows through us, ju st as the life (or sap) of th e vine flows through the branches of the grapevine and makes it b ear fruit. When we tell other children about Him, and give a Gospel it is His life working in us, and speaking through us, because He lives in us. Have any of your little friends ever accepted Jesus Christ as th e ir Saviour because you told them about Him, or gave them a Gospel? Then you have been bearing fru it for Him. Memory Verse: “ I am th e vine, ye are th e branches; he th a t abideth in me, and I in him, th e same bringeth forth much fru it; for w ithout me, ye can do nothing” (John 15 :5 ). me ay? When Judas had gone th e disciples began to understand th a t th is was the last night w ith Jesus, and were very sad and maybe crying. Then Jesus PRIMARY K ate H. Haus

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

told them a wonderful thing. He was not going away for good, but was com­ ing ¿ack again, w;hen He had finished some work He was going to do for them . “Let not your h ea rt be troubled,” He said. He had ju st told them th a t He was going to die, and yet they must not feel sad or troubled. W hat would they do w ithout H im? The poor, sick, blind, lame would have no friend. Why should they not be troubled? Jesus knew what they were thinking, .so said, “You believe in God, believe also in Me. In My F a th e r’s house are many mansions. Enough for every body th a t lives, or has lived, or ever will live in this world. I am going to prepare them for you, and every one who loves Me. I am going to make them very beautiful. Each mansion will remain empty till the , owner comes to claim it. Then, one day, I am coming back to th is world. The cruel enemies can­ not kill Me, they can only k ill my body, and even th a t will not stay dead.” W hat splendid news. It made th e ir hearts less sad to know th a t He was going to prepare a mansion for each one, and best of all, was coming back. “ I am going to my F a th e r now, and you know th e way to H im .” Thomas said, “Lord, we do not know the way to H im .” Jesus said, “ I am the way to Him and you cannot go to Him, unless you come to Me. If you know Me then you know th e F ath e r, and have seen Him.” Philip said, “Lord, show us the F a th e r.” Jesus said, “Why, Philip, I have been w ith you all th is tim e and don’t you know th a t I and My F ath e r are one? God is My F.ather and I am one w ith God. When I speak to you

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