King's Business - 1927-04

April 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

the end of the journey. When such losses come, we are inclined to regard them as irreparable. Dr. McNeill told recently the story of a meeting of ministers in a country, district. A noble preacher of their number had died. One arose and said: “The sun of Methodism has set in these parts.” An old man in the back of the room shouted, “Glory to God, that’s a lie.” According to the funeral orations, how many irreparable losses there are, but let us not forget the words of Wesley: “The Lord takes away His workers, hut carries on their work.” As little as pos­ sible, let us speak of “irreparable losses.” Moses was a servant who could ill be spared. God took notice of his death, for “precious in His sight is the death of His saints.” But immediately He raised up Joshua to carry forward the work. God changes hands just to show that, whatever instruments He uses, He is not tied to any. We should hot miss his exhortation to Joshua after the departure of Moses. “Now, therefore, arise,” —let not mourning hinder sowing. Let not the withdrawing of use­ ful hands be the weakening of ours. The departure of men of God should make us feel that a greater degree of responsibility devolves upon us—to be up and doing. The tasks before us demand our full energy and activity. When God has work to be done, He will either find or make instruments fit to carry it on. Moses, his ser­ vant, may be dead, but Christ, the Lord, is alive. The per­ ishing of the perishable ought to teach us the abiding of that which is eternal. Dying men reveal a living God, whose purposes will be carried on to their consummation.

office—to stand by the graves and bid the dead come forth even as Jesus called for Lazarus! Has not God actually given to all Christian witnesses an even greater work? We can be instruments of carry­ ing divine life to those who are “dead in trespasses and sins.” We may challenge men with the words: “Awake, thou that sleepest, and Christ shall give thee light,” and as faith brings them into vital union with Him who brought life and immortality to light, they become the immediate possessors of eternal life, which carries with it the promise of immortality at Christ’s coming (1 Cor. 15:52, 53). Have you realized what a commission is yours ? How can any one keep in his possession such orders from Christ and remain silent to the unsaved ? F IVE valuable servants of God within a few months have gone to be with the Lord. These are Dr. David James Burrell, minister of the Marble Collegiate Church of New York; Chas. C. Cook, whose Bible writings are known throughout the world; George L. Alrich, whose helpful spiritual messages have been enjoyed in Bible Con­ ferences for many years; David Baron, the great Christian Hebrew scholar of England; Charles Spurgeon, son of the famous Spurgeon, and, like his father, a great Bible man. There are several others of the great champions of the faith, who, before many months or years must reach My Servant Is Dead Josh. 1 :2

D a i ly V a c a t io n B ib l e S c h o o l s Special Training Offered for Church Workers K ---H

This comprehensive course will begin;Monday even­ ing May 9th, and continue through the 26th. This course of three weeks will be taught two evenings a week and two sessions each evening by experienced teachers. Each •teacher, a' specialist in his or her line. Stress will be laid upon departmental work. This is the second year that the Institute has pro­ vided this splendid instruction. Last year 249 enrolled in this special course. The reports that came in from the actual work during the summer of some of those that enrolled were most gratifying. This is work that Christian young people are .enthusiastic over. It is a splendid opportunity for a young man or woman to invest some energy, love and time. The fruitage of this seedsowing of the Bible in the hearts of these boys and girls will be abundant. “If among the older people we may not be apt to teach ‘Feed my lambs,’ said Christ the Shepherd, place the food within their reach: And it may be that the children you have led with trembling hand; Will be found among your j ewels, when you’ve reached the Promised Land.”

' J ’HE demand for trained leaders and teachers in this branch of Christian instruction has over, balanced the supply. This demand has steadily increased in pro­ portion to the growth of the movement. For twenty years the Daily vacation Bible School has been blowing its horn and thousands of children have followed its clarion call. It .is not considered any longer an experi­ ment. It is a very practical necessity. With thousands upon thousands of children, playing idly in our streets during the summer months, these Schools have turned their play to profit for both the children, the parents, and the community. The Vacation School uses the leisure time of the children to inculcate vital, moral and Christian princi­ ples. The children on the other hand thoroughly enjoy the program of Bible talks, music, story telling, hand­ craft, patriotic exercise and supervised play. The demand then is so great for leaders in this work that trained men and women are at a premium. Because of this demand from the churches, the Bible Institute has arranged for a special Training Institute for teachers and leaders in Daily Vacation Bible and Church Schools in the Evening School department.

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